Evolve Resources for Maternal-Child Nursing, 6th Edition
by Emily Slone McKinney, MSN, RN, C, Sharon Smith Murray, MSN, RN, C, Susan Rowen James, PhD, RN, Jean Ashwill, MSN, RN and Kristine Nelson, RN, MN
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Student Resources on Evolve
- Case studies
- Answers to Clinical Judgment exercises and Next Generation NCLEX exam-style case studies in the text
- Additional Next Generation NCLEX® examination-style case studies for Pediatric Nursing, along with answers
- 150 NCLEX exam-style review questions
- Printable key concepts
- Audio glossary
Emily Slone McKinney, MSN, RN, C, Baylor Healthcare System, Dallas, Texas, Sharon Smith Murray, MSN, RN, C, Professor Emerita, Health Professions, Golden West College, Huntington Beach, California, Susan Rowen James, PhD, RN, Professor Emerita School of Nursing Curry College Milton, Massachusetts, Jean Ashwill, MSN, RN, Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Student Services, School of Nursing, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas and Kristine Nelson, RN, MN, Assistant Professor of Nursing
Tarrant County College
Fort Worth, Texas