Workbook and Competency Evaluation Review for Mosby's Essentials for Nursing Assistants - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 6th Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

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Reinforce your understanding of the essentials! Corresponding to the chapters in Sorrentino’s Mosby’s Essentials for Nursing Assistants, 6th Edition this workbook provides a clear, comprehensive review of all the material included in the text. It uses a number of exercises and activities including case studies, matching, crosswords, labeling activities, multiple choice questions, and critical thinking exercises. In addition, over 75 checklists — one for every procedure in the text – help you evaluate your proficiency in skills drills. The Competency Evaluation Review section helps you prepare for the certification exam with content review, chapter quizzes, two final exams, and more!
Newer Edition Available
Workbook and Competency Evaluation Review for Mosby's Essentials for Nursing Assistants - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
- Competency Review section includes content review and review questions for all key topics.
- 75 procedure checklists allow step-by-step review of each procedure.
- A wide variety of exercises enhances your ability to learn the material.
- Additional quizzes and practice exams provide the opportunity for further study and review.
- NEW! Updated exercises cover new textbook chapters from the main text including Ethics and Laws, Moving the Person, Transferring the Person, Urinary Catheters, Fluid Needs, Hearing, Speech, and Vision Problems, and Getting a Job.
- NEW! Math exercises increases your familiarity with common formulas and calculations found on the job.
1. Introduction to Health Care
2. The Person’s Rights
3. The Nursing Assistant
4. NEW! Ethics and Laws
5. Student and Work Ethics
6. Health Team Communications
7. Understanding the Person
8. Body Structure and Function
9. The Older Person
10. Safety Needs
11. Preventing Falls
12. Restraint Alternatives and Restraints
13. Preventing Infection
14. Body Mechanics
15. NEW! Moving the Person
16. NEW! Transferring the Person
17. Comfort Needs
18. Hygiene Needs
19. Grooming Needs
20. Urinary Needs
21. NEW! Urinary Catheters
22. Bowel Needs
23. Nutrition Needs
24. NEW! Fluid Needs
25. Measurements
26. Collecting Specimens
27. Exercise and Activity Needs
28. Wound Care
29. Pressure Injuries
30. Oxygen Needs
31. Rehabilitation Needs
32. NEW! Hearing, Speech, and Vision Problems
33. Common Health Problems
34. Mental Health Disorders
35. Confusion and Dementia
36. Emergency Care
37. End-of-Life Care
38. NEW! Getting a JobProcedure Checklists
Competency Evaluation Review
Textbook Chapters Review
Practice Examination 1
Practice Examination 2
Skills Evaluation Review
Answers to Review Questions in Textbook Chapters Review
Answers to Practice Examination 1
Answers to Practice Examination 2