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cover image - Pediatric Decision-Making Strategies Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780323328258
Copyright: 2016
Publication Date: 02-19-2015
Page Count: 368
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $36.99

Pediatric Decision-Making Strategies Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 2nd Edition

by Albert J. Pomeranz, MD, Svapna Sabnis, MD, Sharon Busey, MD and Robert Kliegman, MD

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Pediatric Decision-Making Strategies Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780323328258
Copyright: 2016
Publication Date: 02-19-2015
Page Count: 368
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $36.99


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Designed to accompany Nelson Textbook of Pediatricsand Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics, Pediatric Decision-Making Strategies is a concise, user-friendly reference uses a unique algorithmic approach to facilitate diagnosis, testing, basic treatment of common pediatric disorders. For any given symptom, an algorithm guides the reader through the appropriate investigative procedures and lab tests to reach definitive diagnoses. An updated format that enhances usability makes this medical reference book a must-have for medical students, residents, and practitioners treating pediatric patients.

" demonstrates a way of thinking about medicine that is useful in paediatrics and in all other specialties." Reviewed by Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine , Apr 2015

    • Explore concise, focused, and updated algorithms that cover the most common pediatric problems.
    • Gain imperative knowledge from an expert author team that includes Dr. Robert M. Kliegman (of the Nelson line of textbooks), as well as references to related chapters in both Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics and Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics.
    • Quickly access important information with a new standard format and trim size for practicality and usability.
    • Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, algorithms, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
  •           HEAD NECK and EYES

    1. Ear Pain
    2. Rhinorrhea
    3. Sore Throat
    4. Neck Masses
    5. Abnormal Head Size, Shape, and Fontanels
    6. Red Eye
    7. Strabismus
    8. Visual Impairment and Leukocoria
    9. Abnormal Eye Movements

    11. Cough
    12. Hoarseness
    13. Stridor
    14. Wheezing
    15. Cyanosis
    16. Hemoptysis
    17. Apnea

    19. Chest Pain
    20. Syncope
    21. Palpitations
    22. Heart Murmurs

    24. Abdominal Pain
    25. Vomiting
    26. Diarrhea
    27. Constipation
    28. Gastrointestinal Bleeding
    29. Jaundice
    30. Hepatomegaly
    31. Splenomegaly
    32. Abdominal Masses

    34. Dysuria
    35. Enuresis
    36. Red Urine and Hematuria
    37. Proteinuria
    38. Edema
    39. Hypertension
    40. Scrotal Pain
    41. Scrotal Swelling (Painless)
    42. Dysmenorrhea
    43. Amenorrhea
    44. Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding
    45. Vaginal Discharge

    47. Limp
    48. Arthritis
    49. Knee Pain
    50. Extremity Pain
    51. Back Pain
    52. Stiff or Painful Neck
    53. In-Toeing, Out-Toeing, and Toe-Walking
    54. Bowlegs and Knock-Knees

    56. Headaches
    57. Seizures and Other Paroxysmal Disorders
    58. Involuntary Movements
    59. Hypotonia and Weakness
    60. Ataxia
    61. Altered Mental Status
    62. Hearing Loss

    64. Alopecia
    65. Vesicles and Bullae
    66. Fever and Rash

    68. Lymphadenopathy
    69. Anemia
    70. Bleeding
    71. Petechiae/Purpura
    72. Neutropenia
    73. Pancytopenia
    74. Eosinophilia

    76. Short Stature
    77. Pubertal Delay
    78. Precocious Puberty in the Male
    79. Precocious Puberty in the Female
    80. Atypical or Ambiguous Genitalia
    81. Hirsutism
    82. Gynecomastia
    83. Obesity
    84. Polyuria
    85. GENERAL

    86. Fever without a Source
    87. Fever of Unknown Origin
    88. Recurrent Infections
    89. Irritable Infant (Fussy or Excessively Crying Infant)
    90. Failure to Thrive
    91. Sleep Disturbances

    93. Acidemia
    94. Alkalemia
    95. Hypernatremia
    96. Hyponatremia
    97. Hypokalemia
    98. Hyperkalemia
    99. Hypocalcemia
    100. Hypercalcemia
  • Albert J. Pomeranz, MD, Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Svapna Sabnis, MD, Associate Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Sharon Busey, MD, Associate Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Robert Kliegman, MD, Professor & Chair Emeritus, Department of Pediatrics - Medical College of Wisconsin Nelson Undiagnosed & Rare Disease Program


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