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minus-solid-circle mobi-file mobi-file mobile-phone mobipocket molecular-models moon move moving-box moving-box-down moving-box-up mp3-file multiple-layers musical-note nav-collapse nav-collapse nav-expand nav-expand navigate neuroimagery neutral-face newspaper no-editing no-smoking non-solus non-solus not-started not-started note note notebook notifications-disabled office-building open-book open-folder open-hand-right open-quotes orange outbox paperclip pause-hollow pause-hollow pause-solid pause-solid pdf-alternative pdf-file performance performance performance-not-available performance-not-available person phone phone-disabled picture pie-chart pill pin pixel play-hollow play-hollow play-solid play-solid play-video plus png-file pointing-left-up pointing-right ppt-2 ppt-2 ppt-file ppt-file printer-2 publication-set publication-sets radiology rainbow rainbow-2 rar-file rationale rationale record redo redo remove-document repeat research-area research-area-edit research-areas research-areas-edit researcher researcher-profile-needs-action researcher-profile-updated retweet rewind rotate rotate rows ruler ruler ruler-rotate ruler-rotate save-file scale-down scale-up schedule schedule search search-document secondary-result selection-panel-add selection-panel-remove send settings share share-2 shopping-cart shuffle simulation-nursing simulation-nursing skills-checklist skills-checklist skip-back skip-forward smartphone sort-asc sort-asc sort-default sort-default sort-desc sort-desc sound-high sound-low sound-medium sound-off spinner spinner standard standard star star-solid star-solid statistics stats stethoscope stop stop-gesture stopwatch strawberry structure structure study study subject-name-subcategory suitcase sun syllabus syllabus sync tables tablet teddy-bear teddy-bear temperature text-file thumbs-down thumbs-up tornado trash twitter twitter txt-file txt-file undo undo unlink unlock up-left up-right upload upwards-line-chart usb vector video-camera 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cover image - Netter's Sports Medicine Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780323442688
Copyright: 2018
Publication Date: 03-21-2017
Page Count: 816
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $111.99

Netter's Sports Medicine Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 2nd Edition

by Christopher Madden, MD, FACSM, Margot Putukian, MD, FACSM, Eric McCarty, MD and Craig Young, MD

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Netter's Sports Medicine Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780323442688
Copyright: 2018
Publication Date: 03-21-2017
Page Count: 816
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $111.99


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Edited by past presidents of the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, Netter’s Sports Medicine, 2nd Edition, is a superbly illustrated, go-to sports medicine resource for the outpatient office, the training room, on the sideline, and for certification preparation. Designed for quick reference, this interdisciplinary reference by Drs. Christopher Madden, Margot Putukian, Eric McCarty, and Craig Young, is organized by both topic and sport, so you can find what you need quickly. New Expert Consult online access includes the fully searchable eBook, example downloadable medical forms, videos, downloadable patient education handouts, and handy links to consensus statements.

Whether you are a primary care physician managing a common or unique musculoskeletal injury in an ambulatory setting … an orthopaedic surgeon gaining insight about a medical or psychological problem foreign to the cast or operating room … an athletic trainer figuring out a diagnosis in the training room … or a physical therapist pursuing further in-depth sports medicine knowledge, this reference gives you the guidance you need to keep athletes and other active patients at the top of their game.

Newer Edition Available

3rd Edition

Netter's Sports Medicine, Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
ISBN: 9780323796729
    • More than 1,000 superb Netter graphics, tables, figures, pictures, diagnostic images, and other medical artwork highlight the easy-to-read, bulleted text.
    • Ideal for the sports clinician, team physician, and any health care professionals who provide care to athletes and active individuals.
    • Expert Consult™ eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, videos, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
    • New chapters on travel considerations for the athlete, EKG interpretation, cardiac disease, diagnostic imaging and ultrasound, injury prevention protocols, equestrian sports and rodeo medicine, mixed martial arts, and many more.
    • Up-to-date coverage of nutritional supplements, eating disorders, sports and pharmacology for chronic conditions and behavioral medicine, and extreme and adventure sports.
  • Section I Medical Care and Supervision of the Athlete

    1 The Team Physician

    2 The Certified Athletic Trainer and the Athletic Training Room

    3 The Preparticipation Physical Evaluation

    4 Sideline Preparedness and Emergencies on the Field

    5 Sports Nutrition

    6 Sports Supplements

    7 Sports Pharmacology of Pain and Inflammation Control in Athletes

    8 Sports Pharmacology of Chronic Disease

    9 Sports Pharmacology of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine

    Section II Special Considerations for Athlete Populations

    10 The Pediatric Athlete

    11 The High School Athlete: Setting Up a High School Sports Medicine Program

    12 The Female Athlete

    13 The Senior Athlete

    14 The Physically Challenged Athlete

    15 Care of Athletes at Different Levels, From Pee-wee to Professional

    16 The Wilderness Athlete and Adventurer

    Section III Conditioning

    17 Exercise Prescription and Physiology

    18 Aerobic Training

    19 Resistance Training

    20 Flexibility

    Section IV Environment

    21 Exercise in the Heat and Heat Illness

    22 Exercise in the Cold and Cold Injuries

    23 High Altitude Training and Competition

    24 Travel Considerations for the Athlete and Sports Medical Team

    Section V Behavioral and Psychological Problems

    25 The Role of Sport Psychology and Psychiatry

    26 Drugs and Doping in Athletes

    27 Eating Disorders in Athletes

    28 Overtraining

    Section VI General Medical Problems in Athletes

    29 Infections in Athletes

    30 Gastrointestinal Problems

    31 Hematologic Problems in Athletes

    32 Renal and Genitourinary Problems

    33 The Athlete with Diabetes

    34 EKG Interpretation in Athletes

    35 Cardiac Disease in Athletes

    36 The Hypertensive Athlete

    37 Exercise Induced Bronchospasm, Anaphylaxis, and Urticaria

    38 Neurologic Problems in the Athlete

    39 Headache in the Athlete

    40 Skin Problems in the Athlete

    41 Connective Tissue Diseases and Rheumatologic Problems in Athletes

    Section VII Injury Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment

    42 Musculoskeletal Injuries in Sports

    43 Comprehensive Rehabilitation of the Athlete

    44 Physical Modalities in Sports Medicine

    45 Head Injuries

    46 Neck Injuries

    47 Eye Injuries

    48 Maxillofacial Injuries

    49 Shoulder Injuries

    50 Elbow Injuries

    51 Hand and Wrist Injuries

    52 Thorax and Abdominal Injuries

    53 Thoracic and Lumbosacral Spine Injuries

    54 Pelvis, Hip and Thigh Injuries

    55 Knee Injuries

    56 Ankle and Leg Injuries

    57 Cartilage Problems in Sports

    58 Acute Fractures and Dislocations in Athletes

    59 Stress Fractures

    60 Foot Problems

    61 Taping and Bracing

    62 Injections in the Athlete

    63 Diagnostic Imaging in Sports Medicine

    64 Sports Ultrasound

    65 Injury Prevention Protocols

    Section VIII Specific Sports

    66 Football

    67 Soccer

    68 Rugby

    69 Lacrosse

    70 Field Hockey

    71 Ultimate Frisbee

    72 Basketball

    73 Volleyball

    74 Baseball

    75 Softball

    76 Tennis

    77 Alpine Skiing

    78 Cross-Country Skiing

    79 Snowboarding

    80 Ice Hockey

    81 Ice Skating (Figure Skating and Speed Skating)

    82 Swimming and Diving

    83 Scuba Diving

    84 Sailing

    85 Rowing

    86 Martial Arts

    87 Boxing

    88 Wrestling

    89 Mixed Martial Arts

    90 Gymnastics

    91 Cheerleading

    92 Dance

    93 Track and Field

    94 Road Biking

    95 Mountain Biking

    96 In-Line Skating, Skateboarding, and Bicycle Motocross

    97 Mass Participation Endurance Events

    98 Ultra Endurance and Adventure Racing and Events

    99 Rock Climbing

    100 Rodeo and Equestrian Sports

    101 The Extreme Athlete

  • Christopher Madden, MD, FACSM, Assistant Clinical Professor, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Department of Family Medicine, Aurora, Colorado; Sports and Family Medicine Physician, Private Practice, Longs Peak Family Practice and Sports Medicine, Longmont, Colorado; Team Physician, Lyons High School, Lyons, Colorado, Margot Putukian, MD, FACSM, Director of Athletic Medicine, Head Team Physician, Assistant Director of Medical Services, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey; Associate Clinical Professor, Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson, New Brunswick, New Jersey; Team Physician, US Men's Lacrosse Team; Team Physician, US Soccer; Past President American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, Eric McCarty, MD, Chief, Sports Medicine & Shoulder Surgery, Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, Colorado; Director of Sports Medicine, Department of Athletics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado and Craig Young, MD, Professor & Medical Director of Sports Medicine, Orthopaedic Surgery & Community and Family Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Team Physician, Milwaukee Ballet, Milwaukee Brewers, US National Snowboard Team, President 2007-2008, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine


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