Oral, Head and Neck Oncology and Reconstructive Surgery, 1st Edition
Now $325.59
Oral, Head and Neck Oncology and Reconstructive Surgery is the first multidisciplinary text to provide readers with a system for managing adult head and neck cancers based upon stage. Using an evidence-based approach to the management and treatment of a wide variety of clinical conditions, the extensive experience of the author and contributors in head and neck surgery and oncology are highlighted throughout the text. This includes computer aided surgical simulation, intraoperative navigation, robotic surgery, endoscopic surgery, microvascular reconstructive surgery, molecular science, and tumor immunology. In addition, high quality photos and illustrations are included, which are easily accessible on mobile devices.
- Management protocols and outcomes assessment provide clear guidelines for managing problems related to adult head and neck oncology and reconstructive surgery.
- State-of-the art guidance by recognized experts details current techniques as well as technological advances in head and neck/cranio-maxillofacial surgery and oncology.
- Evidence-based content details the latest diagnostic and therapeutic options for treating a wide-variety of clinical problems with an emphasis on surgical technique and outcomes.
- Multidisciplinary approach reflects best practices in managing head and neck oncology and cranio-maxillofacial surgery.
- 900 highly detailed images clearly demonstrate pathologies and procedures.
- Designed for the modern classroom which lets you access important information anywhere through mobile tablets and smart phones.
Part 1: Principles
1. Epidemiology
2. Cellular and Molecular Pathology
3. Molecular Biology
4. Oncoviruses
5. Diagnostic Imaging
6. Endoscopic Evaluation of the Upper Aerodigestive Tract
7. Virtual Surgical Planning
8. Intraoperative Navigation
9. Management of the Neck
10. Microvascular Surgery
11. Tissue Engineering
12. Maxillofacial Reconstruction and Prosthetic Rehabilitation
13. Radiation Therapy
14. Chemotherapy
15. Immunotherapy
16. Oral/Dental Oncology
17. Speech Pathology and RehabilitationPart 2: Site-Specific Multidisciplinary Treatment
Section A: Oral Cavity
18. Early Tongue Cancer
19. Advanced Tongue Cancer
20. Advanced Tongue Cancer (special considerations requiring total glossectomy)
21. Early Floor of Mouth Cancer
22. Advanced Floor of Mouth Cancer
23. Early Oro-mandibular Cancer
24. Advanced Oro-mandibular Cancer
25. Early Buccal Mucosa Cancer
26. Advanced Buccal Mucosa Cancer
27. Early Palatomaxillary Cancer
28. Advanced Palatomaxillary Cancer
29. Advanced Palatomaxillary Cancer (special considerations related to reconstruction)
30. Advanced Palato-Maxillary Cancer (special considerations related to nasal involvement)
31. Lip CancerSection B: Pharynx
32. Early HPV−Related Tonsil Cancer
33. Early HPV−Related Base of Tongue Cancer
34. Advanced HPV−Related Oropharynx Cancer
35. Advanced HPV−Unrelated Pharynx Cancer
36. Soft Palate CancerSection C: Larynx
37. Early Supraglottic Larynx Cancer
38. Advanced Supraglottic Larynx Cancer
39. Early Glottic Larynx Cancer
40. Advanced Larynx Cancer
41. Subglottic Larynx CancerSection D: Other
42. Major Salivary Gland Cancer
43. Melanoma
44. Aggressive Non-melanoma Skin Cancer
45. Osteoradionecrosis