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cover image - Clinical Skills: Pediatrics Collection (Access Card),1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323394352
Copyright: 2021
Publication Date: 05-14-2015
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $119.00

Clinical Skills: Pediatrics Collection (Access Card), 1st Edition

by Elsevier Inc

Clinical Skills Online - Access Card

cover image - Clinical Skills: Pediatrics Collection (Access Card),1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323394352
Copyright: 2021
Publication Date: 05-14-2015
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $119.00


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Learn to master the most important nursing skills before you ever step foot in the clinical environment. Clinical Skills: Pediatrics Collection is an engaging, web-based learning tool that guides users through nearly 280 of the most important pediatric nursing skills. Each skill in the collection uses the same seven-part framework to walk you through every aspect of the skill. From special patient and safety considerations to the equipment and techniques used in the skill, this assembly of animations, interactive learning tools, and in-depth explanations will leave you with a 360-degree understanding of how to safely and effectively perform each skill.

    • Up-to-date, evidence-based content is reviewed and revised annually by clinical skills experts to reflect changes in practice as they arise.
    • Convenient web-based program utilizes the same professional format that practicing nurses use to train.
    • Consistent, competency-based format for learning skills offers a standardized way for you to learn and perform skills. Most skills feature the same types of skill learning tools to help you obtain a more holistic understanding of the skill and standard QSEN nursing competencies.
        • Quick sheet provides a concise, step-by-step summary of the skill.
        • Extended text offers an in-depth look at all aspects of the skill. Subjects addressed in the extended text section include:
          • Safety alerts
          • Supplies
          • Patient and family education
          • Procedures
          • Delegation opportunities
          • Monitoring and care
          • Expected and unexpected outcomes
          • Documentation guidelines
          • Special gerontologic, pediatric, and home care considerations
          • Evidence-based references
          • Additional reading suggestions

        • Equipment list helps familiarize you with each piece of equipment needed to perform the skill.
        • Demonstration videos and animations visually guide you through every necessary step involved in the skill.
        • Images and illustrations highlight crucial procedures, equipment, and documents involved in the skill.
        • Competency tests with rationales help you review and evaluate your understanding of the skill.
        • Printable evaluation checklists help you measure and track various skill competencies.

    AdmissionAirway PositioningAmbulationApical PulseArterial and Venous Sheath RemovalArterial Blood Gas InterpretationArterial Catheter Blood Sampling: Closed Blood Conservation MethodArterial Catheter Blood Sampling: Stopcock MethodArterial Catheter Insertion: Advanced PracticeArterial Catheter: Dressing ChangeArterial Catheter: RemovalArterial Catheter: Setup and CareArterial Pressure-Based Cardiac Output MonitoringArterial PunctureAspiration PrecautionsAssessment: AbdomenAssessment: General SurveyAssessment: Intake and OutputAssessment: Musculoskeletal, Neurologic, and Peripheral VascularAssessment: Nutrition ScreeningAssessment: Postoperative Cardiac StatusAssessment: RespirationsAssessment: Thorax and LungAssessment: Visual AcuityAssessment: Weight and Linear GrowthAtrial ElectrogramBathing: Bed BathBed Making: OccupiedBispectral Index MonitoringBlood Glucose MonitoringBlood Pressure MeasurementBlood Pressure Measurement EducationBlood Product AdministrationBlood Product Administration: Transfusion ReactionBlood Specimen Collection: Blood CulturesBlood Specimen Collection: Vacuum-Extraction MethodBlood Specimen Collection: VenipunctureBody Temperature Measurement EducationBody Temperature Measurement: AxillaryBody Temperature Measurement: OralBody Temperature Measurement: RectalBody Temperature Measurement: Temporal ArteryBody Temperature Measurement: TympanicBone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy: AssistingBrain Tissue Oxygen MonitoringBronchoscopyBurn Wound CareCardiac Monitor Setup and Lead PlacementCardiac Output MeasurementCardiac TamponadeCast RemovalCentral Venous Nontunneled Catheter Insertion: Advanced PracticeCentral Venous Nontunneled Catheter: Blood SamplingCentral Venous Nontunneled Catheter: Central Venous Pressure MonitoringCentral Venous Nontunneled Catheter: Dressing ChangeCentral Venous Nontunneled Catheter: InsertionCentral Venous Nontunneled Catheter: RemovalCentral Venous Tunneled Catheter: Dressing ChangeCentral Venous Tunneled Catheter: Flushing and LockingCerebrospinal Fluid Sampling from Ventriculostomy Catheter or External Ventricular Drain: Advanced PracticeCerumen RemovalCervical Collar: ApplicationCervical Collar: ManagementCervical Traction MaintenanceChest Physiotherapy: Percussion, Vibration, and Postural DrainageChest Tube CareChest Tube InsertionChest Tube Insertion: Advanced PracticeChest Tube Pigtail Catheter Insertion: Advanced PracticeChest Tube Removal: Advanced PracticeChest Tube Removal: AssistingChest Tube: Closed Drainage System ManagementChest Tube: Closed Drainage System SetupCold ApplicationsComfort Promotion: DistractionComfort Promotion: Guided ImageryCommunication with the Patient Who Is Transgender - NEWContinuous Renal Replacement TherapiesCricothyroidotomy: NeedleDigital Block: Advanced PracticeDischargeDoppler Ultrasound for Assessment of Blood Pressure and Peripheral PulsesDyspnea: Patient PositioningElectrocardiogram: 12-LeadEmergency Primary AssessmentEmergency Secondary AssessmentEmergent SternotomyEmergent Sternotomy: Advanced PracticeEndotracheal Tube ExtubationEndotracheal Tube IntubationEndotracheal Tube Intubation: Advanced PracticeEndotracheal Tube: Closed SuctioningEndotracheal Tube: Open SuctioningEndotracheal Tube: Skin and Oral CareEndotracheal Tube: TapingEnd-Tidal Carbon Dioxide MonitoringEpidural Catheter: InsertionEpidural Catheter: RemovalEsophageal pH Probe Study: Care and ManagementExchange Transfusion: AutomatedExchange Transfusion: ManualExternal DefibrillationExternal Fixator Lengthening Device AdjustmentsExternal Fixator Pin CareExternal Ventricular Drain Insertion and ManagementExtracorporeal Membrane OxygenationEye IrrigationEye PatchingFall PreventionFeeding Tube: Balloon and Low-Profile Gastrostomy Removal and ReinsertionFeeding Tube: Enteral Nutrition AdministrationFeeding Tube: Enteral Nutrition Home Management EducationFeeding Tube: Selecting Enteral Nutrition FormulasFeeding Tube: Transpyloric InsertionFeeding Tubes: Gastrostomy Tube, Jejunostomy Tube, Gastrojejunostomy Tube CareFluid Administration, Rapid: Pressure Bag MethodFluid Administration, Rapid: Pressure Infusion DeviceFluid Administration, Rapid: Syringe MethodFluid CalculationForced-Air Warming BlanketGastric LavageHalo Vest: ApplicationHalo Vest: Maintenance and CleaningHeat LampHemodialysisHyperthermia MeasuresHypothermic-Hyperthermic Air BlanketIncreased Intracranial Pressure: Patient PositioningImplantable Cardioverter-DefibrillatorImplanted Venous Port: AccessImplanted Venous Port: DeaccessIncentive SpirometryInterfacility Transport and Handoff ReportInternal Defibrillation: AssistingIntraabdominal Pressure Monitoring: ContinuousIntraabdominal Pressure Monitoring: IntermittentIntracranial Catheter: Fluid-Coupled SystemIntracranial Pressure MonitoringIntrafacility Transport and Handoff ReportIntraosseous Needle Care and RemovalIntraosseous Needle PlacementIntravenous Therapy: DiscontinuationIntravenous Therapy: Dressing ChangeIntravenous Therapy: InitiationIntravenous Therapy: Regulation of Flow RateIntraventricular Catheter: Fluid-Coupled System and Fiberoptic TransducerIsolation Precautions: Airborne - NEWIsolation Precautions: Contact - NEWIsolation Precautions: Droplet - NEWIsolation Precautions: Personal Protective Equipment - NEWLaryngeal Mask AirwayLeft Atrial Intracardiac Line ManagementLumbar PunctureLumbar Puncture: Advanced PracticeMechanical Ventilation: High-Frequency Oscillatory VentilationMechanical Ventilation: WeaningMedication Administration: Ear DropsMedication Administration: Emergency MedicationMedication Administration: EnemaMedication Administration: EyeMedication Administration: Intermittent InfusionMedication Administration: Intradermal InjectionMedication Administration: Intramuscular InjectionMedication Administration: Intravenous Therapy Dose and Flow Rate CalculationMedication Administration: Metered-Dose Inhaler with Artificial AirwayMedication Administration: Metered-Dose Inhaler with SpacerMedication Administration: Metered-Dose Inhaler without SpacerMedication Administration: Nasal InstillationMedication Administration: NebulizedMedication Administration: Needleless Subcutaneous Jet InjectionMedication Administration: OralMedication Administration: Patient-Controlled AnalgesiaMedication Administration: Peripheral Nerve Block InfusionsMedication Administration: RectalMedication Administration: Subcutaneous InjectionMedication Administration: S

  • Elsevier Inc


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