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cover image - Equine Surgery,5th Edition
ISBN: 9780323484206
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 08-30-2018
Page Count: 1896
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $286.99

Equine Surgery, 5th Edition

by Jorg A. Auer, Dr Med Vet, MS and John A. Stick, DVM, Diplomate ACVS


cover image - Equine Surgery,5th Edition
ISBN: 9780323484206
Copyright: 2019
Publication Date: 08-30-2018
Page Count: 1896
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $286.99
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**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 with "Essential Purchase" designation in Veterinary Medicine** Equip yourself for success with the only book on the market that covers all aspects of equine surgery! Equine Surgery, 5th Edition prepares you to manage each surgical condition by understanding its pathophysiology and evaluating alternative surgical approaches. Explanations in the book describe how to avoid surgical infections, select and use instruments, and perfect fundamental surgical techniques including incisions, cautery, retractions, irrigation, surgical suction, wound closure, dressings, bandages, and casts. In addition to diagnostic imaging and orthopedic coverage, it includes in-depth information on anesthesia, the integumentary system (including wound management, reconstructive surgery, and skin grafting), the alimentary system, respiratory, and urogenital systems.

    • Complete coverage of all the information needed to study for the American and European College of Veterinary Surgeons Board Examinations makes this edition an excellent study tool.
    • Section on anesthesiology and pain management prepares you to manage these critical aspects of any surgery.
    • Extensive, up-to-date orthopedic coverage includes joint disorders and joint trauma.
    • Section on integumentary system contains information on wound management, reconstructive surgery, and skin grafting.
    • Section on the alimentary system covers postoperative care, complications and reoperation guidelines.
    • New techniques in vascular surgery keep you up-to-date with best practices.
    • NEW! Expert Consult site offering 40+ videos of surgeons performing techniques so that you can quickly access drug and equipment information. 
    • NEW! Expansion of minimally invasive surgical techniques includes laser ablation procedures, implantation of plates against bones in orthopedic procedures, and laparoscopic procedures for soft tissue injuries.
    • NEW! World-renowned contributors, featuring two new associate editors include over 70 of the most experienced and expert equine specialist surgeons, each providing current and accurate information. 
    • NEW! Current advances in imaging detect musculoskeletal conditions in the sports horse.
  • Section I: Surgical Biology 1. Shock: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Physiologic Response to Trauma 2. The Systemic Inflammatory Response 3. Fluids, Electrolytes, and Acid-Base Therapy 4. Hemostasis, Surgical Bleeding, and Transfusion 5. Wound Healing 6. Metabolism and Nutritional Support of the Surgical Patient 7. Surgical Site Infection 8. Regenerative Medicine 

    Section II: Surgical Methods 9. Hygiene in the Surgical Area: Surgical Textiles, Instrument, Processing, Antiseptics and Disinfection  10.Preparation of Surgery: Decision Making / Operative Risk, Patient, Facility, Operating Team, Report   11.Surgical Instruments  12.Surgical Techniques 13.Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques 14.Cryosurgery 15.Lasers in Veterinary Surgery 16.Suture Materials and Patterns, 17.Drains, Bandages, and External Coaptation

    Section III: Recent Advances in Anesthesia 18.Balanced Inhalation Anesthesia 19.Modern Injection Anesthesia for Horses 20.Anesthesia and Analgesia for Foals 21.Recovery from Anesthesia 22.Complications of Inhalation Anesthesia and Their Management 23.Chemical Restraint for Standing Procedures 24.Equine Pain Management

    Section IV: Integumentary System       25.Principles of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 26.Skin Grafting 27.Management of Superficial Wounds, Deep and Chronic Wounds, Sinus Tracts, and Fistulas 28.Skin Conditions Amenable to Surgery

    Section V:  Alimentary System Upper Alimentary System  29.Oral Cavity and Salivary Glands   30.Esophagus  31.Stomach and Duodenum 32.Spleen and Liver Lower Alimantary System 33.Colic: Diagnosis, Surgical Decision, Preoperative Management, and Surgical Approaches to the Abdomen 34.Principles of Intestinal Surgery and Determination of Intestinal Viability 35.Jejunum and Ileum  36.Cecum 37.Large Colon 38.Transverse and Small Colon  39.Rectum and Anus  40.Abdominal Hernias 41.Postoperative Care, Complications, And Reoperation Of The Colic Patient

    Section VI:   Respiratory System        42.Overview of the Upper Airway Function     43.Diagnostic Techniques in Equine Upper Respiratory Tract Disease   44.Nasal Passages and Paranasal Sinuses   45.Pharynx    46.Larynx    47.Guttural Pouch       48.Trachea    49.Thoracic Disorders   Section VII:   Nervous System                  50.Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System 51.Diagnostic Procedures      52.Pharmaceutical Considerations for Treatment of the Central Nervous System 53.Vertebral Column and Spinal Cord 54.Neurocranium and Brain 55.Peripheral Nerve Injuries

    Section VIII: Eye and Adnexa                  56.Surgery of the Globe and Orbit     57.Adnexal Surgery     58.Surgery of the Ocular Surface 59.Intraocular Surgery         Section IX: Reproductive System    60.Testis  61.Penis and Prepuce    62.Vulva, Vestibule, Vagina and Cervix 63.Uterus and Ovaries

    Section X:  Urinary System        64.Diagnostic Techniques and Principles of Urinary Tract Surgery      65.Kidneys and Ureters  66.Bladder    67.Urethra

    Section XI: Diagnostic Imaging 68.Radiology 69.Ultrasonography 70.Nuclear Scintigraphy 71.Computed Tomography 72.Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    Section XII: Musculoskeletal System 73.Diagnostic and Regional Surgical Anesthesia of the Limbs and Axial Skeleton 74.Emergency Treatment and Transportation of Equine Fracture Patients 75.Bone Biology and Fracture Healing 76.Metallic Instruments and Implants 77.Principles of Fracture Treatment 78.Bone Grafts and Bone Replacements 79.Synovial Joint Biology and Pathobiology 80.Medical Treatment of Joint Disease 81.Surgical Treatment of Joint Disease 82.Arthrodesis Techniques 83.Management of Bursitis 84.Diagnosis and Management of Tendon and Ligament Disorders 85.Biology and Management of Muscle Disorders and Diseases 86.Synovial and Osseous Infections          87.Angular Limb Deformities         88.Flexural Limb Deformities     89.Osteochondrosis Dissecans 90.Subchondral Bone Cysts (SCLs)   91.Foot    92.Phalanges and Metacarpophalangeal and Metatarsophalangeal Joints 93.Third Metacarpal / Metatarsal Bones 94.Vestigial Metacarpal and Metatarsal Bones 95.Carpus 96.Radius and Ulna 97.Humerus 98.Shoulder 99.Tarsus    100.Tibia     101.Stifle     102.Femur and Pelvis 103.Temporomandibular Joint Disorders    104.Craniomaxillofacial Disorders 105.Postoperative Rehabilitation for the Orthopedic Patient

  • Jorg A. Auer, Dr Med Vet, MS, Diplomate ACVS, ECVS, Professor of Surgery, Director, Veterinary Surgery Clinic, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland and John A. Stick, DVM, Diplomate ACVS, Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
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