Foundations of Health Information Management - Elsevier eBook on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 5th Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource - Access Card
Now $79.79
Foundations of Health Information Management, 5th Edition is an absolute must for any student beginning a career in HIM. By focusing on healthcare delivery systems, electronic health records, and the processing, maintenance, and analysis of health information, this engaging, easy-to-understand text presents a realistic and practical view of technology and trends in healthcare. It readies you for the role of a Registered Health Information Technician, who not only maintains and secures accurate health documentation, but serves as a healthcare analyst who translates data into useful, quality information that can control costs and further research. The fifth edition follows the CAHIIM 2018 HIM Associate Degree curriculum competencies, preparing you for the RHIT credentialing exam. EHR samples, practice exercises, and new Bloom’s-level Competency Milestone features help ensure mastery of all competencies.
- Clear writing style and easy reading level make reading and studying more time-efficient, and are ideal for 2-year associate degree HIM programs and career schools.
- Chapter learning objectives are tied to the CAHIIM curriculum competencies to allow instructors to teach to the test ? and prepare you for success on the credentialing exam.
- Professional Profile boxes highlight key HIM professionals within chapter discussions.
- SimChart and SimChart for the Medical Office EHR samples demonstrate electronic medical records in use.
- Career Tip boxes instruct you on a course of study and work experience required for the position.
- Chapter summaries and reviews allow for easy review of each chapter’s main concepts.
- Full-color design and illustrations make content more appealing and easier to learn.
- Competency Check-In exercises at the end of every main section in each chapter encourage you to review and apply key concepts.
- UPDATED! Content organized to follow CAHIIM 2018 HIM Associate Degree curriculum competencies, allowing you to study content that matches your credentialing exam.
- NEW! Updated material fully addresses the newest curriculum competencies with the most contemporary picture of the health care landscape and job market.
- NEW! Cardinal focus on electronic health record processes in both ambulatory and acute care settings with new screens and images.
- UPDATED! Revised Statistics and Data Analytics chapter reinforces the role of the HIM professional as a data analyst, and includes introductory material on research methodologies.
- NEW! RHIT review question engine with custom exam and timer functionalities so you can study for the RHIT exam by category, or create timed mock exams.
- EXPANDED! Additional application exercises offer more opportunities to strengthen your understanding.
- UNIQUE! New Bloom’s-level Competency Milestone features assure instructors of your mastery of all competencies.
- NEW and UPDATED! Expanded coding and reimbursement content with hands-on exercises.
- NEW! Ethics Challenge and Critical Thinking exercises assess your learning.
- EXPANDED! Additional photos and images visually demonstrate HIM concepts and real-life scenarios.
Unit 1: Environment of Healthcare
1. The Health Care Industry
2. Collecting and Storing Health Care Data
Unit 2: Content, Structure, and Processing of Health Information
3. Sources of Data
4. Data Quality and Management
Unit 3: Use and Analysis of Data
5. Code Sets
6. Financial Management
7. Statistics and Data Analytics
Unit 4: Administration and Operations
8. Confidentiality and Compliance
9. Supervision and Training
10. Performance Improvement and Project Management