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cover image - Pediatric Imaging for the Emergency Provider,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323708494
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 05-19-2021
Page Count: 400
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $105.99

Pediatric Imaging for the Emergency Provider, 1st Edition

by Robert Vezzetti, Jestin Carlson and Debra Pennington, MD


cover image - Pediatric Imaging for the Emergency Provider,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323708494
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 05-19-2021
Page Count: 400
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $105.99


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Children and infants comprise up to 20% of emergency department visits, and emergency physicians must be knowledgeable in choosing the most appropriate imaging modality to arrive at an accurate diagnosis and provide optimal patient care. Written specifically for the non-specialist and those with limited pediatric training, Pediatric Imaging for the Emergency Provider provides expert guidance in this challenging area. Abundant high-quality imaging examples cover the full range of pediatric disorders you’re likely to see, including trauma, musculoskeletal, pulmonary, ENT, cardiac, genitourinary, gastroenterology, neurological, and neonatal patients.
    • Presents more than 80 common and important rare cases, supported with 450+ images across relevant modalities including ultrasound, radiography, CT, and MRI.
    • Identifies key radiographic findings for various pediatric conditions including congenital heart lesions, surgical entities, infectious disease processes, and traumatic injuries.
    • Accompanies images with clear, concise text that makes it easy to grasp the most clinically significant points of each case.
    • Provides expert guidance on best practices in important areas of pediatric imaging such as sedation, ionizing radiation exposure reduction, and imaging modality selection.
    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
  • Introduction

    1. Imaging Modalities in the Pediatric Patient: How to Choose

    2. ALARA principles

    3. Sedation/Anxiolysis for Pediatric Imaging

    Section 1: Neonatal

    4. My What a Big Thymus You Have! Neonate/Infant Mediastinal Masses

    5. A Wheezin' We Will Go: Bronchiolitis/Viral Pathology

    6. Twisting the Night Away: Malrotation

    7. Double Bubble…Double Trouble! Duodenal Obstruction

    8. Breakin’ My Heart: Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease

    9. More Than Constipation: Failure to Pass Meconium

    10. Rumbly in the Tumbly: Pneumatosis Intestinalis and Necrotizing Enterocolitis

    Section 2: Cardiac

    11. Matters of the Heart: Pericarditis

    12. A Bit of a Mix-up: Right Sided Aortic Arch

    13. You're Surrounded: Vascular Rings

    Section 3: Gastroenterology

    14. Twisting Tubes: Pediatric Gastrostomy Tube/Buttons

    15. Not Movin': Pediatric Bowel Obstruction

    16. Screaming Fits: Intussusception

    17. My Tummy! Appendicitis

    18. SMA Syndrome: It’s Not In to Be Thin

    19. You Ate What? Swallowed Foreign Bodies

    20. Right Out of ‘The Exorcist’: Pyloric Stenosis

    Section 4: Genitourinary

    21. Twists and Turns: Testicular Torsion

    22. That Looks Painful: Hydrocele

    23. Unusually Painful: Ovarian torsion

    24. All Pain and No Gain: Renal Stones

    25. Belly Getting Bigger? Wilms Tumor

    26. TOA (Tubo-ovarian Abscess): Three Letters You Don’t Want to Hear

    Section 5: Neurologic

    27. Don’t Lose Your Head: Ventriculoperitoneal (VP) Shunt Issues

    28. More than a Migraine: Intracranial Mass - Medulloblastoma

    29. Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma: DIPG

    30. Not Actin’ Right: Lacunar Infarct and Pediatric Stroke

    31. Hard to Wake Up: Cerebritis

    32. Nothing Cute About It: Acute Flaccid Myelitis

    33. Headache? Pediatric Arteriovenous Malformation

    34. Can you see it? Orbital Cellulitis

    35. Something in Your Eye: Periorbital Cellulitis

    36. Somethin’ Growin’: Pediatric Arachnoid Cysts

    Section 6: Pulmonary

    37. Rattlin’ in the Chest: Community Acquired Pneumonia in Children

    38. Is That Pneumonia? Atelectasis

    39. Will the Cough Ever Stop? Atypical Pneumonia

    40. Of Course You Have Asthma: Persistent Wheezing

    Section 7: Trauma

    41. Buckle Up: Abdominal Trauma

    42. Case: Where's the Air? Pneumothorax

    43. Can’t Pee: Pediatric Bladder Trauma

    44. Heads Up!: Head Trauma

    45. Cruisn' For a Bruisin': Pulmonary contusion

    46. The Heart of the Matter: Cardiac Trauma

    47. Chest Pains: Pediatric Chest Trauma Imaging

    48. Check That Neck: Cervical Spine Imaging

    49. My Achin’ Back: Vertebral Compression Fractures

    50. How’d That Happen? Non-accidental Trauma (NAT)

    Section 8: Musculoskeletal

    51. Growing Pains: Salter-Harris Classification of Physeal Injuries

    52. My Fracture Is Not Humerus: Supracondylar fractures

    53. Elbow Grease: Lateral and Medial Condyle Fractures of the Humerus

    54. Rough Trip: Scapula Fracture

    55. Humeral Shaft Fractures: Nothing Funny About That!

    56. In Pieces: Clavicle Fractures

    57. Let's Play: Forearm fractures

    58. Italian Twins: Monteggia and Galleazzi Fractures

    59. Bones Out of Place? Wrist fractures

    60. Snuffbox? Scaphoid fractures

    61. Punchin’ Out: Fifth Metacarpal (Boxer’s) Fracture

    62. Pfunny Pfingers: Phalanx fractures (dislocations, etc)

    63. Can't Move Your Hips: Pelvic fractures

    64. All Fun and Games: Femoral fractures

    65. Knee Pain: It’s Not Always the Knee – Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis

    66. Weak in the Knees: Patellar dislocation

    67. It’s the Way You (Don’t) Walk: Fractures of the Tibia and Fibula

    68. Tough Day: Triplane Fracture

    69. My Achin' Feet: Talus fracture

    70. My Achn’ Back! Spondylolysis/Spondylolisthesis

    71. Achy Muscles: Pyomyositis/Myositis

    72. 'Lil Stuffy Noses: Sinusitis

    73. Who's Brodie? Brodie's abscess

    74. I Feel It In My Bones: Osteomyelitis

    75. More Than an Achy Back: Spinal Epidural Abscess

    76. It's Tough Being a Kid: Toddler's fracture

    77. Hurtn' To Stand: Discitis

    78. My Knee Won't Stop Swelling! Osteosarcoma

    79. Not THOSE Ewings: Ewing sarcoma

    80. What Is This? Bone cyst

    Section 9: ENT

    81. Who Let the Dogs Out? Croup

    82. All That Drools: Retropharyngeal and Peritonsillar Abscess

    83. Frog In Your Throat: Supraglottic Infections and Bacterial Tracheitis

  • Robert Vezzetti, Jestin Carlson and Debra Pennington, MD


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