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cover image - Stroke,7th Edition
ISBN: 9780323694247
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 03-03-2021
Page Count: 1176
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $315.99

Stroke, 7th Edition

by James C. Grotta, MD, Gregory W Albers, MD, Joseph P Broderick, MD, Scott E Kasner, MD, MSCE, FRCP, Eng H. Lo, PhD, Ralph L Sacco, MD MS FAHA FAAN, Lawrence KS Wong, MD, FRCP and Arthur L. Day


cover image - Stroke,7th Edition
ISBN: 9780323694247
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 03-03-2021
Page Count: 1176
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $315.99


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Authored by the world’s foremost stroke experts, this classic text brings you fully up to date with current research findings and management approaches for cerebrovascular disease. Stroke: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management, 7th Edition, covers every aspect of this fast-moving field, and is an ideal resource for stroke specialists, general neurologists, and other medical professionals with an interest in stroke. You’ll find expert clinical guidance, comprehensive pathophysiology coverage, data from recent trials, advances in diagnostic tests, full-color CT images, pathology slides, and much more, for a complete picture of today’s stroke medicine.
    • Helps you recognize the clinical manifestations of stroke, use the latest laboratory and imaging studies to arrive at a diagnosis, and generate an effective medical and surgical treatment plan.
    • Keeps you abreast of the overwhelming volume of studies and guidelines in this dynamic field, providing clear summaries and practical evaluations of all relevant data.
    • Contains updates throughout, including the latest clinical trials (thrombectomy, DAWN, DEFUSE), genetics research, prevention research, new therapies, and the new guidelines from the ASA.
    • Includes new slides for lectures, covering basic science, case studies, and interventional treatment overviews.
    • Features a Key Points summary at the beginning of each chapter so you can quickly find important information.
    • Provides abundant full-color CT images and pathology slides that help you make efficient and accurate diagnoses.
    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
  • Section 1 Pathophysiology


    1. Cerebral Vascular Biology in Health and Disease

    2. Mechanisms of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis

    3. Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism: Regulation and Pathophysiology in Cerebrovascular Disease

    4. Histopathology of Brain Tissue Response to Stroke and Injury

    5. Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Ischemia-Induced Neuronal Death

    6. Intracellular Signaling: Mediators and Protective Responses

    7. The Neurovascular Unit and Responses to Ischemia

    8. Mechanisms of Damage After Cerebral Hemorrhage

    9. White Matter Pathophysiology

    10. Cerebral Ischemia and Inflammation

    11. Mechanisms of Plasticity, Remodeling and Recovery

    12. Genetics and Vascular Biology of Brain Vascular Malformations

    13. Gliovascular Mechanisms and White Matter Injury in Vascular Cognitive Impairment and Dementia

    Section 2 Epidemiology and Risk Factors


    14. Global Burden of Stroke

    15. Stroke Disparities

    16. Risk Factors and Prevention

    17. Prognosis after Stroke

    18. Vascular Dementia and Cognitive Impairment

    19. Genetic Basis of Stroke Occurrence, Prevention and Outcome

    Section 3 Clinical Manifestations


    20. Classification of Ischemic Stroke

    21. Clinical Scales to Assess Patients with Stroke

    22. Carotid Artery Disease

    23. Anterior Cerebral Artery Disease

    24. Middle Cerebral Artery Disease

    25. Posterior Cerebral Artery Disease

    26. Vertebrobasilar Disease

    27. Lacunar Syndromes, Lacunar Infarcts, and Cerebral Small-Vessel Disease

    28. Intracerebral Hemorrhage

    29. Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

    30. Arteriovenous Malformations and Other Vascular Anomalies

    31. Stroke and Other Vascular Syndromes of the Spinal Cord

    Section 4 Specific Conditions and Stroke


    32. Cardiac Diseases

    33. Atherosclerotic Disease of the Proximal Aorta

    34. Stroke Related to Surgery and Other Procedures

    35. Arterial Dissection, Fibromuscular Dysplasia, and Carotid Web

    36. Inflammatory and Infectious Vasculopathies

    37. Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndromes

    38. Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome

    39. Stroke and Substance Abuse

    40. Moyamoya Disease

    41. Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy

    42. Hematologic Disorders and Stroke

    43. Migraine and Stroke

    44. Cryptogenic Stroke

    45. Cerebral Venous Thrombosis

    Section 5 Diagnostic Studies


    46. Ultrasonography

    47. Computed Tomography-Based Evaluation of Cerebrovascular Disease

    48. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cerebrovascular Diseases

    49. Cerebral Angiography

    50. OMICs in Stroke: Insight into stroke through epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, lipidomics, and metabolomics

    Section 6 Therapy

    Part A: Medical Therapy


    51. Stroke Systems of Care and Impact on Acute Stroke Treatment

    52. Prehospital and Emergency Department Care of the Patient with Acute Stroke

    53. Intravenous Thrombolysis

    54. Antithrombotic Therapy for Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke

    55. General Stroke Management and Stroke Units

    56. Critical Care of the Patient with Acute Stroke, 

    57. Pharmacologic Modification of Acute Cerebral Ischemia

    58. Treatment of "Other" Stroke Etiologies

    59. Medical Therapy of Intracerebral and Intraventricular Hemorrhage

    60. Rehabilitation and Recovery of the Patient with Stroke

    61. Interventions to Improve Recovery after Stroke

    62. Enhancing Stroke Recovery with Cellular Therapies

    63. Antiplatelet Therapy for Secondary Prevention of Stroke

    64. Secondary Prevention of Cardioembolic Stroke

    65. Design of Stroke-Related Clinical Trials

    Part B: Interventional Therapy


    66. Endovascular Therapy of Extracranial and Intracranial Occlusive Disease

    67. Endovascular Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke

    68. Endovascular Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms

    69. Interventional Therapy of Brain and Spinal Arteriovenous Malformations

    70. Dural Arteriovenous Malformations

    Part C: Surgical Therapy


    71. Surgery of Anterior and Posterior Aneurysms

    72. Surgery for Intracerebral Hemorrhage

    73. Management of Intraventricular Hemorrhage

    74. Surgical Management of Cranial and Spinal Arteriovenous Malformations

    75. Surgical Management of Cavernous Malformations and Venous Anomalies

    76. Indications for Carotid Endarterectomy in Patients with Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Carotid Stenosis

    77. Extracranial to Intracranial Bypass for Cerebral Ischemia

    78. Decompressive Craniectomy for Infarction and Hemorrhage

  • James C. Grotta, MD, Director, Stroke Program, Memorial Hermann - Texas Medical Center; Professor of Neurology; Chairman, Department of Neurology, University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Houston, TX, USA., Gregory W Albers, MD, Director, Stanford Stroke Center; Coyote Foundation Professor of Neurology and Neurological Sciences, Joseph P Broderick, MD, Director of the Greater Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky Stroke Team; Professor and Chairman, University of Cincinnati, Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine, Cincinnati, OH, Scott E Kasner, MD, MSCE, FRCP, Professor of Neurology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, Eng H. Lo, PhD, Professor of Neurology and Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Research Staff, Mass General Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital, Neuroprotection Research Lab, Charlestown, MA, USA, Ralph L Sacco, MD MS FAHA FAAN, Olemberg Chair of Neurology and Professor of Neurology, Epidemiology and Public Health, Human Genetics, and Neurological Surgery, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, Lawrence KS Wong, MD, FRCP, Mok Hing Yiu Professor of Medicine, Chief of Neurology, Departments of Medicine and Therapeutics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong, PR China and Arthur L. Day


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