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cover image - Nursing Interventions & Clinical Skills - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,6th Edition
ISBN: 9780323241205
Copyright: 2016
Publication Date: 01-23-2015
Page Count: 888
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $102.00

Nursing Interventions & Clinical Skills - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 6th Edition

by Anne G. Perry, RN, MSN, EdD, FAAN, Patricia A. Potter, RN, PhD, FAAN and Wendy R. Ostendorf, RN, MS, EdD, CNE

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Nursing Interventions & Clinical Skills - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,6th Edition
ISBN: 9780323241205
Copyright: 2016
Publication Date: 01-23-2015
Page Count: 888
Imprint: Mosby
List Price: $102.00
Was $102.00

Now $96.90

Or $0.00 with a valid access code

Master nursing skills with this guide from the respected Perry, Potter & Ostendorf author team! The concise coverage in Nursing Interventions & Clinical Skills, 6th Edition makes it easy to master the clinical skills required in everyday nursing practice. Clear guidelines address 159 basic, intermediate, and advanced skills — from measuring body temperature to insertion of a peripheral intravenous device — and step-by-step instructions emphasize the use of evidence-based concepts to improve patient safety and outcomes. Its friendly, easy-to-read writing style includes a streamlined format and an Evolve companion website with review questions and handy checklists for each skill.

Newer Edition Available

7th Edition

Nursing Interventions & Clinical Skills Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
ISBN: 9780323571043
    • Coverage of 159 skills and interventions addresses basic, intermediate, and advanced skills you'll use every day in practice.
    • UNIQUE! Using Evidence in Nursing Practice chapter provides the information needed to use evidence-based practice to solve clinical problems.
    • Safe Patient Care Alerts highlight unusual risks in performing skills, so you can plan ahead at each step of nursing care.
    • Delegation & Collaboration guidelines help you make decisions in whether to delegate a skill to unlicensed assistive personnel, and indicates what key information must be shared.
    • Special Considerations indicate additional risks or accommodations you may face when caring for pediatric or geriatric patients, and patients in home care settings.
    • Documentation guidelines include samples of nurses’ notes showing what should be reported and recorded after performing skills.
    • A consistent format for nursing skills makes it easier to perform skills, always including Assessment, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation.
    • A Glove icon identifies procedures in which clean gloves should be worn or gloves should be changed in order to minimize the risk of infection.
    • Media resources include skills performance checklists on the Evolve companion website and related lessons, videos, and interactive exercises on Nursing Skills Online.
    • NEW coverage of evidence-based techniques to improve patient safety and outcomes includes the concept of care bundles, structured practices that have been proven to improve the quality of care, and teach-back, a new step that shows how you can evaluate your success in patient teaching.
    • NEW! Coverage of HCAHPS (Hospital Care Quality Information from the Consumer Perspective) introduces a concept now widely used to evaluate hospitals across the country. 
    • NEW! Teach-Back step shows how to evaluate the success of patient teaching, so you can be sure that the patient has mastered a task or consider trying additional teaching methods. 
    • NEW! Updated 2012 Infusion Nurses Society standards are incorporated for administering IVs, as well as other changes in evidence-based practice.
    • NEW topics include communication with cognitively impaired patients, discharge planning and transitional care, and compassion fatigue for professional and family caregivers.
  • Unit I: Quality and Safety in Nursing Practice Chapter 1: Using Evidence in Nursing Practice • Steps of Evidence-Based Practice • Evidence in Nursing Skills Chapter 2: Communication & Collaboration • Skill 2.1 Establishing the Nurse-Patient Relationship and Interviewing • Skill 2.2 Communicating with Patients Who Have Difficulty Coping • Skill 2.3 Communications with Cognitively Impaired Patients • Procedural Guideline 2.1 Hand-Off Communications • Procedural Guideline 2.2 S-BAR Communication • Skill 2.4 Discharge Planning and Transitional Care  NEW! Chapter 3: Documentation and Informatics • Procedure Guideline 3.1 Documenting Nurses’ Progress Notes • Procedural Guideline 3.2 Using an Electronic Medical Record • Procedural Guideline 3.3 Documenting an Incident Occurrence Chapter 4: Patient Safety & Quality Improvement • Skill 4.1 Fall Prevention in a Health Care Setting • Skill 4.2 Designing a Restraint Free Environment • Skill 4.3 Applying Physical Restraints • Skill 4.4 Seizure Precautions • Skill 4.5 Fire, Electrical, and Radiation Safety Chapter 5: Infection Control • Skill 5.1 Hand Hygiene • Skill 5.2 Applying Personal Protective Equipment • Skill 5.3 Caring for Patients under Isolation Precautions • Skill 5.4 Preparing a Sterile Field • Skill 5.6 Applying Sterile Gloves Unit II: Patient Assessment Skills Chapter 6: Vital Signs • Skill 6.1 Measuring Body Temperature • Skill 6.2 Assessing Pulse: Apical • Skill 6.3 Assessing Pulse: Radial • Procedural Guideline 6.1 Assessing Pulse: Apical Radial • Skill 6.4 Assessing Respirations • Skill 6.5 Assessing Blood Pressure • Procedural Guideline 6.2 Assessing Blood Pressure Electronically Chapter 7: Health Assessment • Skill 7.1 General Survey • Procedural Guideline 7.1 Monitoring Intake and Output • Skill 7.2 Assessing the Head and Neck • Skill 7.3 Assessing the Thorax and Lungs • Skill 7.4 Cardiovascular Assessment • Skill 7.5 Assessing the Abdomen • Skill 7.6 Assessing the Genitalia and Rectum • Skill 7.7 Musculoskeletal and Neurological Assessment Chapter 8: Specimen Collection • Skill 8.1 Urine Specimen Collection • Procedural Guideline 8.1 Collecting a Timed Urine Specimen • Procedural Guideline 8.2 Urine Testing • Skill 8.2 Testing for Gastrointestinal Alterations — Gastroccult Test, Stool Specimen, and Hemoccult Test • Skill 8.3 Collecting Specimens from the Nose and Throat • Skill 8.4 Collecting a Sputum Specimens • Skill 8.5 Obtaining Wound Drainage Specimens • Skill 8.6 Blood Glucose Monitoring • Skill 8.7 Performing Venipuncture  Chapter 9: Diagnostic Procedures • Skill 9.1 Contrast Media Studies: Ateriogram (Angiogram), Cardiac Catheterization, Intravenous Pyelogram • Skill 9.2 Care of Patients Undergoing Aspirations — Bone Marrow, Lumbar Puncture, Paracentesis, and Thoracentesis • Skill 9.3 Care of Patients Undergoing Bronchoscopy • Skill 9.4 Care of Patients Undergoing Gastrointestinal Endoscopy • Skill 9.5 Obtaining an Electrocardiogram Unit 3: Basic Human Needs Chapter 10: Bathing and Personal Hygiene • Skill 10.1 Complete Bathing • Procedural Guideline 10.1 Perineal Care • Procedural Guideline 10.3 Oral Care • Procedural Guideline 10.4 Care of Dentures • Procedural Guideline 10.5 Hair Care – Combing, Shampooing, Shaving • Procedural Guideline 10.6 Nail & Foot Care • Procedural Guideline 10.6 Bed Making – Occupied • Procedural Guideline 10.7 Bed Making – Unoccupied and Surgical Bed Chapter 11: Care of the Eye and Ear • Skill 11.1 Eye Irrigation • Procedural Guideline 11.1 Eye Care for the Comatose Patient • Skill 11.2 Ear Irrigation • Skill 11. 3 Caring for a Hearing Aid Chapter 12: Promoting Nutrition • Skill 12.1 Feeding Dependent Patients • Skill 12.2 Aspiration Precautions • Skill 12.3 Insertion and Removal of a Small-Bore Feeding Tube • Skill 12.4 Verifying Placement & Irrigating a Feeding Tube • Skill 12.5 Administering Tube Feedings for Nasogastric, Gastrostomy, and Jejunostomy Tubes • Procedural Guideline 12.1 Site Care of Enteral Feeding Tubes Chapter 13: Pain Management • Skill 13.1 Nonpharmacological Pain Management • Procedural Guideline 13.1 Relaxation and Guided Imagery • Skill 13.2 Pharmacologic Pain Management • Skill 13.3 Patient-Controlled Analgesia • Skill 13.4 Epidural Analgesia • Skill 13.5 Local Anesthetics Infusion Pump for Analgesia • Skill 13-6 Moist and Dry Heat • Skill 13-7 Cold Application Chapter 14: Promoting Oxygenation • Skill 14.1 Oxygen Administration • Skill 14.2 Airway Management: Noninvasive Interventions • Procedural Guideline 14.1 Use of a Peak Flow-Meter • Skill 14.3 Chest Physiotherapy • Skill 14.4 Airway Management: Suctioning • Skill 14.5 Airway Management: Endotracheal Tube and Tracheostomy Care • Skill 14.6 Managing Closed Chest Drainage Systems Unit 4: Activity and Mobility Chapter 15: Safe Patient Handling • Skill 15.1 Transfer Techniques • Skill 15.2 Moving & Positioning Patients in Bed • Procedural Guideline 15.1 Wheelchair Transfer Techniques Chapter 16: Exercise & Mobility • Procedural Guideline 16.1 Range of Motion • Procedural Guideline 16.2 Applying Elastic Stockings and Sequential Compression Device • Skill 16.1 Assisting with Ambulation • Skill 16.2 Teaching Use of Canes, Crutches, Walkers Chapter 17: Traction, Cast Care, and Immobilization Devices • Skill 17.1 Assisting with Cast Application and Removal • Skill 17-2 Care of the  Patient in Skin Traction • Skill 17.3 Care of the Patient in Skeletal Traction and Pin Site Care • Skill 17.3 Care of the Patient with an Immobilization Device Unit 5:  Promoting Elimination Chapter 18: Urinary Elimination • Procedural Guideline 18.1 Assisting with Use of a Urinal • Skill 18.1 Applying a Condom Catheter • Procedural Guideline 18.2 Bladder Scan • Skill 18.2 Insertion of a Straight or Indwelling Catheter • Skill 18.3 Removal of Indwelling Catheter • Procedural Guideline 18.3 Care of Indwelling Catheter • Skill 18.4 Suprapubic Catheterization • Skill 18.5 Performing Catheter Irrigation Chapter 19: Bowel Elimination • Procedural Guideline 19.1 Providing a Bedpan • Skill 19.1 Removing Fecal Impaction • Skill 19.2 Administering an Enema • Skill 19.3 Insertion, Maintenance, and Removal of a Nasogastric Tube for Decompression Chapter 20: Ostomy Care • Skill 20.1 Pouching a Bowel Diversion • Skill 20.2 Pouching an Incontinent Urostomy • Skill 20.3 Catheterizing a Urinary Diversion  NEW! Unit 6: Medication Administration Chapter 21: Preparation for Safe Medication

  • Anne G. Perry, RN, MSN, EdD, FAAN, Professor Emerita,School of Nursing,Southern Illinois University,Edwardsville, Illinois, Patricia A. Potter, RN, PhD, FAAN, Formerly,Director of Research,Patient Care Services,Barnes-Jewish Hospital,St. Louis, Missouri and Wendy R. Ostendorf, RN, MS, EdD, CNE, Contributing Faculty, Masters of Science in Nursing, Walden University, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Was $102.00

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