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cover image - Practical Management of Pain,6th Edition
ISBN: 9780323711012
Copyright: 2023
Publication Date: 05-05-2022
Page Count: 1200
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $257.99

Practical Management of Pain, 6th Edition

by Honorio Benzon, MD, James P. Rathmell, MD, Christopher L. Wu, MD, Dennis Turk, PhD, Charles E. Argoff, MD, Robert W Hurley, MD, PhD and Andrea L Nicol, MD


cover image - Practical Management of Pain,6th Edition
ISBN: 9780323711012
Copyright: 2023
Publication Date: 05-05-2022
Page Count: 1200
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $257.99


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For more than 30 years, Practical Management of Pain has offered expert guidance to both clinicians and trainees, covering every aspect of acute and chronic pain medicine for adult and pediatric patients. The fully revised 6th Edition brings you fully up to date with new developments in patient evaluation, diagnosis of pain syndromes, rationales for management, treatment modalities, and much more. Edited by a team of renowned pain clinicians led by Dr. Honorio Benzon, this authoritative reference is a comprehensive, practical resource for pain diagnosis and treatment using a variety of pharmacologic and physical modalities.
    • Presents a wealth of information in a clearly written, easily accessible manner, enabling you to effectively assess and draw up an optimal treatment plan for patients with acute or chronic pain.

    • Takes a practical, multidisciplinary approach, making key concepts and techniques easier to apply to everyday practice.

    • Shares the knowledge and expertise of global contributors on all facets of pain management, from general principles to specific management techniques.

    • Discusses the latest, best management techniques, including joint injections, ultrasound-guided therapies, and new pharmacologic agents such as topical analgesics.

    • Covers recent global developments regarding opioid induced hyperalgesia, neuromodulation and pain management, and identification of specific targets for molecular based pain.

    • Includes current information on the use of cannabinoids in pain management and related regulatory, professional, and legal considerations.

    • Includes the latest guidelines on facet injections and safety of contrast agents.

    • Provides new, evidence-based critical analysis on treatment modality outcomes and the latest information on chronic pain as a result of surgical interventions.

    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

  • 1     The History of Pain Medicine
    2     Classification of Acute Pain and Chronic Pain Syndromes
    3     Organizing an Inpatient Acute Pain Service
    4     Interdisciplinary Outpatient Pain Care
    5     Healthcare Policy, Access, Resource Availability, Billing Reimbursement, and Legal Issues in Pain Management
    6     Quality Improvement and Patient Safety in Pain Management
    7      Education and Training in Pain and Certification in Pain Medicine
    8      Neurophysiology of Pain: Peripheral, Spinal, Ascending, and Descending Pathways
    9       A Review of Pain-Processing Pharmacology
    10     Neuroimaging Techniques
    11     Individual Differences in the Experience and Treatment of Pain: Race, Ethnicity, Sex, and Gender
    13     Genetics in Pain and Pain Management
    14     Psychosocial and Psychiatric Aspects of Chronic Pain
    15     Comprehensive Approach to the Assessment of Patients Experiencing Pain and Its Impact
    16     Mechanism-Based Treatment and Precision Medicine
    17     Placebo and Nocebo Effects in Clinical Trials and Clinical Practice
    18     History and Physical Examination of the Patient with Pain
    19     Electrodiagnostic Techniques in Pain Medicine
    20     Radiologic Assessment of the Patient with Pain
    21     Biomarkers of Pain: Quantitative Sensory Testing, Conditioned Pain Modulation, Punch Skin Biopsy
    22     Psychological and Behavioral Assessment
    23     Disability Assessment
    24     Preemptive Analgesia and Prevention of Chronic Pain Syndromes after Surgery
    24     Postoperative Pain
    25     Evaluation and Pharmacologic Treatment of Postoperative Pain
    26     Regional and Multimodal Treatments of Perioperative Pain
    27     Evaluation and Treatment of Postoperative Pain in Patients with Opioid Use Disorders
    28     Evaluation and Treatment of Acute Pain in Children
    29     Low Back Pain Disorders
    30     Buttock and Sciatica Pain
    31     Facet Pain: Pathogenesis, Facet Joint Injections, Medical Branch Blocks, Radiofrequency Rhizotomy
    32     Neurosurgical Management of Pain
    33     Evaluation and Treatment of Cancer-Related Pain
    34     Evaluation and Treatment of Neuropathic Pain Syndromes
    35     Evaluation and Treatment of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
    36     Evaluation and Treatment of Pain in Selected Neurological Disorders
    37     Central Post-Stroke Pain
    37     Phantom Pain
    37     Spinal Cord Injury Pain
    37     Chronic Widespread Pain
    38     Headache: Migraine, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Tension-type, and Other Chronic Headaches
    39     Cervicogenic Headache, Postdural Puncture Headache, and Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension
    40     Orofacial Pain
    41     Visceral Pain
    42     Pelvic Pain
    43     Pediatric Chronic Pain Management
    44     Geriatric Pain Management
    45     Pain Management During Pregnancy and Lactation
    46     Rheumatologic Disorders
    47     Pain in Patients with Medical Comorbidities
    48     Major Opioids and Chronic Opioid Therapy
    49     Minor Analgesics
    50     The U.S. Opioid Crisis and the Legal and Legislative Implications
    51     Evaluation for Opioid Management: Opioid Misuse Assessment Tools and Drug Testing in Pain Management
    52     Comorbid Pain and Addiction Disorders: Mechanisms and Treatment
    53     Antidepressants
    54     Adjunct Medications for Pain Management
    54     Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Agents/COX-2 Inhibitors
    55     Skeletal Muscle Relaxants
    56     Cannabinoids for Pain Management
    57     Topical Analgesics
    57     Neuraxial Agents for Intraspinal Drug Delivery
    57     Pharmacology for the Interventional Physician
    58     Psychological Approaches in Pain Management
    59     Physical Medicine Modalities in Pain Management
    60     Physical Rehabilitation for Patients with Chronic Pain
    61     Complementary Approaches to Pain Management
    62     Patient Education and Self-Management
    63     Neurolytic Agents, Neuraxial Neurolysis, and Neurolysis of Sympathetic Axis for Cancer Pain
    64     Head and Neck Blocks
    65     Interlaminar and Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injections
    66     Radiofrequency Treatment
    67     Hip and Knee Pain: Intraarticular Injections and Radiofrequency Treatment
    67     Sacroiliac Joint Injection, Lateral Branch Blocks, and Radiofrequency Treatment
    68     Neurolysis of Sympathetic Axis for Cancer Pain
    68     Muscle Injections: Trigger Point, Piriformis, IIipsoas/Quadratus Lumborum, and Scalene Muscle Injections
    69     Minimally Invasive Procedures for Vertebral Compression Fractures
    71     Spinal Cord, DRG, and Peripheral Nerve Stimulation
    72     Intrathecal Pumps
    73     Upper Extremity Blocks
    73     Lower Extremity Blocks
    73     Radiation Safety and Radiographic Contrast Agents
    74     Anticoagulation and Infection Considerations in Pain Procedures
    74     Truncal Blocks
    75     Pain Management in Primary Care
    75     Discography
    76     Intradiscal Procedures: Intradiscal Electrothermal Therapy (IDET), Nucleoplasty, Decompressor
    76     Pain Management in the Emergency Room
    77     Joint injections
    77     Management of Pain in Sickle Cell Disease
    78     Burn Pain
    79     Pain Evaluation and Management in Patients with Limited Ability to Communicate Due to Dementia
    80     Disparities in Pain Management
    81     Pain Management in the Critically III Patient
    81     The Health Implications of Disparities in Cancer and Pain Care: Unequal Burdens and Unheard Voices
    82     Pain Management at the End of Life and Home Care for the Terminally Ill Patient
    83     Home Care
    83     Clinical Trial Methodology for Acute Pain Research
    84     Clinical Trial Methodology for Chronic Pain Outcome Studies
    85     Ethics of Research in Adult and Pediatric Patients with Pain
    86     Directions and Areas in Need of Investigation
    87     Test
  • Honorio Benzon, MD, Professor Emeritus of Anesthesiology, Associate Chair for Academic Affairs and Promotions, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, James P. Rathmell, MD, Leroy D. Vandam Professor of Anaesthesia, Head of the Department of Anaesthesia at Brigham and Women's Hospital,Boston, Massachussetts, Christopher L. Wu, MD, Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, Dennis Turk, PhD, John and Emma Bonica Professor of Anesthesiology and Pain Research, University of Washington School of Medicine; Director, Center for Pain Research on Impact, Measurement, And Effectiveness (C-PRIME), Seattle, Washington, Charles E. Argoff, MD, Professor of Neurology, Director, Comprehensive Pain Management Center, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY, Robert W Hurley, MD, PhD, Professor of Anesthesiology, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston Salem, North Carolina and Andrea L Nicol, MD, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas


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