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cover image - Today's Medical Assistant - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780323311359
Copyright: 2016
Publication Date: 09-28-2015
Page Count: 1336
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $131.99

Today's Medical Assistant - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 3rd Edition

by Kathy Bonewit-West, BS, MEd, Sue Hunt, MA, RN, CMA (AAMA) and Edith Applegate, MS

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Today's Medical Assistant - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780323311359
Copyright: 2016
Publication Date: 09-28-2015
Page Count: 1336
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $131.99
Was $131.99

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Launch your career in medical assisting with Today's Medical Assistant, Clinical & Administrative Procedures, 3rd Edition! Bringing together the clinical know-how of Kathy Bonewit-West, the administrative expertise of Sue Hunt, and the anatomy and physiology knowledge of Edith Applegate, this hands-on guide uses easy-to-follow language and detailed visuals to walk readers through all of the medical knowledge, procedures, and skills needed for success in today's fast-paced medical office. Not only does this new edition incorporate the latest standards and competencies throughout all of its content and resources, but it also includes an incredibly wide assortment of engaging learning tools and activities that help readers fully understand and demonstrate those competencies. If you want to be fully prepared for tomorrow’s medical assisting profession, then look no further than Today’s Medical Assistant!

Newer Edition Available

4th Edition

Today's Medical Assistant - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
ISBN: 9780323636469
    • Consistent and meticulous coverage throughout the main text, Evolve resources, study guide, and SimChart for the Medical Office provide reliable content and unparalleled accuracy on the responsibilities of the modern medical assistant.
    • The most up-to-date content outfits readers with the latest information and insights on key topics such as:
      • electronic medical records (EMR), HIPAA, and advanced directives
      • documentation, evaluation & management, office and hospital services (billing & coding)
      • emergency preparedness
      • ICD-10 coding
      • medical office technology
      • medical asepsis, OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard; AIDS & Hepatitis, latex glove allergies
      • vital signs
      • pediatrics, immunization information, IM injection (theory), child abuse
      • colonoscopies
      • IV therapy
      • CLIA waived tests
    • Unique learning aids throughout the book include:
      • procedure charting examples
      • outlines, detailed learning objectives, and key terms for each chapter
      • Highlight boxes
      • What Would You Do? What Would You Not Do? boxes
      • Patient Teaching boxes
      • On the Web boxes
      • Putting It All into Practice boxes
      • Memories from Practicum boxes
      • glossary of key terms
    • Arsenal of engaging activities on the Evolve companion site gives users a fun way to practice their medical assisting knowledge.
    • Over 120 procedures give readers clear, illustrated guidance on each step of every procedure. The procedural videos on the Evolve companion site enable users to view the procedures in action.
    • 8th grade reading level makes material approachable and easy to understand for all types of readers.
    • Full-color design makes the book visually stimulating.
    • NEW! Chapter on nutrition underscores the CAAHEP curriculum’s emphasis on nutrition by covering all of the latest nutritional information that pertains to today’s medical assistants.
    • NEW! Updated chapters on emergency preparedness and medical records ensure readers are up to date on the latest advances and rulings in these topical areas.
    • NEW! Updated content aligned to the most recent CAAHEP and ABHES competencies ensures readers have the latest information needed to obtain employment and long-term success on the job.
    • NEW! Expanded resources on Evolve now include videos, video evaluations, and practice examinations for the CMA, RMA, CCMA, and CMAA.
    • NEW! Tie-in with SimChart for the Medical Office links important text content to opportunities for hands on practice working on Elsevier’s educational EHR.
    • NEW! Updated photographs and illustrations give readers a closer look at today’s most pertinent information and skills for the medical assistant.
    • NEW! Expanded A&P key terminology sections give readers ample terminology reinforcement, including proper pronunciations.
  • SECTION 1: Introduction to Medical Assisting 1. The Health Care System 2. The Professional Medical Assistant 3. Ethics and Law for the Medical Office 4. Interacting with Patients

    SECTION 2: Anatomy and Physiology 5. Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology 6. Integumentary System 7. Skeletal System 8. Muscular System 9. Nervous System 10. The Senses 11. Endocrine System 12. Circulatory System 13. Respiratory System 14. Digestive System 15. Urinary System 16. Reproductive System

    SECTION 3: Clinical Component (Kathy Bonewit-West) 17. Medical Asepsis and the OSHA Standard 18. Sterilization and Disinfection 19. Vital Signs 20. The Physical Examination 21. Eye and Ear Assessment and Procedures 22. Physical Agents to Promote Tissue Healing 23. The Gynecologic Examination and Prenatal Care 24. The Pediatric Examination 25. Minor Office Surgery 26. Administration of Medication and Intravenous Therapy 27. Cardiopulmonary Procedures 28. Specialty Examinations and Procedures: Colon Procedures, Male Reproductive Health, and Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging 29. Introduction to the Clinical Laboratory 30. Urinalysis 31. Phlebotomy 32. Hematology 33. Blood Chemistry and Immunology 34. Medical Microbiology 35. Nutrition NEW! 36. Emergency Preparedness and Protective Practices REVISED! 37. Emergency Medical Procedures and First Aid

    SECTION 4: Administrative Component 38. The Medical Record (*completely revamped*) 39. Patient Reception 40. Medical Office Computerization 41. Telephone Techniques 42. Scheduling Appointments 43. Medical Records Management 44. Written Communications 45. Mail 46. Managing Practice Finances 47. Medical Coding 48. Medical Insurance 49. Billing and Collections 50. The Medical Assistant as Office Manager 51. Obtaining Employment


  • Kathy Bonewit-West, BS, MEd, Professor Emeritus, Medical Assistant Program, Hocking College, Nelsonville, OH; Former Member, Curriculum Review Board American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA), Chicago, IL, Sue Hunt, MA, RN, CMA (AAMA), Former Professor and Coordinator, Medical Assisting Program, Middlesex Community College, Lowell, MA and Edith Applegate, MS, Professor of Sciences and Mathematics, Kettering College of Medical Arts, Kettering, OH
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