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cover image - Cardiac Catheterization Handbook Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,7th Edition
ISBN: 9780323611923
Copyright: 2020
Publication Date: 10-21-2019
Page Count: 736
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $63.99

Cardiac Catheterization Handbook Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 7th Edition

by Paul Sorajja, MD, FACC, FAHA, FSCAI, Michael J Lim, MD, FACC, FSCAI and Morton J. Kern, MD, MSCAI, FAHA, FACC

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Cardiac Catheterization Handbook Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,7th Edition
ISBN: 9780323611923
Copyright: 2020
Publication Date: 10-21-2019
Page Count: 736
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $63.99


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**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 in Cardiology** For portable, quick access to information needed at the point of care in today’s cath lab, look no farther than Kern’s Cardiac Catheterization Handbook, 7th Edition. This detailed, authoritative guide is ideal for cardiologists who need a quick clinical primer on cardiac catheterization, as well as for all members of the cardiac cath team. Highly readable and accessible, it helps you provide optimal patient care with reliable information on the latest diagnostic and treatment advances in this fast-paced field.

Newer Edition Available

8th Edition

Cardiac Catheterization Handbook Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
ISBN: 9780443124969
    • Provides clear instructions on what to expect, what to avoid, and how to manage complications for every procedure you’ll encounter – including coverage of new techniques and technologies that affect virtually all aspects of familiar procedures.
    • Covers all the newest catheterization techniques for vascular closure and expansion of large-bore access procedures, including TAVR, ECMO, mitraclip, and TMVR.
    • Features a new chapter on intracardiac echocardiography and intraprocedural imaging.
    • Discusses key topics such as intra-procedural imaging, management of complications with algorithms that expedite the approach to these patients, adjunctive hemodynamic support, and maintaining quality in the laboratory.
    • Incorporates an increased emphasis on indications and contraindications for procedures in the context of a multidisciplinary heart team approach.
    • Includes numerous clear illustrations to enhance your understanding of the material, as well as videos of Dr. Kern demonstrating various procedures in the cath lab.
    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
  • Section I: Mitral disease Transcatheter repair 1. Uncomplicated transcatheter mitral valve repair with MitraClip 2. Commissural mitral regurgitation therapy 3. Advanced steering in the left atrium for an aortic hugger 4. Transcatheter repair of ruptured papillary muscle 5. Optimal intraprocedural guidance for mitral therapy 6. Challenges of transcatheter therapy for functional mitral regurgitation 7. The zip-and-clip technique in transcatheter mitral valve repair 8. Mitral annular calcification and transcatheter mitral valve repair 9. Optimization for multiple clip placement 10. Importance of hemodynamics for assessing residual regurgitation 11. Use of low profile pressure wire for simultaneous left atrial pressure during repair 12. Barlow's valve therapy 13. Transcatheter mitral repair for cardiogenic shock 14. A space too small for additional clipping 15. Treatment of leaflet perforation with vascular plugs 16. Occluder therapy for residual mitral regurgitation after transcatheter repair 17. Clip-to-annuloplasty ring 18. Transcatheter repair of severe mitral regurgitation after surgical annuloplasty 19. Unsuccessful transcatheter repair after prior cardiac surgery 20. MitraClip in a patient with radiation heart disease 21. A difficult case of transcatheter mitral valve repair 22. Stuck on the atrial septum 23. Ensuring mitral leaflet insertion 24. One of my most difficult transcatheter repair cases 25. Single leaflet device attachment and clip embolization 26. Lessons learned from a difficult MitraClip case 27. Percutaneous treatment of ventricular dysfunction and secondary mitral regurgitation (Accucinch) 28. Percutaneous annuloplasty for severe mitral regurgitation (MitraAlign) 29. Left ventricular therapy for mitral regurgitation (Myocor) 30. Coronary sinus approach for mitral regurgitation (Carillon) 31. Plugging a hole near a mitral surgical ring 32. Anatomical intelligence and image fusion for image guidance of transcatheter mitral valve repair   Valve replacement 33. Computed tomography imaging for transcatheter mitral replacement 34. Retrograde transcatheter mitral valve replacement for mitral regurgitation (Twelve) 35. Retrograde transcatheter mitral valve replacement for mitral regurgitation (Tendyne) 36. Retrograde transcatheter mitral valve replacement for mitral regurgitation (Tiara) 37. Antegrade valve replacement in severe mitral annular calcification 38. Self expanding prosthesis for severe mitral annular calcification 39. Retrograde valve replacement in severe mitral annular calcification with a rail 40. Management of LVOT obstruction from mitral valve replacement 41. Transcatheter valve placement in a mitral ring   Balloon commissurotomy 42. Hemodynamic assessment of mitral disease 43. Balloon mitral valvuloplasty for rheumatic mitral stenosis 44. Rupture of mitral valve with balloon mitral valvuloplasty 45. The banking technique for Inoue balloon movement

    Section II Aortic valve disease Valve replacement 46.  Caseous mitral annular calcification distorting the aortic annulus 47. Transfemoral balloon-expandable transcatheter aortic valve replacement (Sapien 3) 48. Double Valve Transcatheter Therapy for Mitral and Aortic Stenosis 49. Transvenous antegrade transcatheter aortic valve replacement 50. Valve embolization in transcatheter aortic valve replacement 51. Transcatheter aortic valve therapy for ascending aortic dissection with aortic regurgitation 52. Superior placement to overcome severe left ventricular outflow tract calcification 53. Retrieval of transaortic sheath marker loss 54. Left ventricular perforation during transcatheter aortic valve replacement 55. Subaortic ring therapy 56. Bicuspid aortic valve therapy - transcatheter challenges 57. Transcatheter aortic valve-in-valve therapy with high risk of coronary obstruction 58. A difficult case of transcatheter aortic valve replacement 59. Valve embolization during transcatheter aortic therapy 60. Transcaval transcatheter aortic valve replacement 61. Subclavian management during transcatheter aortic valve replacement 62. Rapid ventricular pacing and demise of left ventricular function 63. Pure aortic regurgitation treatment 64. Aortic regurgitation treatment in the presence of a left ventricular assist device 65. Prosthetic valve thrombosis 66. Fractures and twists during transcatheter aortic valve implantation 67. Transcatheter aortic valve therapy without pre-procedural computed tomography  

    Section III Prosthetic valve Paravalvular regurgitation 68. Computed tomography for paravalvular leak closure 69. Retrograde repair of aortic paravalvular regurgitation 70. Retrograde repair of mitral paravalvular regurgitation 71. Retrograde Repair of a Multi-Orifice Mitral Paravalvular Leak by Hopscotch Technique 72. Antegrade repair of mitral paravalvular regurgitation 73. Benefit of accurate transseptal puncture in paravalvular closure 74. Challenging echocardiographic imaging for leak closure 75. Coronary dissection from paravalvular leak closure 76. Treatment of Coronary Obstruction after  Paravalvular Leak Closure 77. Papillary muscle rupture during paravalvular leak closure 78. Step up technique with coronary guidewire use for paravalvular leak closure 79. The anchor wire technique for aortic paravalvular leak closure 80. Venous-arterial rail and anchor 81. Simultaneous plug placement for paravalvular leaks 82. Closure of aorta to right ventricle fistula 83. The aortic-arterial rail technique 84. Repair of paravalvular regurgitation in a balloon-expanding prosthesis

    Valve-in-valve 85. Mitral valve-in-valve therapy with an apical rail 86. Antegrade mitral valve-in-valve therapy 87. Bioprosthetic valve fracture at the time of valve-in-valve TAVR 88. Self-expanding prosthesis for aortic valve-in-valve 89. Small prosthesis therapy 90. Transcatheter valve-in-valve therapy for tricuspid disease 91. Complex self-expanding aortic valve therapy 92. A very difficult case of valve-in-valve therapy 93. Antegrade balloon-expandable valve for tricuspid valve-in-valve therapy 94. Complex tricuspid valve-in-valve therapy 95. Fusion imaging for apical access and mitral valve placement 96. Fusion Imaging for Mitral Valve-in-Valve Replacement 97. Challenging case of surgical mitral ring therapy

    Section IV Cardiomyopathy Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 98. Mitral valve abnormalities in hypertrophic card

  • Paul Sorajja, MD, FACC, FAHA, FSCAI, Director, Center for Valve and Structural Heart Disease, Minneapolis Heart Institute, Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Michael J Lim, MD, FACC, FSCAI, Co-Director, Center for Comprehensive Cardiovascular Care
    Director, Division of Cardiology
    Professor of Internal Medicine
    Jack Ford Shelby Endowed Professor of Cardiology
    Director, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory
    Director, Cardiovascular Diseases and Interventional Cardiovascular Diseases Fellowship Programs
    St Louis University School of Medicine
    St Louis, Missouri and Morton J. Kern, MD, MSCAI, FAHA, FACC, Professor of Medicine, University of California, Irvine, Orange, California; Chief of Medicine, Long Beach Veterans Health Care System, Long Beach, California


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