
  • Scheduled Maintenance

    There is a maintenance scheduled for Thursday, February 27th from 2 AM to 6 AM CST. During this time Elsevier Assessment Builder, EAQ, HESI Compass, and HESI CAT will be unavailable. Please contact Evolve Support if you have any questions. Thank you!

  • Scheduled Maintenance for HESI NG

    HESI NG will undergo maintenance on Tuesday, February 25th from 3:00 AM CST to 6:00 AM CST. HESI remediation will be unavailable during this time, but all other product components will continue to be available. Please contact Evolve Support if you have any questions. Thank you.


  • Scheduled Maintenance

    There is a maintenance scheduled for Thursday, February 27th from 2 AM to 6 AM CST. During this time Elsevier Assessment Builder, EAQ, HESI Compass, and HESI CAT will be unavailable. Please contact Evolve Support if you have any questions. Thank you!

  • Scheduled Maintenance for HESI NG

    HESI NG will undergo maintenance on Tuesday, February 25th from 3:00 AM CST to 6:00 AM CST. HESI remediation will be unavailable during this time, but all other product components will continue to be available. Please contact Evolve Support if you have any questions. Thank you.

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