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cover image - Krause and Mahan’s Food and the Nutrition Care Process Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,15th Edition
ISBN: 9780323636575
Copyright: 2021
Publication Date: 05-12-2020
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $153.99

Krause and Mahan’s Food and the Nutrition Care Process Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 15th Edition

by Janice L Raymond, MS, RDN, CSG and Kelly Morrow, MS, RDN, FAND

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Krause and Mahan’s Food and the Nutrition Care Process Elsevier eBook on VitalSource,15th Edition
ISBN: 9780323636575
Copyright: 2021
Publication Date: 05-12-2020
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $153.99
Was $153.99

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A trusted classic for over 50 years, Krause and Mahan’s Food & the Nutrition Care Process, 15th Edition presents the most up-to-date dietetics content available in this ever-changing field to ensure you provide optimal nutritional care. It offers cutting-edge, comprehensive coverage of a full range of dietetics topics, all in one book. You’ll benefit from in-depth information from clinical specialists that provides practical and evidence-based recommendations related to nutrition assessment and intervention, nutritional needs of individuals in different stages of the life cycle, nutrition for health and fitness, and medical nutrition therapy.

Newer Edition Available

16th Edition

Krause and Mahan’s Food and the Nutrition Care Process, 16e, Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
ISBN: 9780323811989
    • UNIQUE! Pathophysiology algorithms present the cause, pathophysiology, and medical nutrition management for a variety of disorders and conditions to help you provide optimal nutritional care.
    • UPDATED! Inflammation and the Pathophysiology of Chronic Disease chapter offers vital information to help you understand how diet and nutrition affect the body and contribute to disease processes.
    • UPDATED! Part III: Nutrition in the Life Cycle section of chapters explains the newest nutrition guidelines from pregnancy through adult years to increase your understanding of the nutritional needs of patients at every age.
    • Clinical case studies help you translate academic knowledge into practical patient care using the nutrition care process.
    • Nutrition Diagnosis boxes present a problem, its etiology, and its signs and symptoms before concluding with a sample nutrition diagnosis, providing you with real-life scenarios you may encounter in practice.
    • Clinical Insight boxes expand on clinical information, highlight new areas of focus, and contain clinical resources for your studies.
    • NEW! Food-Nutrient Delivery: Planning the Diet with Cultural Competency chapter provides international nutrition guidelines and resources to assist you with multicultural meal planning.
    • NEW! Clinical: Nutritional Genomics chapter features an author from the NIH’s Human Genome Project and introduces you to the latest research about CRISPR and epigenetics.
    • NEW! MNT for Neurologic Disorders chapter features two new authors, including a speech therapist, and displays IDDSI guidelines and an appendix for dysphagia diets to help you carefully and consistently address the nutritional needs of these patients.
    • NEW! Clinical: Water, Electrolytes, and Acid-Base Balance and Clinical: Biochemical, Physical, and Functional Assessment chapters are updated with the most relevant and evidence-based complementary and integrative approaches to expand your expertise in these clinical nutritional areas.
    • NEW! MNT for Adverse Reactions to Food: Food Allergies and Intolerance chapter features completely revised guidelines and a new pathophysiology algorithm to ensure you are confident in your knowledge of how to prevent emergencies and what to do when emergencies do happen.
    • NEW! Coverage of intermittent fasting, health at every size, and health disparities focuses on the latest nutrition trends to ensure you are well-versed in these topics.
    • NEW! The Mediterranean Diet, Choline, and Biotin appendices display at-a-glance information to help you find quickly supplemental information.
    • NEW! Directions boxes and Focus On boxes, as well as useful websites, resources, and key terms at the end of each chapter, help you find information quickly and easily.
  • Part I: Nutrition Assessment1. Intake: Gastrointestinal Digestion, Absorption, and Excretion of Nutrients2. Intake: Energy3. Clinical: Water, Electrolytes, and Acid-Base Balance4. Intake: Assessment of Food and Nutrition-Related History5. Clinical: Biochemical, Physical, and Functional Assessment6. Clinical: Nutritional Genomics7. Inflammation and the Pathophysiology of Chronic Disease8. Behavioral-Environmental: The Individual in the CommunityPart II: Nutrition Diagnosis and Intervention9. Overview of Nutrition Diagnosis and Intervention10. Food-Nutrient Delivery: Planning the Diet with Cultural Competency11. Food-Nutrient Delivery: Bioactive Substances and Integrative Care12. Food-Nutrient Delivery: Nutrition Support Methods13. Education and Counseling: Behavioral ChangePart III: Nutrition in the Life Cycle14. Nutrition in Pregnancy and Lactation15. Nutrition in Infancy16. Nutrition in Childhood17. Nutrition in Adolescence18. Nutrition in the Adult Years19. Nutrition in AgingPart IV: Nutrition for Weight Management20. Nutrition for Weight Management21. Nutrition in Eating Disorders22. Nutrition in Exercise and Sports Performance23. Nutrition and Bone Health24. Nutrition for Oral and Dental HealthPart V: Medical Nutrition Therapy25. MNT for Adverse Reactions to Food: Food Allergies and Intolerance26. MNT for Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders27. MNT for Lower Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders28. MNT for Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disorders29. MNT for Diabetes Mellitus and Hypoglycemia of Nondiabetic Origin30. MNT for Thyroid and Related Disorders31. MNT for Anemias32. MNT for Cardiovascular Disease33. MNT for Pulmonary Disease34. MNT for Renal Disease35. MNT for Cancer Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery36. MNT for HIV and AIDS37. MNT for Metabolic Stress: Sepsis, Trauma, Burns, and Surgery38. MNT for Rheumatic Disorders39. MNT for Neurologic Disorders40. MNT for Psychiatric ConditionsPart VI: Pediatric Specialties41. MNT for Low-Birth-Weight Infants42. MNT for Genetic Metabolic Disorders43. MNT for Intellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesAppendicesAppendix 1: Milliequivalents and Milligrams of ElectrolytesAppendix 2: Equivalents, Conversions, and Portion (Scoop) SizesAppendix 3: Growth ChartsAppendix 4: Tanner Stages of Adolescent Development for Girls and BoysAppendix 5: Direct and Indirect Measurements for Height Appendix 6: Determination of Frame Size Appendix 7: Adjustment of Desirable Body Weight for AmputeesAppendix 8: Body Mass IndexAppendix 9: Skinfold Measurements Appendix 10: Physical Activity and Calories Expended per HourAppendix 11: Nutrition-Focused Physical AssessmentAppendix 12: Laboratory Values for Nutritional Assessment and MonitoringAppendix 13: Nutrition Implications of Selected DrugsAppendix 14: Nutritional Facts on Fluid and HydrationAppendix 15: Enteral (Tube Feeding) Formulas for Adults Marketed in the USAAppendix 16: Sample Stepwise Method to Calculate a PN FormulaAppendix 17: DASH DietAppendix 18: Exchange Lists and Carbohydrate Counting for Meal PlanningAppendix 19: The Ketogenic DietAppendix 20: The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) Appendix 21: Renal Diet for DialysisAppendix 22: The Anti-Inflammatory DietAppendix 23: The Mediterranean DietAppendix 24: Nutritional Facts on Alcoholic BeveragesAppendix 25: Nutritional Facts on Caffeine-Containing ProductsAppendix 26: Nutritional Facts on Essential (Omega) Fatty AcidsAppendix 27: Nutritional Facts on a High Fiber DietAppendix 28: Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load of Selected FoodsAppendix 29: High ProteinAppendix 30: VegetarianAppendix 31: Folate, B6 and B12Appendix 32: CholineAppendix 33: BiotinAppendix 34: Vitamin AAppendix 35: Vitamin CAppendix 36: Vitamin EAppendix 37: Vitamin KAppendix 38: Vitamin DAppendix 39: CalciumAppendix 40: ChromiumAppendix 41: IodineAppendix 42: IronAppendix 43: MagnesiumAppendix 44: Potassium Appendix 45: Selenium Appendix 46: SodiumAppendix 47: Zinc
  • Janice L Raymond, MS, RDN, CSG, Clinical Nutrition Director
    Thomas Cuisine Management at Providence Mount St. Vincent
    Seattle, Washington
    Affiliate Faculty
    Department of Nutrition and Exercise Science
    Bastyr University
    Kenmore, Washington and Kelly Morrow, MS, RDN, FAND, Associate Professor
    Nutrition Clinic Coordinator
    Department of Nutrition and Exercise Science
    Bastyr University
    Kenmore, Washington
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