cover image - Evolve Resources for Understanding Pathophysiology, 8th Edition
ISBN: 9780323938204
Copyright: 2026
Publication Date: 01-31-2025
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $34.99

Evolve Resources for Understanding Pathophysiology, 8th Edition

by Sue E. Huether, MS, PhD, Kathryn L. McCance, MS, PhD and Valentina L. Brashers, MD, FACP, FNAP


cover image - Evolve Resources for Understanding Pathophysiology, 8th Edition
ISBN: 9780323938204
Copyright: 2026
Publication Date: 01-31-2025
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $34.99


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Student Resources on Evolve
  • Animations
  • Case studies with answers (for select chapters)
  • NEW! Pathophysiology case studies for the Next-Generation NCLEX® Examination (NGN)
  • Chapter summary reviews
  • Review questions
  • Answers to Quick Check questions
  • Glossary
    UNIT 1: The Cell
    1. Cellular Biology
    2. Genes and Genetic Diseases
    3. Epigenetics and Disease
    4. Altered Cellular and Tissue Biology
    5. Fluids and Electrolytes, Acids and Bases
    UNIT 2: Mechanisms of Self-Defense
    6. Innate Immunity: Inflammation and Wound Healing
    7. Adaptive Immunity
    8. Alterations in Immunity
    9. Infection
    10. Stress and Disease
    UNIT 3: Cellular Proliferation: Cancer
    11. Cancer Biology
    12. Cancer Epidemiology
    13. Cancer in Children and Adolescents
    UNIT 4: The Neurologic System
    14. Structure and Function of the Neurologic System
    15. Pain, Temperature, Sleep, and Sensory Function
    16. Alterations in Cognitive Systems, Cerebral Hemodynamics, and Motor Function
    17. Alterations of the Brain, Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerves
    18. Alterations of Neurologic Function in Children
    UNIT 5: The Endocrine System
    19. Mechanisms of Hormonal Regulation
    20. Alterations of Hormonal Regulation
    21. Obesity, Starvation, and Anorexia of Aging
    UNIT 6: The Hematologic System
    22. Structure and Function of the Hematologic System
    23. Alterations of Hematologic Function
    24. Alterations of Hematologic Function in Children
    UNIT 7: The Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems
    25. Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems
    26. Alterations of Cardiovascular Function
    27. Alterations of Cardiovascular Function in Children
    UNIT 8: The Pulmonary System
    28. Structure and Function of the Pulmonary System
    29. Alterations of Pulmonary Function
    30. Alterations of Pulmonary Function in Children
    UNIT 9: The Renal and Urologic Systems
    31. Structure and Function of the Renal and Urologic Systems
    32. Alterations of Renal and Urinary Tract Function
    33. Alterations of Renal and Urinary Tract Function in Children
    UNIT 10: The Reproductive Systems
    34. Structure and Function of the Reproductive Systems
    35. Alterations of the Female Reproductive System
    36. Alterations of the Male Reproductive System
    UNIT 11: The Digestive System
    37. Structure and Function of the Digestive System
    38. Alterations of Digestive Function
    39. Alterations of Digestive Function in Children
    UNIT 12: The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems
    40. Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System
    41. Alterations of Musculoskeletal Function
    42. Alterations of Musculoskeletal Function in Children
    43. Structure, Function, and Disorders of the Integument
    44. Alterations of the Integument in Children
  • Sue E. Huether, MS, PhD, Professor Emerita, College of Nursing, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, Kathryn L. McCance, MS, PhD, Professor Emerita, College of Nursing, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah and Valentina L. Brashers, MD, FACP, FNAP, Professor Emerita, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia


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