Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 6th Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
Now $59.84
Promoting safe and effective nursing care, Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), 6th Edition standardizes the terminology and criteria needed to measure and evaluate outcomes that result from nursing interventions. Over 540 research-based nursing outcome labels — including50 that are NEW to this edition — help to standardize expected patient outcomes. Specific indicators make it easier to evaluate and rate the patient in relation to outcome achievement. Written by an expert author team led by Sue Moorhead, this book is ideal for practicing nurses, students, educators, researchers, and administrators seeking to improve cost containment and patient outcomes.
Newer Edition Available
Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
- 540 research-based nursing outcome labels promote standardization of expected patient outcomes.
- Definitions, lists of indicators, publication facts lines, and references provide all of the information you need to understand outcomes.
- NEW! Approximately 50 new outcome labels allow you to better define patient outcomes that are responsive to nursing care.
Front Matter
Part I: Overview and Use of Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) in Education, Practice and Research
1. The Current Classification of Outcomes 2. Using NOC
Part II: NOC Taxonomy Overview of the NOC Taxonomy
Part III: The Outcomes
Part IV: NOC Linkages NOC Knowledge Outcomes Linked to Related Behavior Outcomes NOC and NIC Linkage to Clinical Conditions
Part V: Core NOC Outcomes Core Outcomes for Nursing Specialties
Part VI: Appendixes Appendix A: Outcomes: New, Revised and Retired Since the Fifth Edition Appendix B: Previous Editions and Translations Appendix C: Selected Terms and Definitions Appendix D: Outcomes by Scale Appendix E: Guidelines for Submission of a New or Revised Outcome Appendix F: NANDA-I Diagnoses Definitions