cover image - Case Studies in Nurse Anesthesia- Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323696715
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 06-15-2021
Page Count: 416
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $70.99

Case Studies in Nurse Anesthesia- Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 1st Edition

by Sass Elisha, EdD, CRNA, FAAN

Elsevier eBook on VitalSource - Access Card

cover image - Case Studies in Nurse Anesthesia- Elsevier E-Book on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323696715
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 06-15-2021
Page Count: 416
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $70.99
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Clinical case studies make it easy to learn and master perioperative nurse anesthesia! Written in a succinct question-and-answer format, Case Studies in Nurse Anesthesia covers anesthesia management for the most frequently performed surgical procedures. Chapters are organized by surgical specialty, and each case describes the entire perioperative course of care, including the patient’s history, physical assessment, anesthetic considerations, surgical concerns, differential diagnosis, and potential complications. From noted anesthesia educator Sass Elisha, this reference will help you learn how to think like a highly skilled nurse anesthetist!

    • Question-and-answer format provides an easy and engaging way to study the many aspects of perioperative anesthesia.
    • 55 case studies demonstrate a wide variety of diseases and surgeries, and allow readers to follow the thought process needed for successful nurse anesthesia practice.
    • Preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative perspectives are covered in the case studies and patient scenarios.
    • Thorough discussions in each chapter include pathophysiology, pharmacology, surgical intervention, anesthesia case management, and postoperative considerations.
    • Key points and preoperative evaluation notes are included at the beginning of each chapter, with review questions at the end.
    • Expert author Sass Elisha is also the co-author of the popular text Nagelhout: Nurse Anesthesia.
  • Unit I: Otolaryngology
    1. Tonsillectomy
    2. Radical Neck Dissection
    3. Laryngectomy
    4. Vocal Cord Polyp Removal with Laser
    5. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
    Unit II: General Surgery
    6. Exploratory Laparotomy for Bowel Resection
    7. Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass
    8. Open and Laparoscopic Appendectomy
    9. Cholecystectomy: Open and Laparoscopic Approaches
    10. Liver Failure and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
    11. Hepatic Resection
    Unit III: Endocrine Surgery
    12. Anesthesia Case Management for Excision of a Pheochromocytoma
    13. Thyroidectomy
    Unit IV: Trauma Surgery
    14. Emergency Airway Management for the Trauma Patient
    15. Craniotomy for the Acute Head Injury
    16. Penetrating Traumatic Injuries
    17. Blunt Thoracic Injuries
    Unit V: Thoracic Surgery
    18. Pneumonectomy
    19. Mediastinoscopy
    20. Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery for the Mediastinal Mass
    21. Anesthesia Management for Thymectomy
    Unit VI: Organ Procurement
    22. Multiorgan Procurement
    Unit VII: Vascular Surgery
    23. Carotid Endoarterectomy
    24. Acute Aortic Dissection and Repair
    25. Thoracic Aneurysm Repair
    26. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair
    Unit VIII: Cardiac Surgery
    27. Minimally Invasive Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
    Unit IX: Neurosurgery
    28. Intracranial Tumor Debulking
    29. Transsphenoidal Hypophysectomy
    30. Asleep-Awake Craniotomy
    Unit X: Opthalmic Surgery
    31. Retinal Surgery
    32. Ruptured Globe
    Unit XI: Gynecologic Surgery
    33. Open and Laparoscopic Approaches for Hysterectomy
    34. Dilation and Curettage
    Unit XII: Obstetric Surgery
    35. Cesarian Section
    36. Cervical Cerclage
    37. Intraoperative Maternal Hemorrhage Caused by Uterine Repair
    38. Labor Epidural
    39. Laparoscopy for Adnexal Mass During Pregnancy
    Unit XIII: Urologic Surgery
    40. Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy
    41. Transurethral Resection of the Prostate
    42. Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy
    Unit XIV: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
    43. Breast Reconstructive Surgery
    44. Liposuction
    45. Mandibular Osteotomy
    Unit XV: Orthopedic Surgery
    46. Anterior Cervical Disectomy/Fusion
    47. Posterior Spinal Reconstructive Surgery
    48. Anesthesia for Shoulder Arthroscopy
    49. Hip Arthroplasty
    50. Above-the-Knee Amputation
    Unit XVI: Pediatric Surgery
    51. Bowel Resection for Necrotizing Enterocolitis
    52. Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
    53. Tracheoesophageal Fistula Repair
    Unit XVII: Out of the Operating Suite Procedures
    54. Electroconvulsive Therapy
    55. Anesthesia for Office-Based Pediatric Dental Surgery
  • Sass Elisha, EdD, CRNA, FAAN, Assistant Director, Kaiser Permanente School of Anesthesia, Pasadena, California, USA
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