cover image - Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 8th Edition
ISBN: 9780323187664
Copyright: 2016
Publication Date: 09-26-2014
Page Count: 496
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $79.99

Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 8th Edition

by Marilyn Winterton Edmunds, PhD, ANP/GNP

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 8th Edition
ISBN: 9780323187664
Copyright: 2016
Publication Date: 09-26-2014
Page Count: 496
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $79.99
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Emphasizing safe and effective drug administration, Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology, 8th Edition helps you understand the principles of pharmacology and avoid making medication errors. It promotes safety by showing how drugs and drug classes work, rather than asking you to simply memorize information about individual drugs, so you can understand why drugs are given, as well as when they should and should not be given. Safety is also prioritized with an interactive review of math and drug dosage calculation on the Evolve companion website. Written by Dr. Marilyn Edmunds, a nationally known journal editor and nurse practitioner, Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology highlights ‘must-know’ drugs — the ones seen most often in clinical practice.

    • A focus on understanding drug classes rather than memorizing individual drugs helps you understand the actions and uses of drug classes and provides a framework for safe, effective practice as new drugs are introduced and as existing drugs are withdrawn from the market.
    • Coverage of math review and medication administration includes three chapters on math review and drug dosage calculation, to promote safe drug administration.
    • Unique! 30 must-know drugs -- those most commonly prescribed -- are highlighted with icons and listed inside the cover for quick reference.
    • Readability and clarity is attained through the use of a simplified vocabulary and shorter sentencesmake the content easier than ever to learn.
    • Vivid, full-color design includes 200 drawings and photographs.
    • Do Not Confuse drug list is is located on the inside cover for quick reference, helping you avoid drug errors with common look-alike or sound-alike drug names.
    • Consistent chapter format covers each drug class with Action, Uses, Adverse Reactions, Drug and Food Interactions, and Nursing Implications and Patient Teaching sections.
    • Application of the nursing process to each drug class includes Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation, and Patient and Family Teaching.

    • Key content is highlighted, as in all of Elsevier's LPN Threads textbooks, with features such as Clinical Goldmines, Clinical Pitfalls, Memory Joggers, Lifespan Considerations, and Complementary and Alternative Therapies boxes.
    • Case studies in all drug chapters offer practice in applying information to realistic clinical situations and help you prepare for the NCLEX-PN Examination.
    • Drug Calculation Review questions reinforce your drug calculation and math skills in the context of clinical practice.
    • Critical thinking questions at the end of each chapter promote higher-level thinking skills while reinforcing key concepts.

    • Canadian drug icons identify trade-name drugs available only in Canada.

    • Glossary includes all of the book's key terms plus additional terminology that will be helpful in clinical practice, with audio pronunciations on the Evolve companion website.
    • NEW! Review of math and drug dosage calculation on the Evolve companion website provides hands-on practice with essential pharmacology.
  • Unit One: General Principles of Pharmacology
    1. Pharmacology and the Nursing Process in LPN Practice
    2. Patient Teaching and Health Literacy
    3. Legal Aspects Affecting the Administration of Medications
    4. Foundations and Principles of Pharmacology
    5. Lifespan and Cultural Modifications
    6. Self-Care: Over-the-Counter Products, Herbal Therapies, and Drugs for Health Promotion
    Unit Two: Principles of Medication Administration
    7. Preparing and Administering Medications
    Unit Three: Drug Groups
    8. Allergy and Respiratory Medications
    9. Antiinfective Medications
    10. Antivirals, Antiretrovirals, and Antifungal Medications
    11. Antineoplastic Medications
    12. Cardiovascular and Renal Medications
    13. Central and Peripheral Nervous System Medications
    14. Medications for Pain Management
    15. Antiinflammatory, Musculoskeletal, and Antiarthritis Medications
    16. Gastrointestinal Medications
    17. Hematologic Products
    18. Hormones and Steroids
    19. Immunologic Medications
    20. Topical Medications
    21. Vitamins and Minerals
  • Marilyn Winterton Edmunds, PhD, ANP/GNP, Adjunct Faculty, School of Nursing, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland; Editor, JNP: The Journal for Nurse Practitioners.
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