Study Guide for Nursing Research Elsevier eBook on VitalSource, 10th Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource
Now $32.29
Providing practical and engaging content review and application exercises, this study guide helps you master the essential nursing research and evidence-based practice content covered in LoBiondo-Wood & Haber’s Nursing Research, 10th Edition. This edition features an active learning approach and includes new Next-Generation NCLEX® Exam–style case studies.
- Chapter-by-chapter review and application questions correspond to the textbook to reinforce student understanding.
- Chapter Introductions, Learning Outcomes, Review Activities, Evidence-Based Practice Activities, and Post-Tests for each chapter ensure that students master core textbook content and can apply it for evidence-based practice.
- UPDATED! Content corresponds to the LoBiondo-Wood and Haber Nursing Research, 10th Edition textbook and reflects the latest thinking on nursing research and evidence-based practice (EBP).
- NEW! Emphasis on the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model helps students prepare for the Next-Generation NCLEX® (NGN) Exam.
- NEW! Next-Generation NCLEX® Exam–style case studies enable students to review and apply key content while preparing for the NGN.
PART I. OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH AND EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE 1. Integrating Research, Evidence-Based Practice, and Quality Improvement Processes 2. Research Questions, Hypotheses, and Clinical Questions 3. Gathering and Appraising the Literature 4. Theoretical Frameworks for Research
PART II. PROCESSES AND EVIDENCE RELATED TO QUALITATIVE RESEARCH 5. Introduction to Qualitative Research 6. Qualitative Approaches to Research 7. Appraising Qualitative Research
PART III. PROCESSES AND EVIDENCE RELATED TO QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH 8. Introduction to Quantitative Research 9. Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs 10. Nonexperimental Designs 11. Systematic Reviews and Clinical Practice Guidelines 12. Sampling 13. Legal and Ethical Issues 14. Data Collection Methods 15. Reliability and Validity 16. Data Analysis: Descriptive and Inferential Statistics 17. Understanding Research Findings 18. Appraising Quantitative Research
19. Strategies and Tools for Developing an Evidence-Based Practice 20. Developing an Evidence-Based Practice 21. Quality Improvement
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