Manual of High Risk Pregnancy and Delivery, 5th Edition

Now $65.05
The only book of its kind, Manual of High Risk Pregnancy & Delivery provides a complete resource for care of this special patient and her complex needs. It helps you provide positive outcomes with coverage of today's newest technology, physiologic considerations, psychologic implications, health disorders, and other complications in pregnancy. Written by noted educator and practitioner Elizabeth Stepp Gilbert, RNC, MS, FNP-BC, CNS, this book also describes how to screen for risk factors, provide preventive management, and intervene appropriately when problems arise. It's a concise, hands-on reference for both inpatient and outpatient settings!
- A consistent format makes this book a practical, hands-on reference in the clinical setting, presenting problems with the following headings: incidence, etiology, physiology, pathophysiology, and medical management.
- Comprehensive coverage includes physiologic considerations, fetal assessment, perinatal screening, ethical and legal issues, health disorders during pregnancy, complications, and labor and delivery issues.
- Up-to-date content includes integrative therapy, domestic violence, multiple gestation, genetics, nutrition, culture, risk management, and all the latest screening tools.
- A section on ethical and legal considerations covers ethical decision making, legal issues, and risk management.
- Updated evidence-based content includes the latest AHWONN standards of practice.
- Patient safety and risk management strategies include updated approaches to improving outcomes, reducing complications, and increasing patient safety during high risk pregnancy and delivery.
- New Venous Thromboembolic Disease chapter provides current information on this increasingly common condition.
- Information on the latest assessment and monitoring devices keeps you current with today's technology.
- Standardized terminology and definitions from the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (NICHD) lead to accurate and precise communication.
Unit I: Physiologic Considerations, Assessments, and Integrative Therapies
1. Physiologic and Nutritional Adaptations to Pregnancy
2. General Nursing Assessment of the High Risk Expectant Family
3. Assessment of Fetal Well-Being
4. Perinatal Screening, Diagnoses, and Fetal Therapies
5. Integrative Therapies in Pregnancy and Childbirth
Unit II: Psychologic Implications of a High Risk Pregnancy
6. Psychologic Adaptations
7. Perinatal Death and Bereavement Care
Unit III: Ethical Dilemmas and Legal Considerations in Perinatal Nursing
8. Ethical Decision Making
9. Legal Issues and Risk Management
Unit IV: Health Disorders Complicating Pregnancy
10. Diabetes
11. Cardiac Disease
12. Renal Disease
13. Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases
14. Venous Thromboembolic Disease
15. Pulmonary Disease and Respiratory Distress
Unit V: Complications in Pregnancy
16. Spontaneous Abortion
17. Ectopic Pregnancy
18. Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
19. Lacental Abnormalities
20. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
21. Hemolytic Incompatibility
22. Hypertensive Disorders
23. Preterm Labor and Multiple Gestation
24. Premature Rupture of Membranes
25. Trauma
Unit VI: Teratogens and Social Issues Complicating Pregnancy
26. Sexually and Nonsexually Transmitted Genitourinary Infections
27. Substance Abuse
Unit VII: Alterations in the Mechanism of Labor
28. Labor Stimulation
29. Dysfunctional Labor
30. Prolonged Pregnancy