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cover image - Complications in Endovascular Surgery,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323554480
Copyright: 2021
Publication Date: 01-15-2021
Page Count: 368
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $262.99

Complications in Endovascular Surgery, 1st Edition

by Maciej Dryjski, MD, PhD, FACS and Linda M Harris


cover image - Complications in Endovascular Surgery,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323554480
Copyright: 2021
Publication Date: 01-15-2021
Page Count: 368
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $262.99


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As devices, technologies, and imaging techniques continue to evolve, today’s endovascular surgical techniques have increased in both number and complexity. Complications in Endovascular Surgery provides a unique focus on potential complications encountered in the operating room, preparing you to anticipate the unexpected, identify the risk factors in individual procedures, and take steps to successfully manage complications when they occur.
    • Helps you manage the surgical complications associated with image-guided interventional techniques used when treating patients with vascular disease, with clear descriptions of how to prevent problems and how to prevent catastrophic problems once a simple problem occurs. 

    • Provides a practical guide to device-specific tips and tricks from experts in the field, making this unique resource ideal for surgeons at all levels of training and practice. 

    • Features highly illustrated, consistent instructions that explain how to avoid and manage both common and uncommon complications. 

    • Covers EVAR, TEVAR, FEVAR, and other complex aortic work; as well as CAS, TCAR, complex LE endovascular procedures, and venous intervention-lysis/stenting. 

    • Includes tip boxes with key facts and technical recommendations, warning boxes that highlight safety precautions, and a troubleshooting guide for each procedure that helps you get back on track if things don’t go exactly as planned. 

    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices 

  • Foreword Frank J. Veith

    Dedication Maciej L. Dryjski and Linda M. Harris

    Introduction Maciej L. Dryjski and Linda M. Harris

    1 Access Complications Michael Yacoub and Ali F. AbuRahma

    2 Other Access Christine Ou, Animesh Rathore, and Jean M. Panneton

    3 Vascular Closure Devices for Small Arteriotomies: How to Avoid and Deal With Complications Evan D. Lehrman and Joshua L. Weintraub

    4 General Complications of EVAR Tracy J. Cheun, Lalithapriya Jayakumar, and Mark G. Davies

    5 Gore Excluder Clayton J. Brinster and Ross Milner

    6 Complications of the Medtronic Endurant Stent Graft Michael Shih, Jason Chang, and Robert Rhee

    7 Endologix Ovation Sikandar Z. Khan and Richard Curl

    8 Endologix AFX Sikandar Z. Khan, Nicolas J. Mouawad, and Richard Curl

    9 Graft-Specific Issues for EVAR: The Aorfix Endograft Hanaa Dakour Aridi, Sophie Wang, and Mahmoud B. Malas

    10 Nellix Katherine K. McMackin and Jeffrey P. Carpenter

    11 Vascutek (Bolton) TREO Endorgaft Michael C. Stoner and Matthew J. TerBush

    12 Grafts Outside the United States Giuseppe Asciutto and Timothy Resch

    13 Ruptured EVAR Complications Jeffrey C. Hnath, Andre R. Ramdon, and R. Clement Darling III

    14 Complications of Fenestrated Endovascular Aneurysm Repair Timothy A. M. Chuter

    15 Complications With Branched Endovascular Devices Piotr Kasprzak, Kyriakos Oikonomou, and Karin Pfister

    16 Complications of EVAR With Snorkels, Chimneys, and Sandwich Techniques Gianluca Faggioli, Enrico Gallitto, and Mauro Gargiulo

    17 Endoleaks Marc L. Schermerhorn and Thomas F.X. O’Donnell

    18 Complications in Endovascular Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair Brant W. Ullery and Kenneth Tran

    19 TAA Endoleaks Maciej L. Dryjski, Dimitrios Koudoumas, and Brendon Reilly

    20 Complications of TAG and Conformable TAG (CTAG) Thoracic Endoprosthesis Tze-Woei Tan and Wayne W. Zhang

    21 Device-Specific Issues With EVAR: Cook Michael R. Hall and Mark A. Farber

    22 Terumo Aortic Relay TEVAR Michael C. Stoner and Matthew J. TerBush

    23 Complication With Medtronic Thoracic Stent Endograft Michael Sywak and Paul Anain

    24 Complications and Lessons Learned From Global Use of the Streamliner Multilayer Flow Modulator (SMFM) Device Sherif Sultan, Edel P. Kavanagh, Ashwini D’Souza, Yogesh Acharya, and Niamh Hynes

    25 Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Daniel M. Shivapour, Samir R. Kapadia, and Amar Krishnaswamy

    26 Complications in the Endovascular Management of Aortic Dissection Albeir Mousa and Shadi Abu-Halimah

    27 Complications of Endovascular Septal Fenestration in the Management of Patients With Aortic Dissection Quirine L. Eijkenboom and Michael D. Dake

    28 Renal and Mesenteric Aneurysms Luke Marone and Jared T. Feyko

    29 Mesenteric Embolization: Solid Organ, Pelvic Trauma, and GI Bleeding Dolly Thakkar Doshi and Michael D. Dake

    30 Complications in Angioplasty and Stenting of Mesenteric and Renal Artery Disease Tiziano Tallarita, Emanuel R. Tenorio, Jussi M. Kärkkäinen, and Gustavo S. Oderich

    31 Thrombolysis in Acute Limb Ischemia Catherine C. Go, Efthymios D. Avgerinos, and Rabih A. Chaer

    32 Aortoiliac Interventions for Occlusive Disease Mariel Rivero and Hasan H. Dosluoglu

    33 Complications of Femoropopliteal Interventions for Occlusive Disease James McKinsey and Reid Ravin

    34 Complications of Endovascular Repair of Popliteal Artery Aneurysms Mathew Wooster, Jeffrey B. Edwards, and Murray L. Shames

    35 Tibial Interventions for Peripheral Arterial Disease Patric Liang, Winona Wu, and Marc L. Schermerhorn

  • Maciej Dryjski, MD, PhD, FACS, Professor and Vice Chairman, Department of Surgery, University at Buffalo; Director, Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Kaleida Health and Linda M Harris, Associate Professor of Surgery; Chief, Division of Vascular Surgery; Program Director, Vascular Surgery Residency and Fellowship, SUNY Buffalo, Buffalo General Medical Center, Buffalo, New York


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