Clinical Skills: Critical Care Collection, 1st Edition
Clinical Skills Online

Learn to master the most important nursing skills before you ever step foot in the clinical environment. Clinical Skills: Critical Care Collection is an engaging, web-based learning tool that guides users through more than 115 of the most important critical care nursing skills. Each skill in the collection uses the same seven-part framework to walk you through every aspect of the skill. From special patient and safety considerations to the equipment and techniques used in the skill, this assembly of animations, interactive learning tools, and in-depth explanations will leave you with a 360-degree understanding of how to safely and effectively perform each skill.
- Convenient web-based program utilizes the same professional format that practicing nurses use to train.
- Consistent, competency-based format for learning skills offers a standardized way for you to learn and perform skills. Most skills feature the same types of skill learning tools to help you obtain a more holistic understanding of the skill and standard QSEN nursing competencies.
- Quick sheet provides a concise, step-by-step summary of the skill.
- Extended text offers an in-depth look at all aspects of the skill. Subjects addressed in the extended text section include:
- Safety alerts
- Supplies
- Patient and family education
- Procedures
- Delegation opportunities
- Monitoring and care
- Expected and unexpected outcomes
- Documentation guidelines
- Special gerontologic, pediatric, and home care considerations
- Evidence-based references
- Additional reading suggestions
- Equipment list helps familiarize you with each piece of equipment needed to perform the skill.
- Demonstration animations visually guide you through every necessary step involved in the skill.
- Images and illustrations highlight crucial procedures, equipment, and documents involved in the skill.
- Competency tests with rationales help you review and evaluate your understanding of the skill.
- Printable evaluation checklists help you measure and track various skill competencies.
- Continually updated, evidence-based content is reviewed and revised annually by clinical skills experts to reflect changes in practice as they arise.
119 Critical Care Skills
Arterial and Venous Sheath Removal
Arterial Catheter Insertion (Assisting), Care, and Removal
Arterial Catheter Radial Insertion: Advanced Practice
Arterial Catheter: Blood Sampling
Arterial Pressure-Based Cardiac Output Monitoring
Arterial Puncture: Arterial Blood Gas Sampling
Arterial-Venous Oxygen Calculations
Atrial Electrogram
Auto-PEEP Calculation
Bispectral Index Monitoring
Bone Marrow Biopsy and Aspiration
Bone Marrow Biopsy and Aspiration: Advanced Practice
Brain Tissue Oxygen Monitoring
Burn Wound Care
Cardiac Monitor Setup and Lead Placement
Cardiac Output Measurement: Thermodilution and Continuous
Cardiac Output: Esophageal Monitoring
Cardiac Output: Esophageal Monitoring: Advanced Practice
Central Venous Catheter Insertion
Central Venous Catheter Insertion: Advanced Practice
Central Venous Catheter: Blood Sampling
Central Venous Catheter: Maintenance and Dressing Change
Central Venous Catheter: Removal
Cerebral Blood Flow Monitoring
Cervical Tongs and Halo Pins: Site Care
Cervical Tongs and Halo Ring Application
Cervical Traction Maintenance
Chest Tube Insertion
Chest Tube Insertion: Advanced Practice
Chest Tube Removal
Chest Tube: Closed Drainage System Management
Chest Tube: Closed Drainage Systems
Compliance and Resistance Measurement
Continuous Venous Oxygen Saturation Monitoring
Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
Continuous ST-Segment Monitoring
Determination of Death: Advanced Practice
Donation After Cardiac Death
Electrocardiogram: 12 Lead
Electrocardiogram: Right Precordial and Left Posterior Leads
Emergent Sternotomy and Internal Defibrillation
Emergent Sternotomy and Internal Defibrillation: Advanced Practice
Endoscopic Therapy
Endotracheal and Tracheostomy Tube Suctioning
Endotracheal Tube and Tracheostomy Tube Cuff Care
Endotracheal Tube Extubation and Tracheostomy Tube Decannulation
Endotracheal Tube Extubation and Tracheostomy Tube Decannulation: Advanced Practice
Endotracheal Tube Intubation
Endotracheal Tube Intubation: Advanced Practice
Endotracheal Tube: Skin and Oral Care
End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide Monitoring
Epidural Catheter Insertion, Management, and Removal
External Defibrillation
Extracorporeal Life Support (ECLS)
Fecal Containment Devices
Feeding Tube: Small-Bore Feeding Tube Insertion: Electromagnetic Guidance System (CORTRAK 2 EAS) Feeding Tube: Small-Bore Insertion and Care
Feeding Tubes: PEG, Gastrostomy, and Jejunostomy
Halo Ring and Vest Care
Hypothermia After Cardiac Arrest (Targeted Temperature Management)
Hypothermic and Hyperthermic External and Intravascular Devices
Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator: Deactivation and Reactivation
Implanted Venous Port: Access, Deaccess, and Care
Intraabdominal Pressure Monitoring
Intraaortic Balloon Pump Management
Intracranial Pressure Monitoring: External Ventricular Drain
Intracranial Pressure Monitoring: Intracranial Bolt and Fiberoptic Catheter
Intracranial Pressure Monitoring: Intraventricular-Fiberoptic Catheter
Intrapulmonary Shunt Calculation
Intravenous Therapy: Dose and Flow Rate Calculation
Jugular Bulb Oxygen Saturation Monitoring
Kinetic Therapy Using the RotoRest Delta Advanced Kinetic Therapy System
Life-Sustaining Therapy: Withholding and Withdrawing
LifeVest Wearable Cardioverter-Defibrillator
Lumbar Catheter Insertion, Care, and Removal
Lumbar Puncture
Lumbar Puncture: Advanced Practice
Mechanical Ventilation: Volume and Pressure Modes
Mechanical Ventilation: Weaning
Medication Administration: Peripheral Nerve Block Infusions
Nasopharyngeal Airway Insertion
Needle Thoracostomy: Advanced Practice
Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy
Organ Donation
Oxygen Indices
Pacemaker Insertion Temporary Transvenous: Advanced Practice
Pacemaker: Assessment of Function
Pacing: Epicardial Wire Removal
Pacing: Temporary Transvenous and Epicardial
Paracentesis: Advanced Practice
Pericardial Catheter Management
Pericardiocentesis: Advanced Practice
Peripheral Nerve Stimulator
Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter Insertion
Peritoneal Lavage: Diagnostic: Advanced Practice
Pronation Therapy
Pulmonary Artery Catheter Insertion (Assisting) and Monitoring
Pulmonary Artery Catheter Insertion: Advanced Practice
Pulmonary Artery Catheter: Mixed Venous Oxygen Saturation Sample
Pulmonary Artery Catheter: Removal
Pulmonary Artery Catheter: Troubleshooting
Resuscitation Bag: Manual Self-Inflating in the Mechanically Ventilated Patient
Right Atrial and Central Venous Pressure Monitoring
Skin Graft: Care of Donor Site
Skin Graft: Care of Graft Site
Therapeutic Apheresis
Thoracentesis: Advanced Practice
Transducer System Setup and Zeroing
Transesophageal Echocardiography
Ventricular Assist Device: HeartMate II LVAS
Ventricular Assist Device: HeartWare
Wound Closure: Advanced Practice
Wound Debridement
Wound Drain Removal
Wound Exudate Management: Pouches and Drains