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cover image - Foundations of Nursing,6th Edition
ISBN: 9780323057325
Copyright: 2010
Publication Date: 03-01-2010
Page Count: 1392
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $85.95

Foundations of Nursing, 6th Edition

by Barbara Lauritsen Christensen, RN, MS and Elaine Oden Kockrow, RN, MS


cover image - Foundations of Nursing,6th Edition
ISBN: 9780323057325
Copyright: 2010
Publication Date: 03-01-2010
Page Count: 1392
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $85.95
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Part of the popular LPN Threads series, this comprehensive text prepares you for safe and effective nursing practice in today’s fast-paced healthcare environment. Covering maternal and neonatal, pediatric, geriatric, mental health, and community nursing, Foundations of Nursing, 6th Edition, includes all of the essential LPN/LVN content you need.

    • Companion CD includes animations and audio clips depicting physiologic processes, physical assessment video clips, an English/Spanish glossary with definitions and audio pronunciations, an anatomy coloring book, and a fluid and electrolytes tutorial.
    • The consistent, logical framework of the nursing process connects specific disorders to patient care.
    • A mathematics review chapter provides a complete review of basic arithmetic skills and practice in drug dosage calculation to ensure safe medication administration.
    • Safety Alert boxes help you implement The Joint Commission’s safety guidelines in all settings, with considerations for special populations.
    • Nursing Diagnosis boxes, screened and highlighted in the text, include nursing diagnoses for specific disorders paired with the appropriate nursing interventions.
    • More than 100 skills in a step-by-step format with full-color illustrations present clearly defined nursing actions with rationales for the skills and techniques you’ll use in practice.
    • Medication tables are meticulously detailed and provide quick access to action, dosage, precautions, and nursing considerations for commonly used drugs.
    • Nursing Care Plans, presented in a case-study format, emphasize patient goals and outcomes and end with Critical Thinking Questions to develop your clinical decision-making skills.
    • Coordinated Care boxes emphasize parameters for prioritizing tasks, as well as assigning tasks to and supervising unlicensed assistive personnel.
    • Patient Teaching boxes and Family Teaching boxes include post-hospital discharge guidelines and disease prevention instructions with a strong focus on three-way communication among the nurse, patient, and family members.
    • Life Span Considerations for Older Adults boxes provide age-specific information for the care of the aging population, which is often the primary focus of the LPN/LVN nurse.
    • Home Care Considerations boxes discuss the issues facing patients and caregivers in the home health care setting.
    • Health Promotion boxes provide key information on staying healthy and preventing disease, with tips on wellness from Healthy People 2010.
    • Cultural Considerations boxes discuss how to address the health needs of a culturally diverse patient population when planning care.
    • Enhanced focus on the NCLEX® Examination offers end-of-chapter Get Ready for the NCLEX Examination! sections with key points for self-guided study and remediation and an extensive set of review questions for thorough self-assessment. Additional review questions on Evolve provide instant feedback with correct answer and rationale for even more test-taking practice.
    • Evidence-Based Practice boxes summarize the latest research findings and highlight how they apply to LPN/LVN practice.
    • Updated, vibrant full-color design highlights key information and enhances your understanding of important concepts.
  • Unit One: Basic Nursing Concepts

    Chapter 1: The Evolution of Nursing

    Chapter 2: Legal and Ethical Aspects of Nursing

    Chapter 3: Communication

    Chapter 4: Vital Signs

    Chapter 5: Physical Assessment

    Chapter 6: Nursing Process and Critical Thinking

    Chapter 7: Documentation

    Chapter 8: Cultural and Ethnic Considerations

    Chapter 9: Life Span Development

    Chapter 10: Loss, Grief, Dying, and Death

    Unit Two: Basic Nursing Skills

    Chapter 11: Admission, Transfer, and Discharge

    Chapter 12: Medical-Surgical Asepsis and Infection Control

    Chapter 13: Surgical Wound Care

    Chapter 14: Safety

    Chapter 15: Body Mechanics and Patient Mobility

    Chapter 16: Pain Management, Comfort, Rest, and Sleep

    Chapter 17: Complementary and Alternative Therapies

    Chapter 18: Hygiene and Care of the Patient’s Environment

    Chapter 19: Specimen Collection and Diagnostic Examination

    Chapter 20: Selected Nursing Skills

    Unit Three: Basic Nursing Interventions

    Chapter 21: Basic Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy

    Chapter 22: Fluids and Electrolytes

    Chapter 23: Mathematics Review and Medication Administration

    Chapter 24: Emergency First Aid Nursing

    Unit Four: Maternal And Neonatal Nursing

    Chapter 25: Health Promotion and Pregnancy

    Chapter 26: Labor and Delivery

    Chapter 27: Care of the Mother and Newborn

    Chapter 28: Care of the High-Risk Mother, Newborn, and Family with Special Needs

    Unit Five: Pediatric Nursing

    Chapter 29: Health Promotion for the Infant, Child, and Adolescent

    Chapter 30: Basic Pediatric Nursing Care

    Chapter 31: Care of the Child with a Physical Disorder

    Chapter 32: Care of the Child with a Mental or Cognitive Disorder

    Unit Six: Gerontologic Nursing

    Chapter 33: Health Promotion and Care of the Older Adult

    Unit Seven: Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing

    Chapter 34: Basic Concepts of Mental Health

    Chapter 35: Care of the Patient with a Psychiatric Disorder

    Chapter 36: Care of the Patient with an Addictive Personality

    Unit Eight: Community Health Nursing

    Chapter 37: Home Health Nursing

    Chapter 38: Long-Term Care

    Chapter 39: Rehabilitation Nursing

    Chapter 40: Hospice Care

    Unit Nine: From Graduate to Professional

    Chapter 41: Professional Roles and Leadership

  • Barbara Lauritsen Christensen, RN, MS, Formerly, Nurse Educator, Mid-Plains Community College, North Platte, NE and Elaine Oden Kockrow, RN, MS, Formerly, Nurse Educator, Mid-Plains Community College, North Platte, NE
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