Atlas of Interventional Orthopedics Procedures, 1st Edition
by Christopher J. Williams, MD, Walter Sussman and John Pitts
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The field of interventional orthopedics is changing the landscape of orthopedic care as patients seek less invasive options for the treatment of common conditions like arthritis, rotator cuff tears, and degenerative disc disease. Offering easy-to-follow, step-by-step guidance on both peripheral joint and spinal procedures, Atlas of Interventional Orthopedics Procedures is the first reference to provide this practical content in one authoritative, user-friendly text. Abundantly illustrated and easy to read, it presents simple to advanced injection skills covering all orthopedic and physical medicine procedures using up-to-date imaging techniques.
- Presents foundational knowledge for interventional orthopedics as well as ultrasound and x-ray guided techniques for both peripheral joint and spinal procedures.
- Features nearly 1,000 high-quality images including fluoroscopy, MRIs, procedural images, and unique anatomical illustrations drawn by a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician.
- Covers need-to-know topics such as autologous orthobiologics, allogenic tissue grafts, prolotherapy, and principles of fluoroscopy and ultrasound injection techniques.
- Offers several ultrasound and fluoroscopy images for each procedure, as well as step-by-step descriptions and the authors’ preferred technique.
- Walks you through general injection techniques such as interventional spine procedures, peripheral joint injections, and spinal and peripheral ligament, tendon, and nerve techniques; advanced techniques include intraosseous injections, needle arthroscopy, perineural hydrodissection, and emerging interventional techniques.
- Provides an up-to-date review on regenerative medicine for musculoskeletal pathology from editors and authors who are leading physicians in the field.
- Follows the core tenets of interventional orthopedics, including injectates that can facilitate healing of musculoskeletal tissues, precise placement of those injectates into damaged structures using imaging guidance, and the eventual development of new tools to facilitate percutaneous tissue manipulation.
- Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
1 Introduction to Interventional Orthopedics and Review of the Pathophysiology of Orthopedic Conditions
2 Ultrasound Basics
3 Principles of Fluoroscopy Imaging in Spine and Musculoskeletal Interventional Orthopedics
4 Principles of Injection Therapy
5 Autologous Tissue Harvesting Techniques: bone marrow aspirate and adipose tissue
6 Autologous Tissue Harvesting Techniques: Platelet Rich Plasma
7 Autologous Orthobiologics
8 Allograft Tissues
9 Therapeutic dextrose injection: Prolotherapy, perineural injection therapy and hydrodissection
10 Sclerosing agents
11 Toxins for orthopedics
12 Cervical Injection Techniques
13 Thoracic Injection Techniques
14 Lumbar Injection Techniques
15 Sacrocoggyeal Injection Techniques
15 Thoracic
15 Cervical
15 Lumbar
16 Shoulder Injection Techniques
16 Sacrococcygeal
17 Elbow Injection Techniques
18 Wrist Injection Techniques
19 Hand Injection Techniques
20 Hip Injection Techniques
20 Upper Extremity
21 Knee Injection Techniques
22 Ankle Region Injection Techniques
23 Foot Injection Techniques
23 Lower Extremity
24 Calcific Tendonitis Barbotage/Lavage
25 High Volume Ultrasound Guided Capsular Distention for Adhesive Capsulitis
26 Ultrasound Guided Needle Tenotomy and Ultrasound Guided Tenotomy and Debridement with Tenex Health TX System
27 High-Volume Image-Guided Injections
28 Ultrasound-Guided Release Of Trigger Finger And De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
29 Compartment Pressure Testing
30 Ultrasound-Guided Anterior and Lateral Compartment Fasciotomies for Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome
31 Principles of Perineural Injections
32 Ultrasound-guided Release of the Transverse Carpal Ligament (Carpal Tunnel)
33 Ultrasound Guided Percutaneous Bone Spur Excision and Cheilectomy
34 Intraosseous injections
35 Advanced and Emerging Interventional Techniques
36 Needle Arthroscopy of the Knee, Shoulder, and Hip
37 Rehabilitation Principles for Interventional Orthopedics and Orthobiologics
38 Advanced imaging in interventional orthopedics
Christopher J. Williams, MD, Walter Sussman and John Pitts