cover image - Pharmacology - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 10th Edition
ISBN: 9780323654333
Copyright: 2021
Publication Date: 03-10-2020
Page Count: 848
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $103.99

Pharmacology - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 10th Edition

by Linda E. McCuistion, PhD, MSN, RN, Kathleen Vuljoin DiMaggio, MSN, RN, Mary B. Winton, PhD, MSN, RN and Jennifer J. Yeager, PhD, MSN, RN

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

cover image - Pharmacology - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 10th Edition
ISBN: 9780323654333
Copyright: 2021
Publication Date: 03-10-2020
Page Count: 848
Imprint: Saunders
List Price: $103.99
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Get the pharmacology guidance proven to help aspiring nurses succeed on the NCLEX and later as a professional nurse. Using a streamlined prototype approach, an emphasis on nursing care, plus a wealth of other trademark features, Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach, 10th Edition makes it easy for you to really understand pharmacology. Prototype drug charts summarize the need-to-know information about key drugs, including dosage, side effects, interactions, and more. Images of current drug package labels reinforce your understanding of text content using relevant, true-to-life learning. Bulleted nursing process summaries relate nursing care to drug therapy in addition to highlighting patient teaching, patient safety, and relevant cultural content. Finally, the unique and thorough drug calculations section features math review as well as step-by-step instructions for drug calculations using the four general methods of dosage calculation. All in all this text has all the tools you need to better understand the complicated subject of pharmacology.

Newer Edition Available

11th Edition

Pharmacology - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
ISBN: 9780323793179
    • UNIQUE! Prototype drug charts provide easy access to key information for representative drugs, including dosages, contraindications, drug-lab-food interactions, pharmacokinetics, and more.
    • UNIQUE! Extensive chapter on drug calculations presents six methods of dosage calculation, providing a helpful review and supplement to a dosage calculations textbook.
    • UNIQUE! Nursing process summaries highlight important nursing considerations within the framework of the nursing process.
    • Consistent RN-standard chapter pedagogy includes: online learning resources on the companion Evolve website, objectives, and outline.
    • Critical thinking case studies challenge you to apply your knowledge and analytical skills to realistic patient scenarios. Answer guidelines are provided on the Evolve website.
    • Application-level NCLEX study questions include at least one alternate-format question included per chapter.
    • Chapter on safety and quality discusses medication errors, specific nursing measures to promote safety, National Patient Safety Goals, and many other safety issues and concerns.
    • Prioritization coverage throughout the text helps you learn to prioritize nursing care and differentiate need-to-know from nice-to-know content.
    • NEW! Thoroughly updated drug content reflects the very latest FDA drug approvals, withdrawals, and therapeutic uses, as well as corresponding updated nursing content.
    • NEW! New nursing concepts have been added to the nursing processes to further support conceptual learning and higher-level thinking.
    • NEW! New chapter on pharmacogenetics details how a patient’s genetic makeup may affect his or her response to drugs.
    • NEW! Additional student review questions have been added to thoroughly prepare you for the growing pharmacology coverage on the NCLEX Exam.
    • NEW! Updated antihypertensive guidelines (published in November 2017) ensure you are up to date on the latest best practices regarding drugs used to treat high blood pressure.
    • NEW! Updated nursing processes have been added for more consistency from chapter to chapter.
  • Unit 1: Introduction to Pharmacology
    1.The Nursing Process and Patient-Centered Care
    2.Drug Development and Ethical Considerations
    3.Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
    5.Complementary and Alternative Therapies
    6.Pediatric Considerations
    7.Geriatric Considerations
    8.Drugs in Substance Use Disorder

    Unit 2: Pharmacotherapy and Drug Administration
    9.Safety and Quality
    10.Drug Administration
    11.Drug Calculations

    Unit 3: Maintenance of Homeostasis
    12.Fluid Volume and Electrolytes
    13.Vitamin and Mineral Replacement
    14.Nutritional Support

    Unit 4: Autonomic Nervous System Drugs
    15.Adrenergic Agonists and Antagonists
    16.Cholinergic Agonists and Antagonists

    Unit 5: Central and Peripheral Nervous System Drugs
    19.Antiseizure Drugs
    20.Drugs for Parkinsonism and Alzheimer’s Disease
    21.Drugs for Neuromuscular Disorders and Muscle Spasms

    Unit 6: Mental and Behavioral Health Drugs
    22.Antipsychotics and Anxiolytics
    23.Antidepressants and Mood Stabilizers

    Unit 7: Pain and Inflammation Management Drugs

    Unit 8: Antimicrobial Drugs
    27.Antituberculars, Antifungals, and Antivirals
    28.Antimalarials, Anthelmintics, and Peptides

    Unit 9: Immunologic Drugs
    29.HIV- and AIDS-Related Drugs
    30.Transplant Drugs

    Unit 10: Antineoplastics and Biologic Response Modifiers
    32.Anticancer Drugs
    33.Targeted Therapies to Treat Cancer
    34.Biologic Response Modifiers

    Unit 11: Respiratory Drugs
    35.Upper Respiratory Disorders
    36.Lower Respiratory Disorders

    Unit 12: Cardiovascular Drugs
    37.Cardiac Glycosides, Antianginals, and Antidysrhythmics
    40.Anticoagulants, Antiplatelets, and Thrombolytics
    41.Antihyperlipidemics and Drugs to Improve Peripheral Blood Flow

    Unit 13: Gastrointestinal Drugs
    42.Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders
    43.Antiulcer Drugs

    Unit 14: Eye, Ear, and Skin Drugs
    44.Eye and Ear Disorders
    45.Dermatologic Disorders

    Unit 15: Endocrine Drugs
    46.Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, and Adrenal Disorders

    Unit 16: Renal and Urologic Drugs
    48.Urinary Disorders

    Unit 17: Reproductive and Gender-Related Drugs
    49.Pregnancy and Preterm Labor
    50.Labor, Delivery, and Postpartum
    51.Neonatal and Newborn
    52.Reproductive Health
    53.Men’s Health and Reproductive Disorders 
    54.Sexually Transmitted Infections

    Unit 18: Sexually Transmitted Infections
    55.Adult and Pediatric Emergency Drugs

  • Linda E. McCuistion, PhD, MSN, RN, Professor (Ret.), University of Holy Cross, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Kathleen Vuljoin DiMaggio, MSN, RN, Professor Emerita, University of Holy Cross, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Mary B. Winton, PhD, MSN, RN, Associate Professor, Tarleton State University, Stephenville, Texas, USA and Jennifer J. Yeager, PhD, MSN, RN, Associate Professor, Tarleton State University, Stephenville, Texas, USA
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