Specialty Imaging: Acute and Chronic Pain Intervention, 1st Edition
Practical and clinically oriented, Specialty Imaging: Acute and Chronic Pain Intervention provides unique, authoritative guidance on the use of image-guided techniques for periprocedural analgesia and pain management procedures. Ideal for practicing and trainee interventional radiologists, pain physicians, and anesthesiologists, this one-stop resource is tailored to your decision support needs, with coverage of everything from neuroanatomy and specific pain conditions to interventional procedures for acute and chronic pain.
- Provides up-to-date content informed by best practices and the perspectives of both interventional radiology and anesthesiology
- Discusses key topics such as multimodal opioid sparing techniques as adjuncts and alternatives to the use of opioids for acute pain management, as well as shared decision making in interventional radiology pain management
- Demonstrates the new fascial pain blocks as well as sympathetic nerve blocks for periprocedural analgesia during interventional procedures
- Covers adult and pediatric acute and chronic pain conditions
- Integrates neuroanatomy and the "why" of clinical procedures for a better understanding of the pathways and various options for therapeutic intervention
- Presents information consistently, using a highly templated format with bulleted text for quick, easy reference
- Begins each section with a discussion of neuroanatomy, followed by succinct chapters that provide "how-to" information on a clinically useful, imaging-guided interventional procedure for treating a specific acute or chronic pain condition
- Features procedural videos and clear, high-quality drawings for visual reinforcement, e.g., sequential illustrations that show where nerves are located through successive peeling of anatomic layers
- Includes an Expert Consult™ eBook version that allows you to search all text, figures, and references on a variety of devices
Pain Neuroanatomy
Periprocedural Pain Management
Opioid Reduction Strategies
Acute Pain Service: Overview
Management of Cancer Pain: Overview
Pediatric Pain
Shared Decision-Making in Analgesia
Acute Pain Treatment Modalities
Regional Blocks
Neuraxial Anesthesia
Chronic Pain Treatment Modalities
Blocks for Chronic Pain: Facet and Nerve
Heat-Based Ablations: RFA and MWA
Ethanol Albation
Nerve Stimulators
Imaging Modalities
Computed Tomography
Radiation Safety
Contrast Agents
Head, Neck, and Upper Extremity
Acute Pain Procedures
Cervical Epidural
Scalp Blocks
Facet Blocks
Brachial Plexus Blocks: Acute Pain/Diagnostic Procedures
Upper Extremity Blocks
Chronic Pain Procedures
Scalp Blocks (Migraines) and TMJ Injections
RFA Facet Joint
Medial Branch Blocks
Trigger Points
Stellate Ganglion Blocks
Thorax and Chest Wall
Acute Pain Procedures
Thoracic Epidural
Erector Spinae Plane Block
Intercostal Block
Serratus Anterior Block
PECS 1 and PECS 2 Blocks
Chronic Pain Procedures
Heat-Based Ablations
Facet Joint Injection
Scapulothoracic Bursa Injection
Abdomen and Abdominal Wall
Acute Pain Procedures
Paravertebral Block
TAP Block
Quadratus Lumborum Block
Ilioinguinal and Iliohypogastric Nerve Blocks
Chronic Pain Procedures
Celiac Neurolysis
Mesenteric Ganglion Block
Genitofemoral Nerve Block
Pelvis and Perineum
Acute Pain Procedures
Sacroiliac Joint Injection
Pubic Symphysis Injection
Piriformis Injection
Ganglion of Impar
Sacral Nerve Root Block
Pudendal Nerve Block
Penile Nerve Block
Superior and Inferior Hypogastric Blocks
Chronic Pain Procedures
Superior and Inferior Hypogastric Blocks
Ganglion Impar Block
Myelography, Discography, and Vertebral Biopsy
Epidural Steroid Injection
Lower Extremity
Acute Pain Procedures
Femoral Nerve Block
Adductor Canal Block
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Block
Fascia Iliaca Block
Sciatic Block
Interspace Between Popliteal Artery and Capsule of Posterior Knee (iPACK) Block
Genicular Nerve Block
Peroneal Nerve Block
Tibial Nerve Block
Saphenous Nerve Block
Ankle Block
Obturator Block
Chronic Pain Procedures
Lumbar Sympathetic Blockade and Neurolysis
Cryoablation of Selected Nerves
Interspace Between Popliteal Artery and Capsule of Posterior Knee (iPACK) Block
Genicular Nerve Block
Pediatric Pain
Introduction to Pediatric Pain
Acute Pain Procedures
Pediatric Acute and Postoperative Pain
Chronic Pain Procedures
Pediatric Recurrent and Chronic Pain