cover image - Essentials for Nursing Practice, 9th Edition
ISBN: 9780323481847
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 03-08-2018
Page Count: 1296
Imprint: Elsevier Masson
List Price: $141.99

Essentials for Nursing Practice, 9th Edition

by Patricia A. Potter, RN, MSN, PhD, FAAN, Anne G. Perry, RN, MSN, EdD, FAAN, Patricia A. Stockert, RN, BSN, MS, PhD and Amy Hall, RN, BSN, MS, PhD, CNE


cover image - Essentials for Nursing Practice, 9th Edition
ISBN: 9780323481847
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 03-08-2018
Page Count: 1296
Imprint: Elsevier Masson
List Price: $141.99
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Give your students a solid foundation in essential nursing principles, concepts, and skills! Essentials for Nursing Practice, 9th Edition combines everything that educators have come to love about Potter and Perry’s Fundamentals text and streamlines it into a shorter format that’s perfect for busy nursing students — and busy nursing instructors. The ninth edition retains many classic features, including chapter case studies, procedural guidelines, and special considerations for various age groups, along with new content including a chapter on Complementary and Alternative Therapies, interactive clinical case studies on Evolve, a new Reflective Learning section, and QSEN activities to encourage active learning. Thoroughly reviewed by nursing clinical experts and educators, this new edition ensures your students learn nursing essentials with the most accurate, up-to-date, and easy-to-understand content on the market.

    • NEW! Chapter on Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Therapies addresses new content included on the NCLEX® exam.
    • NEW! Clinical case studies guide students through creation of care plans and foster clinical thinking.
    • NEW! UNIQUE! Reflective Learning section helps students better understand and reflect on their clinical and simulation experiences as they move through their first nursing course.
    • NEW! Updated standards and evidence throughout includes the newest INS and WOCN standards.
    • TEACH for Nurses suite of educator resources gives you all the tools you need to make your course as effective and easy as possible.
    • Progressive case studies are introduced at the beginning of the chapter and are then used to tie together the care plan, concept map, and clinical decision-making exercises.
    • QSEN activity boxes throughout present a clinical situation followed by an open-ended question designed to help students understand and apply these core competencies.
    • Evidence-Based Practice boxes include a PICO question, summary of the results of a research study, and a description of how the study has affected nursing practice — in every chapter.
    • 65 Skills and procedural guidelines provide clear, step-by-step instructions for providing safe nursing care.
    • Delegation coverage is specifically outlined, noting which skills can and cannot be delegated, and indicating exactly which tasks to delegate.
    • Patient-Centered Care boxes address racial and ethnic diversity along with the cultural differences that impact socioeconomic status, values, geography, and religion. These will relate to the chapter case studies when possible.
    • Safety guidelines for nursing skills sections precede each skills section to help students focus on safe and effective skills performance.
    • Nursing skills at the end of each chapter feature coloring on the edge of the page to make them easy to locate.
    • Focused Patient Assessment tables include actual questions to help students learn how to effectively phrase questions to patients as well as target physical assessment techniques.
    • Evaluation boxes bring everything together after nursing interventions have been implemented.
    • Patient Teaching boxes help students plan effective teaching by first identifying an outcome, then developing strategies on how to teach, and finally, implementing measures to evaluate learning.
    • Care of the Older Adult boxes highlight key aspects of nursing assessment and care for this growing population.
    • Unexpected outcomes and related interventions for skills alert students to possible problems and appropriate nursing action.
    • Concept maps visually demonstrate planning care for patients with multiple diagnoses.
    • NOC outcomes, NIC interventions, and NANDA diagnoses are incorporated in care plans to reflect the standard used by institutions nationwide.
    • 5-step nursing process provides a consistent framework for clinical chapters.
    • Key points neatly summarize the most important content for each chapter to help students review and evaluate learning.
    • Detailed care plans in the text and on Evolve demonstrate the application of the 5-step nursing process to individual patient problems to help students understand how a plan is developed and how to evaluate care.
    • NEW! Chapter on Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Therapies addresses new content now included on the NCLEX® exam.
    • NEW! Clinical case studies guide you through creation of care plans and foster clinical thinking.
    • NEW! UNIQUE! Reflective Learning section helps you better understand and reflect on your clinical and simulation experiences as you move through your first nursing course
    • NEW! QSEN activities woven throughout help you process what you’ve learned and develop an eye for safety
    • NEW! Updated standards and evidence throughout includes the newest INS and WOCN standards and mean you’ll be delivering the best care possible
  • 1. Professional Nursing
    2. Health and Wellness
    3. The Health Care Delivery System
    4. Community-Based Nursing Practice
    5. Legal Principles in Nursing
    6. Ethics
    7. Evidence-Based Practice
    8. Critical Thinking
    9. Nursing Process
    10. Informatics and Documentation
    11. Communication
    12. Patient Education
    13. Managing Patient Care
    14. Infection Prevention and Control
    15. Vital Signs
    16. Health Assessment and Physical Examination
    17. Medication Administration
    18. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balances
    19. NEW! Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Therapies
    20. Caring in Nursing Practice
    21. Cultural Competence
    22. Spiritual Health
    23. Growth and Development
    24. Self-Concept and Sexuality
    25. Family Dynamics
    26. Stress and Coping
    27. Loss and Grief
    28. Activity and Exercise
    29. Immobility
    30. Safety
    31. Hygiene
    32. Oxygenation
    33. Sleep
    34. Pain Management
    35. Nutrition
    36. Urinary Elimination
    37. Bowel Elimination
    38. Skin Integrity and Wound Care
    39. Sensory Perceptions
    40. Surgical Patient
  • Patricia A. Potter, RN, MSN, PhD, FAAN, Formerly, Director of Research, Patient Care Services, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri, Anne G. Perry, RN, MSN, EdD, FAAN, Professor Emerita, School of Nursing, Southern Illinois University—Edwardsville, Edwardsville, Illinois, Patricia A. Stockert, RN, BSN, MS, PhD, Formerly, President, College of Nursing, Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing, Peoria, Illinois and Amy Hall, RN, BSN, MS, PhD, CNE, Professor and Dean, School of Nursing, Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
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A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
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Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.