cover image - Current Anesthesia Practice, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323483865
Copyright: 2021
Publication Date: 02-28-2020
Page Count: 394
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $76.99

Current Anesthesia Practice, 1st Edition

by Sass Elisha, EdD, CRNA, FAAN, John J. Nagelhout, CRNA, PhD, FAAN and Jeremy S. Heiner


cover image - Current Anesthesia Practice, 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323483865
Copyright: 2021
Publication Date: 02-28-2020
Page Count: 394
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $76.99
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This is the exam review nurse anesthetists have been waiting for! Expertly written by the leading author team of Elisha, Nagelhout, and Heiner, Current Anesthesia Practice: Evaluate Your Knowledge, 1st Edition helps prepare students for the NCE and CPC exam. It is the ONLY certification review text for nurse anesthetists, making it an invaluable study tool while prepping for the NCE or the new CPC exam. Four comprehensive chapters cover foundational concepts: Airway Management; Applied Pharmacology; Applied Human Physiology, Pathophysiology and Anesthesia Case Management; and Anesthesia Equipment and Technology. Answers to review questions throughout the book are found in the appendix.

    • UNIQUE! The ONLY Certification Review text for nurse anesthetists.
    • UNIQUE! Written by the leading experts in nurse anesthesia, Elisha and Nagelhout.
    • Prepares students for both the current CRNA licensure exam and the new CPC exam.
    • UNIQUE! End-of- section Knowledge Check questions with answers provided in the back of the book.
    • UNIQUE! The ONLY Certification Review text for nurse anesthetists.
    • UNIQUE! Written by the leading experts in nurse anesthesia, Elisha and Nagelhout.
    • Prepares you for both the current CRNA licensure exam and the new CPC exam.
    • UNIQUE! End-of- section Knowledge Check questions with answers provided in the back of the book.
  • 1. Airway Management
    •Physiological Concepts
    •Pathophysiologic Concepts
    •Airway Blocks
    •Airway Assessments
    •Airway Equipment, Management of Devices, and Procedures
    •Airway Management Concepts
    2. Pharmacology
    •General Principles of Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics
    •Inhalation Anesthetics
    •Anesthesia Induction Medications
    •Induction Agents
    •Neuromuscular Blocking Agents
    •Anticholinesterase Agents
    •Selective Muscle Relaxant Binding Agent
    •Autonomic Nervous System – Sympathomimetic Amines
    •α-Receptor Blocking Agents
    •β-Adrenergic Blocking Agents
    •Calcium Channel Blockers
    •Antihypertensive Agents
    •Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Agents
    •Miscellaneous Analgesics
    •Local Anesthetics
    •Oral Antacids
    •Antiparkinsonian Drugs
    •Histamine Receptor Antagonists
    •Antiepileptic Drugs
    •Herbal Supplements
    •Oral Hypoglycemics
    •Intravenous Dyes
    •Lipid-Lowering Agents
    •Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors
    3. Human Physiology, Pathophysiology and Anesthesia Case Management
    •Cardiovascular System
    •Neurologic System
    4. Anesthesia Equipment and Technology
    •Infection Control: Disinfection
    •Monitoring Modalities
    •Anesthetic Gas Machine
    •Standards for Preanesthesia Evaluation and Informed Consent
    Appendix A: Knowledge Check Answers
  • Sass Elisha, EdD, CRNA, FAAN, Assistant Director, Kaiser Permanente School of Anesthesia, Pasadena, California, USA, John J. Nagelhout, CRNA, PhD, FAAN, Director, School of Anesthesia, Kaiser Permanente, California State University-Fullerton, Southern California Permanente Medical Group, Pasadena, CA, USA and Jeremy S. Heiner, Academic and Clinical Faculty, Kaiser Permanente School of Anesthesia, USA
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Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.