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cover image - Plastic Surgery - Principles and Practice,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323653817
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 04-29-2021
Page Count: 1216
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $315.99

Plastic Surgery - Principles and Practice, 1st Edition

by Rostam Farhadieh, BSc(Med)(Hons), MBBS, MD, EBOPRASF, FRACS(Plast), FRCS(Plast), Neil Bulstrode, BSc(Hons), MBBS, MD, FRCS(Plast), Babak J. Mehrara, MD and Sabrina Cugno, MD, MSc, FRCSC, FACS, FAAP


cover image - Plastic Surgery - Principles and Practice,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323653817
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 04-29-2021
Page Count: 1216
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $315.99


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With detailed, expert guidance on each essential topic, Plastic Surgery: Principles and Practice offers single-volume convenience without sacrificing complete coverage of this multi-faceted field. Written by global leading authorities, it provides concise, easy-to-follow instruction with the clinical details and supportive data needed to achieve optimal patient outcomes.
    • Offers thorough coverage of facelift procedures, rhinoplasty, otoplasty and more, along with clinical pearls from masters in the field.

    • Features hundreds of high-quality images including anatomical line art, case photos, and procedural operative photos.

    • I Includes a superb selection of procedural videos of global experts performing key techniques within operating room and close-up clinical pearls.

    • An ideal resource for residents, fellows, and practitioners in plastic surgery, as well as those in otolaryngology, vascular surgery, and cosmetic dermatology.

    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

  • Part I: Basic Science and Principles

    1 Skin Structure and Function, Wound Healing and Scarring, 1

    Justine Victoria Sullivan, Simon Myers

    2 Basic Skin Flaps and Blood Supply, 15

    Edwin Morrison, Wayne A.J. Morrison

    3 Biomaterials and Structural Fat Grafting, 27

    Nikita Joji, Afshin Mosahebi

    4 Local Anesthetics, 37

    Yasamin Ziabari

    5 Lasers, 49

    Se Hwang Liew

    6 Tissue Expansion, 56

    Dariush Nikkhah, Neil W. Bulstrode

    7 Tissue Engineering, 68

    Michael W. Findlay, Geoffrey C. Gurtner

    Part II: Integument

    8 Melanoma, 83

    Carlo Riccardo Rossi, Antonio Sommariva

    9 Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer, 97

    Michael W. Findlay, Catherine Soufan

    10 Atypical Skin Lesions, 114

    Michael W. Findlay, Michael A. Henderson

    11 Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation, 131

    Maria Z. Siemionow, Fatih Zor

    12 Radiation Therapy and Soft Tissue Response, 146

    Chris Nutting, Lucinda Gunn, Gurdip Azad

    13 Burns: Acute Care and Reconstruction, 155

    Geoffrey E. Hespe, Benjamin Levi

    Part III: Pediatric Plastic Surgery and Congenital Disorders

    14 Congenital Melanocytic Nevi, 172

    Sabrina Cugno, Veronica Kinsler, Neil W. Bulstrode

    15 Vascular Anomalies, 183

    Sabrina Cugno, Alex Barnacle, John Harper, Neil W. Bulstrode

    16 Cleft Lip, 196

    Marc C. Swan, David M. Fisher

    17 Cleft Palate and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction, 212

    Sabrina Cugno, Brian C. Sommerlad

    18 Congenital Ear Anomalies, 232

    Sabrina Cugno, Neil W. Bulstrode

    19 Rare Craniofacial Clefts, 248

    Hanan Alhusain, Scott P. Bartlett, Mirko S. Gilardino

    20 Craniosynostosis, 267

    Lara S. van de Lande, Aina V.H. Greig, David J. Dunaway

    21 Orthognathic Surgery and Genioplasty, 283

    Karl C. Bruckman, Derek M. Steinbacher

    22 Facial Reanimation, 311

    Jonathan I. Leckenby, Adriaan O. Grobbelaar

    Part IV: Head and Neck Reconstruction

    23 Head and Neck Malignancies, 322

    Ximena Mimica, Marc A. Cohen

    24 Oral Tongue and Mandibular Reconstruction, 334

    Yun-Huan (Barry) Hsieh, Nidal AL Deek, Fu-Chan Wei

    25 Midface Reconstruction, 353

    Matthew M. Hanasono

    26 Pharyngeal Reconstruction, 364

    Rostam D. Farhadieh, Ajay R. Sud, Edwin Morrison, Wayne A.J. Morrison

    27 Reconstruction of the Skull Base, 377

    Alexander F. Mericli, Matthew M. Hanasono

    28 Cheek Reconstruction, 386

    Adam C. Gascoigne, Rostam D. Farhadieh

    29 Lip Reconstruction, 398

    Marlene See, Andrew Morritt, Navid Jallali

    30 Nasal Reconstruction, 411

    David W. Mathes, Aline Rau, Ryan Constantine

    31 Eyelid Reconstruction, 434

    Ebby Elahi, Irina Belinsky

    32 Ear Reconstruction, 450

    Françoise Firmin, Neil W. Bulstrode

    33 Scalp and Calvarial Reconstruction, 469

    Yun-Huan (Barry) Hsieh, Fu-Chan Wei

    34 Facial Trauma, 480

    David J. David

    Part V: Breast

    35 Breast Augmentation, 520

    Benjamin H.L. Howes, Rostam D. Farhadieh

    36 Breast Reconstruction, 535

    Robert J. Allen Jr, Babak J. Mehrara

    37 Congenital Breast Anomalies, 565

    Sabrina Cugno, Alain J. Azzi

    38 Mastopexy and Breast Reduction, 574

    Elizabeth J. Hall-Findlay

    Part VI: Trunk and Lower Limb

    39 Chest Wall Reconstruction, 599

    Nagarajan Muthialu, Mazyar Kanani, Oliver J. Smith, Robert Pearl, Simon Withey

    40 Abdominal Wall Reconstruction, 610

    Anne C. O’Neill, William A. Townley, Stefan O.P. Hofer

    41 Genitourinay and Perineal Reconstruction, 622

    Niri S. Niranjan, Charles Y.Y. Loh, Adeyemi A. Ogunleye, Gordon K. Lee, Kathryn Evans, Imran Mushtaq

    42 Pressure Injuries, 642

    Adam C. Gascoigne, Stephen Flood

    43 Lower Limb Reconstruction, 651

    Michael Saint-Cyr, Abigail M. Rodriguez, Stacy Wong

    44 Lymphedema: Anatomy, Pathophysiology, Evaluation, and Treatment, 666

    Babak J. Mehrara, Michelle Coriddi, Joseph Dayan, Raghu Kataru

    Part VII: Upper Limb

    45 Congenital Hand Differences, 684

    Bran Sivakumar, Jonathan Adamthwaite, Paul Smith

    46 Fingertip Injuries, 710

    Donald Sammut, Robert Pearl

    47 Flexor Tendon Injuries, 730

    Jin Bo Tang

    48 Extensor Tendon Injuries, 750

    Krishna Rao, Gregory McCarten

    49 Tendon Transfers, 758

    Adam C. Gascoigne, Stephen Flood

    50 Digital Replantation and Thumb Reconstruction, 774

    Wayne A.J. Morrison, Rostam D. Farhadieh, Olivia M. Perotti

    51 Compartment Syndrome in the Extremities, 793

    Steven E.R. Hovius, Tim H.J. Nijhuis

    52 Nerve Injury, Repair, and Reconstruction, 803

    Emily M. Krauss, Renata V. Weber, Susan E. Mackinnon

    53 Brachial Plexus Injuries and Reanimation, 826

    Shelley S. Noland, Kirsty Boyd, Susan E. Mackinnon

    54 Nerve Compression, 842

    Hollie A. Power, Kristen M. Davidge, Susan E. Mackinnon

    55 Dupuytren Disease, 872

    Paul M.N. Werker, Ilse Degreef

    56 Fractures and Dislocations in the Hand, 883

    Barbara Jemec, Nicola Burr

    57 Osteoarthritis and Prosthetic Joints in the Hand, 896

    Antonio J. Forte, Peter M. Murray

    58 Wrist Pathology, 906

  • Rostam Farhadieh, BSc(Med)(Hons), MBBS, MD, EBOPRASF, FRACS(Plast), FRCS(Plast), Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon Head of Department of Plastic Reconstructive and Hand Surgery, The Canberra and Calvary Hospitals, Canberra, ACT, Australia, Director, Panthea Clinics Senior Clinical Lecturer Sydney University Medical School
    Sydney,, Neil Bulstrode, BSc(Hons), MBBS, MD, FRCS(Plast), Consultant Plastic Surgeon and Lead Clinician for the Department of Plastic Surgery at Great Ormond Street Hospital London. Honorary Associate Professor, UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health London, United Kingdom., Babak J. Mehrara, MD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Chief, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Service, Peter G. Cordeiro Endowed Chair in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York and Sabrina Cugno, MD, MSc, FRCSC, FACS, FAAP, Pediatric Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Montreal Children’s Hospital and Shriners Hospital, Assistant Professor, McGill University, Montreal Children’s Hospital, McGill University Health Center, Montreal, QC, Canada


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