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cover image - Rhinoplasty,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323697750
Copyright: 2023
Publication Date: 07-30-2022
Page Count: 624
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $262.99

Rhinoplasty, 1st Edition

by Husain Ali Khan, MD, DMD, FACS, Foad Nahai, MD, FACS, Shahrokh C. Bagheri, BS, DMD, MD, FACS, FICD, Behnam Bohluli, DMD and James D. Frame, FRCS, FRCS (Plast.)


cover image - Rhinoplasty,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323697750
Copyright: 2023
Publication Date: 07-30-2022
Page Count: 624
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $262.99


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A valuable resource for cosmetic and reconstructive surgeons at all levels of training and expertise, Rhinoplasty: A Case-Based Approach offers systematic, expert coverage of both common and complex  rhinoplasty procedures performed in today’s practice. Each chapter offers a carefully written teaching case that outlines essential information related to fundamental aspects of the condition—all from the world’s leading experts in rhinoplasty and aesthetic surgery. Numerous high-quality illustrations and procedural videos help you master the techniques that lead to optimal outcomes and increased patient satisfaction.
    • Presents more than 150 teaching cases that represent the full range of today’s practice of cosmetic surgery. Cases are ones most commonly seen, or those that have significant implications for modern clinical practice. 

    • Provides the presentation, physical exam findings, and laboratory and imaging studies for each case, along with an analysis of treatment options, complications, selected references, and other relevant information. 

    • Reflects real-life clinical perspectives, presenting patients as they would before a surgery, followed by an expert walk-through of the procedure. 

    • Features high-quality clinical images and clear anatomical artwork, as well as procedural videos for real-time visual guidance. 

    • Shares the experience and knowledge of internationally renowned surgeons who draw from different training backgrounds to provide a multidisciplinary approach to the vast array of patient desires for beauty and functionality. 

    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. 

  • Section 1: Introduction
    1. Ethnicity, Race and Culture: Its Influence on Rhinoplasty
    2. Nasal Anatomy
    Section 2: Patient Assessment
    3. The Initial Examination
    4. Photography in Rhinoplasty
    5. Three-Dimensional Imaging in Rhinoplasty
    Section 3: Nasal Airway Obstruction
    Part I: Septoplasty

    6. Conservative/Simple Septoplasty
    7. Advanced Septoplasty: Correction of Caudal Septal Deflection
    8. Advanced Septoplasty: Correction of Dorsal Deflections
    9. Advanced Septoplasty: Extracorporeal Septoplasty—Septal Reconstruction
    Part II: Turbinate Hypertrophy
    10. Medical Management of Turbinate Hypertrophy
    11. Functional Turbinoplasty
    12. Turbinate Reduction Techniques in Rhinoplasty
    Section 4: Graft Harvesting Techniques
    13. Septal Graft: Preparation of Crushed Cartilage
    14. Septal Graft: Graft Harvesting Technique
    15. Conchal Cartilage Harvest (Anterior Approach)
    16. Conchal Cartilage Harvest (Postauricular Approach)
    17. Technique for Harvesting Deep Temporal Fascia
    18. Temporalis Fascia: Neck Hairline Incision
    19. Costal Cartilage Harvest
    Section 5: The Dorsum
    Part I: Overprojected Dorsum
    20. Composite Hump Resection
    21. Component Hump Reduction With Midvault Reconstruction
    22. Component Hump Resection With Placement of Spreader Grafts
    23. Dorsal Hump Reduction With Simple Suturing
    24. Dorsal Hump Excess Deformity in Compromised Internal Valve
    Part II: Nasal Radix Augmentation
    25. Nasal Radix Augmentation With Crushed Cartilage
    26. Nasal Radix Augmentation With Temporalis/Mastoid Fascia Harvested Through Postauricular Approach
    27. Dorsal Nasal Augmentation With Fascia Overlying Crushed Cartilage (Sandwich Technique)
    28. Internal Lateral and Medial Osteotomy
    29. External Percutaneous Lateral and Transverse Osteotomies
    30. Advances in Rhinoplasty—Piezoelectric Nasal Osteotomy
    Section 6: Nasal Tip
    Part I: Tip Refining

    31. Suture Tip Rhinoplasty
    32. Boxy Tip: Combination of Techniques
    33. Tip Grafting
    Part II: Overprotected Tip
    34. Lateral Crural Overlay
    35. Medial Crural Overlay
    36. Dome Division
    Part III: Tip Underprojection
    37. Structural Reconstruction in Difficult Secondary Cases
    38. Dorsum Reconstruction and Osteoplasty Using Hand Instrument
    39. Lateral Crural Steal (LCS)
    40. Creating Adequate Projection With Closed Rhinoplasty
    Part IV: Elongation of Short Nose
    41. Dynamic Adjustable Rotational Tip Tensioning Technique
    42. Tongue and Groove Technique for Nose Elongation
    43. Tongue-in-Groove Technique
    Part V: Underrotated Tip
    44. Tip Rotating in a Droopy Tip: Endonasal Approach
    45. Reductive Rhinoplasty
    Part VI: Cephalic Malpositioning
    46. Cephalic Malpositioning: Use of Lateral Crural Strut Graft
    47. Cephalic Malpositioning: Use of Alar Contouring Grafts
    Section 7: Nasal Base Surgery
    48. Alar Preservation Rhinoplasty
    49. Correction of the Wide Nasal Base
    50. Nasal Base Modification
    Section 8: Preservation Rhinoplasty
    51. Lateral Crural Turn-In Flap (Preservation Tip Plasty)
    52. Preservation Rhinoplasty (Tip Plasty)
    53. K-Area Preservation in Primary Rhinoplasty
    54. Dorsal Preservation in Rhinoplasty: A Deviated Nose
    Section 9: Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty
    55. Fat Grafting for Rhinoplasty
    56. Medical Aesthetic Rhinoplasty—Liquid Rhinoplasty
    Section 10: Ethnic Rhinoplasty
    57. Dorsal Augmentation Using Glued Diced Costal Cartilage With Fascial Cap in Asian Nose
    58. Indo-Aryan Nose
    59. The Middle Eastern Nose
    60. The Persian Nose: Characteristics and Management
    61. Latino Nose
    62. Grecian Nose
    63. Rhinoplasty in the Caucasus Nose
    64. Russian Nose
    65. Northern European Nose
    66. The English Nose
    67. African American Nose
    68. Hispanic Nose
    69. Brazilian Nose
    70. Mixed Race Nose (Mestizo Nose)
    Section 11: Complicated Rhinoplasty
    71. Crooked Nose: Effective Treatment Strategies for Bony Contouring
    72. Rhinoplasty in Thick-Skinned Patients
    73. Rhinoplasty in Aging Nose
    74. Rhinoplasty in Cleft Lip and Palate Patients
    75. Simultaneous Orthognathic and Rhinoplasty Surgery
    Section 12: Complications and Revision Rhinoplasty
    76. Management of the Ischemic Nose
    Part I: Tip Deformities
    77. Alar Pinch Deformity
    78. Correction of the Pinch Deformity by Alar Batten Graft
    Part II: Dorsal Deformities
    79. Correction of Overresection With Crushed Cartilage
    80. Correcting the Overresected Nose
    81. Correction of Overresection With Non-Rib Cartilage Wrapped in Fascia
    82. Correction of Overresection With Diced Cartilage Injection
    83. Diced Cartilage Glue Graft for Nasal Augmentation
  • Husain Ali Khan, MD, DMD, FACS, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Georgia Oral and Facial Reconstructive Surgery, Alpharietta, Georgia, Foad Nahai, MD, FACS, Clinical Professor, Emory University
    Private Practice, Paces Plastic Surgery and Recovery Center, Atlanta, GA, Shahrokh C. Bagheri, BS, DMD, MD, FACS, FICD, Private Practice, Georgia Oral and Facial Reconstructive Surgery, All On Smile, and Eastern Surgical Associates and Consultants; Director of Fellowship in advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Attending Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and immediate past Chief of Division, Northside Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Behnam Bohluli, DMD, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada and James D. Frame, FRCS, FRCS (Plast.), Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Professor of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Director of Cosmetic and Aesthetic Surgery, Springfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex, UK
    Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Professor of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, School of Medicine, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, Essex, UK


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