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cover image - Diagnostic Pathology : Hepatobiliary and Pancreas,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780323776202
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 09-03-2021
Page Count: 572
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $262.99

Diagnostic Pathology : Hepatobiliary and Pancreas, 3rd Edition

by Laura W. Lamps, MD, Maria Westerhoff, MD and Sanjay Kakar


cover image - Diagnostic Pathology : Hepatobiliary and Pancreas,3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780323776202
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 09-03-2021
Page Count: 572
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $262.99


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This expert volume in the Diagnostic Pathology series is an excellent point-of-care resource for practitioners at all levels of experience and training. Covering all areas of neoplastic and nonneoplastic diseases of the digestive tract and accessory organs such as the pancreas and liver, it incorporates the most recent clinical, pathological, and molecular knowledge in the field to provide a comprehensive overview of all key issues relevant to today’s practice. Richly illustrated and easy to use, Diagnostic Pathology: Hepatobiliary and Pancreas is a one-stop reference for accurate, complete pathology reports, ideal as a day-to-day reference or as a reliable training resource.
    • Analyzes hundreds of diagnoses, each of which include critical diagnostic information such as definitions, epidemiology, clinical presentation, macro- and microscopic features, differential diagnoses, and pathologic interpretation pearls. 

    • Features thorough updates throughout, including novel immunohistochemical markers and other ancillary techniques (such as BAP1, INSM1, Rb, albumin in situ hybridization) that play an increasingly critical role in improving diagnoses 

    • Addresses recent advances in molecular pathology—new diagnostic, immunohistochemical, molecular, and genetic techniques used for diagnosis, as well as new details about the genesis and activity of tumors in the liver, pancreas, and biliary systems 

    • Includes details from the 2019 WHO Classification of Tumors of the Digestive System regarding important changes to diagnostic techniques, identification of new variants of cancers, and immunohistochemical markers and ancillary techniques that improve diagnosis and treatment options 

    • Reflects recent WHO updates and updates from the AJCC’s 8th Edition Cancer Staging Manual such as new terminology, new grading of neuroendocrine tumors and neuroendocrine carcinomas, and characteristic molecular alterations in hepatocellular adenoma, cholangiocarcinoma, and other tumors 

    • Uses a templated page layout, bulleted text, and a generous number of high-quality images to help practicing and in-training pathologists reach a confident diagnosis 

    • Includes the enhanced eBook version, which allows you to search all text, figures, and references on a variety of devices



    4 Glycogen Storage Disease, Hepatic Joseph Misdraji, MD, Lisa Yerian, MD, and Grace E. Kim, MD 10 Tyrosinemia Joseph Misdraji, MD 12 Niemann-Pick Disease Joseph Misdraji, MD 14 Gaucher Disease Joseph Misdraji, MD 16 Neonatal Hemochromatosis Joseph Misdraji, MD 18 Porphyrin Metabolism Disorders Maria Westerhoff, MD and Joseph Misdraji, MD 24 Dubin-Johnson Syndrome Joseph Misdraji, MD and Sanjay Kakar, MD 26 Gilbert Disease Joseph Misdraji, MD and Sanjay Kakar, MD 28 Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis Joseph Misdraji, MD 36 Cystic Fibrosis, Hepatic Joseph Misdraji, MD 40 Hereditary Hemochromatosis Joseph Misdraji, MD and Laura W. Lamps, MD 44 Wilson Disease Joseph Misdraji, MD and Laura W. Lamps, MD 50 Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency Nicole C. Panarelli, MD, Kari D. Caradine, MD, and Laura W. Lamps, MD 54 Congenital Hepatic Fibrosis Romil Saxena, MBBS, MD, FRCPath (UK) and Hanlin L. Wang, MD, PhD 56 Polycystic Liver Disease Romil Saxena, MBBS, MD, FRCPath (UK) and Hanlin L. Wang, MD, PhD 58 Caroli Disease Romil Saxena, MBBS, MD, FRCPath (UK)   INFECTIOUS DISORDERS  60 Overview of Hepatitis Nicole C. Panarelli, MD and Laura W. Lamps, MD 66 Acute Viral Hepatitis Nicole C. Panarelli, MD and Lisa Yerian, MD 70 Hepatitis B Maria Westerhoff, MD and Matthew M. Yeh, MD, PhD 74 Hepatitis C Maria Westerhoff, MD and Matthew M. Yeh, MD, PhD 78 Hepatitis E Maria Westerhoff, MD 82 Epstein-Barr Virus Laura W. Lamps, MD, Maria Westerhoff, MD, and Hanlin L. Wang, MD, PhD 86 Cytomegalovirus Laura W. Lamps, MD 88 Herpes Simplex Virus Sanjay Kakar, MD 90 Adenovirus Maria Westerhoff, MD and Hanlin L. Wang, MD, PhD 92 Pyogenic Abscess Laura W. Lamps, MD 96 Sepsis in Liver Laura W. Lamps, MD 98 Mycobacterium tuberculosis Laura W. Lamps, MD 102 Atypical Mycobacteria Laura W. Lamps, MD 106 Cat-Scratch Disease Laura W. Lamps, MD 108 Candidiasis Laura W. Lamps, MD 110 Histoplasmosis Joseph Misdraji, MD and Laura W. Lamps, MD 114 Cryptococcosis Laura W. Lamps, MD 116 Amebiasis Laura W. Lamps, MD 120 Schistosomiasis Laura W. Lamps, MD 122 Echinococcosis Laura W. Lamps, MD

    CHRONIC CHOLESTATIC AND AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS 124 Autoimmune Hepatitis Nicole C. Panarelli, MD and Lisa Yerian, MD 130 Primary Biliary Cholangitis Maria Westerhoff, MD and Matthew M. Yeh, MD, PhD 136 Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Hanlin L. Wang, MD, PhD 142 Ischemic Cholangitis Maria Westerhoff, MD and Lisa Yerian, MD 144 Large Bile Duct Obstruction Maria Westerhoff, MD and Laura W. Lamps, MD 148 Idiopathic Adulthood Ductopenia Hanlin L. Wang, MD, PhD PEDIATRIC CHOLESTATIC DISORDERS  150 Biliary Atresia Romil Saxena, MBBS, MD, FRCPath (UK), Grace E. Kim, MD, and Matthew M. Yeh, MD, PhD 154 Idiopathic Neonatal Hepatitis Romil Saxena, MBBS, MD, FRCPath (UK), Grace E. Kim, MD, and Matthew M. Yeh, MD, PhD 156 Syndromic Paucity of Intrahepatic Bile Ducts (Alagille Syndrome) Joseph Misdraji, MD, Romil Saxena, MBBS, MD, FRCPath (UK), and Matthew M. Yeh, MD, PhD 160 Nonsyndromic Paucity of Intrahepatic Bile Ducts Romil Saxena, MBBS, MD, FRCPath (UK), Joseph Misdraji, MD, and Matthew M. Yeh, MD, PhD   DRUG/TOXIN-RELATED HEPATITIS  164 Drug-Related Acute Hepatitis Sanjay Kakar, MD 170 Drug-Induced Acute Hepatic Failure Sanjay Kakar, MD 174 Drug-Induced Cholestatic Liver Injury Sanjay Kakar, MD 176 Drug-Related Granulomatous Hepatitis Laura W. Lamps, MD 180 Drug-Related Steatohepatitis/Phospholipidosis Laura W. Lamps, MD 184 Reye Syndrome Romil Saxena, MBBS, MD, FRCPath (UK) and Lisa Yerian, MD 186 Drug-Related Cholangitis/Ductopenia Maria Westerhoff, MD 192 Hepatic Stellate Cell Hyperplasia Maria Westerhoff, MD and Matthew M. Yeh, MD, PhD   FATTY LIVER DISEASES  194 Alcoholic Liver Disease Maria Westerhoff, MD and Matthew M. Yeh, MD, PhD 200 Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Maria Westerhoff, MD and Matthew M. Yeh, MD, PhD 208 Glycogenic Hepatopathy Maria Westerhoff, MD and Lisa Yerian, MD 210 Fatty Liver of Pregnancy Nicole C. Panarelli, MD and Lisa Yerian, MD


    212 Portal Venous Obstruction Hanlin L. Wang, MD, PhD 214 Hepatoportal Sclerosis Hanlin L. Wang, MD, PhD 216 Hepatic Venous Outflow Obstruction Sanjay Kakar, MD 220 Venoocclusive Disease Sanjay Kakar, MD 222  Amyloidosis Sanjay Kakar, MD 224 Ischemia  Rondell Graham, MBBS and Lisa Yerian, MD 226 Nodular Regenerative Hyperplasia Sanjay Kakar, MD   TRANSPLANTATION PATHOLOGY  228 Ischemia Reperfusion Injury Romil Saxena, MBBS, MD, FRCPath (UK) and Hanlin L. Wang, MD, PhD 230 Antibody-Mediated Rejection Hanlin L. Wang, MD, PhD and Romil Saxena, MBBS, MD, FRCPath (UK) 232 T-Cell-Mediated Rejection (Acute Cellular Rejection) Romil Saxena, MBBS, MD, FRCPath (UK) 236 Chronic Rejection Romil Saxena, MBBS, MD, FRCPath (UK) and Matthew M. Yeh, MD, PhD 238 Central Perivenulitis/Parenchymal Rejection Rondell Graham, MBBS 240 Hepatic Artery Thrombosis Rondell Graham, MBBS and Lisa Yerian, MD 242 Graft-vs.-Host Disease Rondell Graham, MBBS and Lisa Yerian, MD   TUMORS OF THE LIVER  244 Hepatic Adenoma Sanjay Kakar, MD and Matthew M. Yeh, MD, PhD 252 Focal Nodular Hyperplasia Sanjay Kakar, MD 256 Regenerative and Dysplastic Nodules Sanjay Kakar, MD 262 Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Variants Sanjay Kakar, MD 274 Fibrolamellar Carcinoma Rondell Graham, MBBS 278 Combined Hepatocellular-Cholangiocarcinoma Maria Westerhoff, MD 282 Hepatoblastoma Rondell Graham, MBBS 286 Bile Duct Adenoma Rondell Graham, MBBS and Sanjay Kakar, MD 288 von Meyenburg Complex (Biliary Microhamartoma) Sanjay Kakar, MD, Laura W. Lamps, MD, and Rondell Graham, MBBS 290 Mucinous Cystic Neoplasm, Liver Maria Westerhoff, MD and Matthew M. Yeh, MD, PhD 294 Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Rondell Graham, MBBS and Sanjay Kakar, MD 298 Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Histologic Subtypes Rondell Graham, MBBS 302 Intraductal Papillary Neoplasm Rondell Graham, MBBS 304 Hemangioma Rondell Graham, MBBS 306 Angiomyolipoma Rondell Graham, MBBS and Lisa Yerian, MD 310 Hepatic Small Vessel Neoplasm/Anastamosing Hemangioma Maria Westerhoff, MD 314 Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma Sanjay Kakar, MD 316 Infantile Hemangioma Sanjay Kakar, MD 318 Angiosarcoma Sanjay Kakar, MD 320 Mesenchymal Hamartoma Nicole C. Panarelli, MD, Hanlin L. Wang, MD, PhD, and Sanjay Kakar, MD 322 Embryonal Sarcoma Nicole C. Panarelli, MD 324 Inflammatory Pseudotumor Joseph Misdraji, MD 330 Segmental Atrophy (Nodular Elastosis) Joseph Misdraji, MD 332

  • Laura W. Lamps, MD, Professor and Vice-Chair for Academic Affairs
    , Department of Pathology,
    University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences,
    Little Rock, Arkansas, Maria Westerhoff, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, University of Michigan and Sanjay Kakar


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