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cover image - Current Issues In Nursing,8th Edition
ISBN: 9780323065719
Copyright: 2011
Publication Date: 02-08-2010
Page Count: 832
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $79.95

Current Issues In Nursing, 8th Edition

by Perle Slavik Cowen, PhD, RN and Sue Moorhead, RN, PhD, FAAN


cover image - Current Issues In Nursing,8th Edition
ISBN: 9780323065719
Copyright: 2011
Publication Date: 02-08-2010
Page Count: 832
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $79.95
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Current Issues in Nursing provides a forum for knowledgeable debate on the important issues that nurses face today. This resource provides the opportunity to analyze conflicting viewpoints and develop your own thoughts on demands being made for the nursing profession and the difficult issues affecting today's health care delivery. Continually praised for its in-depth discussion of critical issues, solid organization of material, and encouragement of independent thinking, you’ll find this text a valuable resource in the modern world of nursing.

    • Offers comprehensive and timely coverage of the issues affecting nursing education and practice.

    • UNIQUE! Over 100 well-known contributors offer their expert insights and analysis.
    • UNIQUE! Viewpoint chapters present controversial issues to showcase pressing issues facing nursing today.
    • New content covering the following topics:
      • The Challenges of Nursing on an International Level
      • Health Care Systems and Practice
      • Ethics, Legal, and Social Issues
      • The Changing Practice
      • Professional Challenges, Collaboration, & Conflict
      • Violence Prevention and Care: Nursing’s Role
      • Definitions of Nursing
      • Changing Education
  • Section 1 Defining Nursing from a Variety of Roles

    The Richness of Nursing

    1 What is Nursing, Why Do We Ask, and How Will Nursing be Better Understood?

    2 Staff Nurses Working in Hospitals: Who Are They, What Do They Do, and What Are Their Challenges?

    3 Clinical Nurse Specialists: Education and Practice Issues

    4 Nurse Practitioners: Taking Their Place in the Health Care Arena

    5 Nurse Executives: Critical Thinking for Rapid Change

    6 The Nurse as Chief Executive Officer (NEW)

    7 Nurse Educators: Issues That Affect the Profession

    8 Nurse Researchers: Who Are They, What Do They Do, and What Are Their Challenges?

    Section 2 Nursing Education in Transition

    Nursing Education in Transition

    9 Creating the Future of Nursing Education: Challenges and Opportunities

    10 Educational Challenges: Quality in Pre-Licensure Nursing Education

    11 Graduate Nursing Education: A Critical Examination from a Global Perspective

    12 International Collaborative Institutional Approaches to Nursing Education (NEW)

    13 Using Academic-Service Collaborative Partnerships to Expand Professional Nursing Programs

    14 Creating the Nursing Theory-Research-Practice Nexus

    15 E-Learning

    Section 3 Changing Practice

    A Nurse Is Not a Nurse Is Not a Nurse

    16 Moving the Care from Hospital to Home

    17 Adult Health Nursing Practice: Current Changes & Issues

    18 Alternative and Complementary Therapies: Recent Changes and Current Issues

    19 Ambulatory Care Nursing: Challenges for the Twenty-First Century

    20 Gerontological Nursing: Recent Changes and Current Issues

    21 Hospice and Palliative Care: One Solution for Improving U.S. Health Care?

    22 Pediatric Nursing: Recent Changes and Current Issues

    23 Perinatal Nursing: Recent Changes and Current Issues

    24 Perioperative Nursing: Recent Changes and Current Issues

    25 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: Recent Changes and Current Issues

    26 Forensic Nursing: Recent Changes and Current Issues

    27 Occupational Health Nursing: Recent Changes and Current Issues (NEW)

    28 Genetics, Genomics and Current Issues for Professional Nursing (NEW)

    Section 4 Information Technology Challenges (NEW)

    The Impact of Technology on Health Care (NEW)

    29 Nursing: A Profession Evolving with the Use of Informatics and Technology (NEW)

    30 Standardized Terminologies and Integrated Information Systems: Building Blocks for Transforming Data into Nursing Knowledge

    31 Nursing Informatics: Partnerships at the Crossroads of Practice and Research (NEW)

    32 Sustaining a Focus Group Devoted to Standardized Language Development (NEW)

    33 Why Health Information Technology Standards and Harmonization are Important (NEW)

    34 Personal Health Records as a Tool for Improving the Delivery of Health Care (NEW)

    35 Global Challenges of Electronic Records for Nursing (NEW)

    Section 5 Health Care Systems and Practice

    The Impact of Evolving Health Care Systems on Nursing

    36 From a Medical Care System for a Few to a Comprehensive Health Care System for All

    37 The Challenge: Participate in the Era of Politics – Choose an Ideology and Lead

    38 Defining Health Disparities from Three Viewpoints: Reducing Inequality in Health Care (NEW)

    39 Magnet Designation: Creating New Synergies

    40 The Research Imperative for the Nurse Executive (NEW)

    41 Laying the Foundation for Evidence-Based Practice for Nurse Residents

    42 Determining Staffing Needs Based on Patient Outcomes versus Nursing Interventions (NEW)

    43 Impact of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

    44 Trends in Long-Term Care (NEW)

    Section 6 Health Care Organization and Finance

    Identifying and Controlling Health Care Costs

    45 Controlling Health Care Costs: Balancing Public and Private Solutions

    46 Business Coalitions: Shaping Health Reform Through Technology and Science

    47 Mergers and Acquisitions

    48 The Cost of Home Health Care: Changes and Challenges

    49 Drugs Are Too Cheap

    Section 7 Professional Challenges, Collaboration, & Conflict

    Challenges, Collaboration, and Conflict

    50 Collaboration between Nurses and Physicians: The Need for a Broader View

    51 Health Professions Education in Community-Based Settings: A Collaborative Journey

    52 Overcoming Polarity in Nursing (NEW)

    53 Expanding into the Twenty-First Century: Men in Nursing

    54 Nursing Employment Issues: Increasing Unionization in Nursing

    55 Managing Generational Issues in Nursing: Preserving the Future of the Profession (NEW)

    Section 8 Cultural Inclusiveness

    Diversity in Nursing: A Challenge for the United States

    56 Should Nursing Be More Diversified?

    57 Minority Representation in Nursing: Diversity, Cultural Competency and Racism—

    The Challenge Persists

    58 Bridging Cultures: Blacks and Nursing

    59 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and Nursing: Narrowing the Health Disparities Gap

    60 Bridging Cultures: Hispanics/Latinos and Nursing

    61 Bridging Cultures: American Indians and Nursing

    Section 9 Ethics, Legal, and Social Issues

    Ethical, Legal, and Social Concerns in a Changing Health Care World

    62 Ethics of Health Care Reform: Should Health Care be Rationed?

    63 The Nurse as Patient Advocate: Is There a Conflict of Interest?

    64 Ethical Nursing Practice: It’s All About Relationship

    65 Harassment and Discrimination Issues in Nursing

    66 Health Care for the Poor and Underserved

    67 Legal, ethical, and moral considerations in caring for individuals with diminished capacity

    68 Nurses’ Role in Patients’ Advance Directives: Facilitation or Reduction of Patient Autonomy?

    69 Environmental Disasters: Nurse Preparedness for Radiation & Chemical Events (NEW)

    70 Disaster Nursing and the American Red Cross (NEW)

    71 The Greening of Health Care (NEW)

    Section 10 Violence Prevention and Care: Nursing’s Role

    Violence: The Expanding Role of Nursing in Prevention and Care

    72 Child Maltreatment: Nursing Considerations

  • Perle Slavik Cowen, PhD, RN, Associate Professor, College of Nursing, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA and Sue Moorhead, RN, PhD, FAAN, Professor Emerita, The University of Iowa, College of Nursing, Iowa City, Iowa
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