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cover image - Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,6th Edition
ISBN: 9780323548502
Copyright: 2018
Publication Date: 02-27-2017
Page Count: 1888
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $276.99

Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 6th Edition

by Nader Rifai, PhD

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,6th Edition
ISBN: 9780323548502
Copyright: 2018
Publication Date: 02-27-2017
Page Count: 1888
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $276.99
Was $276.99

Now $263.14

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The Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, 6th Edition provides the most current and authoritative guidance on selecting, performing, and evaluating the results of new and established laboratory tests. This classic clinical chemistry reference offers encyclopedic coverage detailing everything you need to know, including: analytical criteria for the medical usefulness of laboratory tests, variables that affect tests and results, laboratory medicine, applications of statistical methods, and most importantly clinical utility and interpretation of laboratory tests. It is THE definitive reference in clinical chemistry and molecular diagnostics, now fully searchable and with quarterly content updates, podcasts, clinical cases, animations, and extended content online through Expert Consult.

Newer Edition Available

7th Edition

Tietz Textbook of Laboratory Medicine - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
ISBN: 9780323834681
    • Analytical criteria focus on the medical usefulness of laboratory procedures.
    • Reference ranges show new approaches for establishing these ranges — and provide the latest information on this topic.
    • Lab management and costs gives students and chemists the practical information they need to assess costs, allowing them to do their job more efficiently and effectively.
    • Statistical methods coverage provides you with information critical to the practice of clinical chemistry.
    • Internationally recognized chapter authors are considered among the best in their field.
    • Two-color design highlights important features, illustrations, and content to help you find information easier and faster.
    • NEW! Internationally recognized chapter authors are considered among the best in their field.
    • NEW! Expert Consult features fully searchable text, quarterly content updates, clinical case studies, animations, podcasts, atlases, biochemical calculations, multiple-choice questions, links to Medline, an image collection, and audio interviews. You will now enjoy an online version making utility of this book even greater.
    • UPDATED! Expanded Molecular Diagnostics section with 12 chapters that focus on emerging issues and techniques in the rapidly evolving and important field of molecular diagnostics and genetics ensures this text is on the cutting edge and of the most value.
    • NEW! Comprehensive list of Reference Intervals for children and adults with graphic displays developed using contemporary instrumentation.
    • NEW! Standard and international units of measure make this text appropriate for any user — anywhere in the world.
    • NEW! 22 new chapters that focus on applications of mass spectrometry, hematology, transfusion medicine, microbiology, biobanking, biomarker utility in the pharmaceutical industry and more!
    • NEW! Expert senior editors, Nader Rifai, Carl Wittwer and Rita Horvath, bring fresh perspectives and help ensure the most current information is presented.
    • UPDATED! Thoroughly revised and peer-reviewed chapters provide you with the most current information possible.
  • BASICS OF LABORATORY MEDICINE 1. Clinical chemistry and molecular diagnostics (Rifai, Horvath, Wittwer) 2. Statistical methodologies in laboratory medicine: analytical and clinical evaluation of laboratory tests  (Linnet, Boyd, Moons) 3. Quality management in the medical laboratory (Burnett, Burnett, Mackay) 4. Sample handling and processing (Haverstick, Jones) 5. Preanalytical variation and pre-examination processes (Simundic, Nicolac, Guder) 6. Quality control of the analytical examination process (Miller, Sandberg) 7. Biological variation (Fraser, Sandberg) 8. Establishment and use of reference intervals (Horowitz, Jones) 9. Evidence-based laboratory medicine (Horvath, Bossuyt, Glasziou) 10. NEW! Biobanking (Ellervik, Vaught) 11. NEW! Laboratory support of pharmaceutical, in vitro diagnostics, and epidemiologic studies (Sarno, Sethi, Laterza, Rifai)

    ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS 12. Principles of basic techniques and laboratory safety (Lo) 13. Optical techniques (Kricka, Park) 14. Electrochemistry and chemical sensors (D’Orazio) 15. Electrophoresis (Bazydlo, Landers) 16. Chromatography (Hage) 17. Mass spectrometry (Rockwood, Kushnir, Clarke) 18. NEW! Sample preparation for mass spectrometry applications (Wells) 19. NEW! Mass spectrometry applications in infectious disease and pathogens identification (Heaton, Patel) 20. NEW! Development and Validation of Small Molecule Analytes By Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (Grant, Rappold) 21. NEW! Proteomics (Hoofnagle, Bystrom) 22. Enzyme and rate analysis (Bais, Panteghini) 23. Immunochemical techniques (Kricka, Park) 24. NEW! Microfabrication and microfluidics and their application in clinical diagnostics (Bazydlo, Landers) 25. NEW! Cytometery (Shapiro) 26. Automation in the clinical laboratory (Hawker, Genzen, Wittwer) 27. Point of care testing (St. John, Price)

    ANALYTES 28. Amino acids, peptides and proteins (Dietzen) 29. Serum enzymes (Panteghini) 30. Enzymes of the red blood cell (van Solinge, van Wijk) 31. Tumor markers (Sturgeon) 32. Kidney function tests (Lamb, Jones) 33. Carbohydrates (Sacks) 34. Lipids, lipoproteins, apolipoproteins,  and  other cardiovascular risk factors (Remaley, Dayspring, Warnick) 35. Electrolytes and blood gases (Schindler, Brown, Scott) 36. Hormones (Cole) 37. Vitamins and trace elements (Roberts, Taylor, Sodi) 38. Hemoglobin, iron, bilirubin (Cappellini, Lo, Swinkels) 39. Porphyrins and the porphyrias (Badminton, Whatley, Sardh, Aarsand) 40. Therapeutic drugs and their management (Shaw, Milone) 41. Clinical toxicology (Langman, Bechtel, Holstege, Meier) 42. Toxic elements (Strathmann, Blum) 43. NEW! Body Fluids (Florkowski, Block)

    MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS 44. Principles of molecular biology (Howe) 45. Genomes and variants (Wittwer, Park) 46. Nucleic acid isolation (Thatcher) 47. Nucleic acid techniques (Wittwer, Makrigiorgos) 48. NEW! Molecular microbiology (Nolte) 49. Genetics (Vnencak-Jones, Best) 50. NEW! Solid tumor genomics (Mardis) 51. Genetic aspects of hematopoietic malignancies (Kelley, Patel) 52. NEW! Circulating tumor cells (Lianidou, Hoon) 53. Circulating nucleic acids for prenatal diagnostics (Chiu, Lo) 54. Pharmacogenetics (McMillin, Wadelius, Pratt) 55. Identity testing (Weedn, Gettings, Podini)

    PATHOPHYSIOLOGY 56. Nutrition: laboratory and clinical aspects (Marshall, Ayling) 57. Diabetes mellitus (Sacks) 58. Cardiac function (Apple, Goetze, Jaffe) 59. Kidney disease (Delaney, Lamb) 60. Disorders of water, electrolytes, and acid-base metabolism (Cheng, Schindler, Scott) 61. Liver disease (Rosenberg, Badrick, Tanwar) 62. Gastric, pancreatic and intestinal function (Sherwood, Bjarnason, Walsham) 63. Monoamine-producing tumors (Eisenhofer, Grebe, Cheung) 64. Bone and mineral metabolism (Fraser) 65. Pituitary function and pathophysiology (Winter, McCormack, Bertholf) 66. The adrenal cortex (Bertolf, Cooper, Winter) 67. Thyroid Disorders (Freedman, Halsall, Marshall, Ellervik) 68. Reproductive endocrinology and related disorders (Nerenz, Jungheim, Gronowski) 69. Pregnancy and its disorders (Yarbrough, Stout, Gronowski) 70. Newborn screening and inborn errors of metabolism (Pasquali, Longo) 71. Hemostasis (Higgins, Kitchen, Chen) 72. NEW! Red Blood Cell Morphology and Indices and the Clinical Chemistry Interface (Green, Rashidi) 73. NEW! Automated hematology (George, Chabot-Richards, Zhang)

    MICROBIOLOGY 74. NEW! Bacteriology (Doern, Forbes) 75. NEW! Antimicrobial resistance (Humphries, Abbott) 76. NEW! Mycobacteriology (Caulfield, Liesman, Chen, Wengenack) 77. NEW! Mycology (Hilmarsdóttir, Schuetz, Lau) 78. NEW! Parasitology (Pritt) 79. NEW! Virology (Buchan, Anderson)

    TRANSFUSION MEDICINE 80. NEW! Blood Groups and Pre-Transfusion Testing (Quillen, Manis) 81. NEW! Blood Components, Transfusion Reactions, and Blood Donation (Quillen, Manis)

    APPENDIX: Reference information for the clinical laboratory (Adeli, Ceriotti, Nieuwesteeg)

  • Nader Rifai, PhD, Professor Department of Pathology Harvard Medical School; The Louis Joseph Gay-Lussac Chair in Laboratory Medicine Boston Children's Hospital; Director of Clinical Chemistry Laboratory Medicine Boston Children's Hospital Boston, Massachusetts
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