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cover image - Clinical Review of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780323171267
Copyright: 2014
Publication Date: 11-19-2013
Page Count: 576
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $135.99

Clinical Review of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2nd Edition

by Shahrokh C. Bagheri, BS, DMD, MD, FACS, FICD


cover image - Clinical Review of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780323171267
Copyright: 2014
Publication Date: 11-19-2013
Page Count: 576
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $135.99
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Organized around real patient scenarios, Clinical Review of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: A Case-based Approach, 2nd Edition, covers all the material you need to know for the board, in-service, and certification exams, while also preparing you to handle common patient situations in professional practice. Over 100 teaching cases are brought to life with an overview of the most common clinical presentations, physical examination findings, diagnostic tools, complications, treatments, and discussions of possible issues. This text covers the full scope of modern oral and maxillofacial surgery, while helping you focus on the conditions and disorders which are the most common, or have significant implications for modern clinical practice.

"I found this book expressly informative...I would most definitely recommend this book" Reviewed by British Dental Journal, Dec 2014

Newer Edition Available

3rd Edition

Clinical Review of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

ISBN: 9780443110306
    • Case-based approach incorporates teaching around real patient scenarios to actively engage and raise your interest and retention of the information.
    • 103 cases, many of which are new, represent the full scope of modern oral and maxillofacial surgery practice to encompass the most common and significant implications for modern clinical practice, including content emphasized on OMS boards and training exams.
    • Detailed illustrations including one or more radiographs, full-color clinical photographs, or drawings for the majority of cases provide a visual guide to conditions, techniques, diagnoses, and key concepts that will further enhance your understanding and retention of all content.
    • Content that’s perfect for all levels of study or practice covers both concepts and techniques that residents and pre-doctoral students can apply in the clinical setting, and the preparation tools necessary for oral and maxillofacial surgery boards and training/certification examinations.
    • NEW! Full-color illustrations and photos give you a better pictures of common surgical techniques and pathology.
    • NEW! Chapter 6: Dental Implant Surgery discusses the contemporary issues related to dental implants — specifically the routine placement of maxillary and mandibular implants, sinus augmentation, zygoma implants, treatment of edentulism, guided implant surgery, extraction socket preservation, and implantology for the esthetic zone.
    • NEW! Section on cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) highlights the role of imaging from diagnosis to image guidance for many surgical procedures.
    • NEW! Section on the advantages of computer assisted surgery highlights virtual surgical planning for a patient who presents for combined surgical and orthodontic correction of his facial asymmetry and apertognathia.
    • NEW! Section on trigeminal neuralgia (TN) walks you through the diagnosis and possible treatments for a patient suffering from trigeminal neuralgia, the signs and symptoms that uniquely define the disorder, and the clinician’s ability to recognize the specific diagnostic pattern.
    • NEW! Section on neck dissection, an important aspect of head and neck cancer treatment, provides a case that involves a patient in which right selective neck dissection (I-III) was conducted on the right neck and a selective left neck dissection (I-V) was completed on the left side.
    • NEW! Section on dentoalveolar trauma presents a new case that takes you through diagnosing and treating a patient who presents with anterior maxillary alveolar segment fractures involving teeth #7-9, with lateral luxation and Ellis class III fracture tooth of #9, and an intraoral laceration of the upper lip.
    • NEW! Section on nasal septoplasty addresses a patient with a severely deviated nasal septum to the left, involving the quadrangular cartilage and the bony septum and how septoplasty can make a dramatic change in the patient's quality of life, by facilitating nasal airflow, allowing for better spontaneous drainage of the paranasal sinuses, possibly reducing mouth breathing, and reducing or eliminating the symptoms of snoring, and perhaps lessening the severity of the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
  • 1. Oral and Maxillofacial RadiologyMultilocular Radiolucent Lesion in the Pericoronal Region (Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor) (Odontogenic Keratocyst)Unilocular Radiolucent Lesion of the MandibleMultilocular Radiolucent Lesion in the Periapical Region (Ameloblastoma)Unilocular Radiolucent Lesion in a Periapical Region (Periapical Cyst)Mixed Radiolucent-Radiopaque Lesion (Ossifying Fibroma)Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)

    2. PharmacologyPenicillin Allergy/AnaphylaxisAntibiotic-Associated ColitisDrug-Seeking BehaviorAcute Acetaminophen ToxicityOpioid Side EffectsDrug Induced Bisphosphanate Osteonecrosis Non-Drug Induced Bisphosphanate Osteonecrosis

    3. AnesthesiaLaryngospasmPerioperative Considerations Of The Pregnant PatientRespiratory Depression Secondary To OversedationInadequate Local AnesthesiaTrigeminal NeuralgiaMalignant HyperthermiaEmergent Surgical Airway

    4. Oral and Maxillofacial InfectionsLudwig’s AnginaBuccal and Vestibular Space AbscessLateral Pharyngeal and Masticator Space InfectionOsteomyelitis

    5. Dentoalveolar SurgeryThird Molar OdontectomyAlveolar Osteitis (Dry Socket)Surgical Exposure of an Impacted Maxillary CanineLingual Nerve InjuryDisplaced Root Fragments during Dentoalveolar Surgery

    6. Dental Implant SurgeryPosterior Mandibular Implant Supported Fixed Partial DenturePosterior Maxillary Implant Supported Fixed Prostheses Sinus Grafting For ImplantsZygomatic ImplantsContemporary Treatment Options for EdentulismComputer Assisted Implant SurgeryExtraction Socket Preservation for Implant PlacementImplants for the Esthetic Zone

    7. Head and Neck PathologyPleomorphic AdenomaMucocele And FibromaAcute Herpetic GingivostomatitisAphthous UlcersSialolithiasisAcute Suppurative ParotitisDifferential Diagnosis of a Neck MassOral LeukoplakiaOsteoradionecrosis

    8. Oral and Maxillofacial TraumaDentoalveolar TraumaMandible Fracture (subcondylar)Mandible Fracture (parashymphysis and angle)Zygomatic Maxillary Complex (ZMC) FractureZygomatic Arch FractureNasal FractureFrontal Sinus FractureNaso-Orbital-Ethmoid (NOE) FractureLe Fort I FractureLe Fort II and III FracturesOrbital Trauma: Fracture of the orbital floorPanfacial Fracture

    9. Orthognathic SurgeryMandibular Orthognathic SurgeryMaxillary Orthognathic SurgeryMaxillo-Mandibular SurgeryDistraction OsteogenesisInferior Alveolar Nerve InjuryComputer Assisted Orthognathic Surgery

    10. Temporomandibular Joint DisordersMyofascial Pain DysfunctionInternal Derangement of the Temporomandibular JointArthrocentesis and ArthroscopyDegenerative Joint Disease of the Temporomandibular JointTMJ Ankylosis

    11. Oral CancerSquamous Cell CarcinomaVerrucous CarcinomaMalignant Salivary Gland TumorsNeck Dissections

    12. Reconstructive Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryPosterior Mandibular Augmentation for ImplantsRadial Forearm Free FlapPectoralis Major FlapFibular Free Flap for Mandibular ReconstructionIliac Crest Bone Graft: Mandibular Reconstruction

    13. Facial Cosmetic SurgeryBotox and FillersLip AugmentationRhinoplastySeptoplastyCervicofacial RhytidectomyUpper/Lower Eyelid BlepharoplastyGenioplastyEndoscopic Browlift

    14. Syndromes of the Head and Neck Cleft Lip and PalateSyndromic Craniofacial SynostosisNonsyndromic Craniofacial SynostosisHemifacial Microsomia Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

    15. Medical ConditionsCongestive Heart FailureAcquired Immunodeficiency SyndromeChronic Kidney DiseaseLiver DiseaseVon Willebrand DiseaseOral Anticoagulation Therapy in Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAlcohol Withdrawal Syndrome and Delirium TremensAcute Asthmatic AttackDiabetes MellitusDiabetic KetoacidosisAcute Myocardial InfarctionHypertension

  • Shahrokh C. Bagheri, BS, DMD, MD, FACS, FICD, Private Practice, Georgia Oral and Facial Reconstructive Surgery, All On Smile, and Eastern Surgical Associates and Consultants; Director of Fellowship in advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Attending Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and immediate past Chief of Division, Northside Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
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