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cover image - Plotkin's Vaccines,8th Edition
ISBN: 9780323790581
Copyright: 2023
Publication Date: 04-04-2023
Page Count: 1808
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $388.99

Plotkin's Vaccines, 8th Edition

by Walter A. Orenstein, MD, DSc (HON), Paul A. Offit, MD, Kathryn M. Edwards, MD and Stanley A. Plotkin, MD


cover image - Plotkin's Vaccines,8th Edition
ISBN: 9780323790581
Copyright: 2023
Publication Date: 04-04-2023
Page Count: 1808
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $388.99


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From the latest vaccination evidence, recommendations, and protocols . . . to new vaccine development and the use of vaccines in reducing disease, Plotkin’s Vaccines, 8th Edition, covers every aspect of vaccination. Now completely revised and updated from cover to cover, this award-winning text continues to provide reliable information from global authorities, offering a complete understanding of each disease, as well as the latest knowledge of both existing vaccines and those currently in research and development. Described by Bill Gates as "an indispensable guide to the enhancement of the well-being of our world," Plotkin’s Vaccines is a must-have reference for current, authoritative information in this fast-moving field.
    • Contains all-new chapters on COVID-19, vaccine hesitancy, and non-specific effects of vaccines, as well as significantly revised content on new vaccine technologies such as mRNA vaccines, emerging vaccines, and technologies to improve immunization.

    • Presents exciting new data on evolution of adjuvants across the centuries, dengue vaccines, human papillomavirus vaccines, respiratory syncytial virus vaccines, tuberculosis vaccines, and zoster vaccines.

    • Provides up-to-date, authoritative information on vaccine production, available preparations, efficacy and safety, and recommendations for vaccine use, with rationales and data on the impact of vaccination programs on morbidity and mortality.

    • Provides complete coverage of each disease, including clinical characteristics, microbiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment, as well as epidemiology and public health and regulatory issues.

    • Keeps you up to date with information on each vaccine, including its stability, immunogenicity, efficacy, duration of immunity, adverse events, indications, contraindications, precautions, administration with other vaccines, and disease-control strategies.

    • Covers vaccine-preventable diseases, vaccine science, and licensed vaccine products, as well as product technologies and global regulatory and public health issues.

    • Analyzes the cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness of different vaccine options.

    • Helps you clearly visualize concepts and objective data through an abundance of tables and figures.

    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

    General Aspects of Vaccination
    1 A Short History of Vaccination
    2 Vaccine Immunology
    3 Non-specific Effects of Vaccines
    4 Correlates of Protection
    5 The Vaccine Industry
    6 Vaccine Manufacturing
    7 Evolution of Adjuvants Across the Centuries
    8 Vaccine Additives and Manufacturing Residuals in Vaccines Licensed in the United States
    9 Passive Immunization
    Licenced Vaccines and Vaccines in Development
    10 General Immunization Practices
    11 Human Adenovirus Vaccines
    12 Anthrax Vaccines
    13 Biodefense Vaccines, Vaccines for Emerging Infectious Diseases, and Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI)
    14 Cancer Vaccines
    15 Cholera Vaccines
    16 Combination Vaccines
    17 Coronavirus Vaccines
    18 Cytomegalovirus Vaccines
    19 Dengue Vaccines
    20 Vaccines Against Diarrhea Caused by Noncholera Bacteria
    21 Diphtheria Toxoid
    22 Ebola Vaccines
    23 Nonpolio Enteroviruses
    24 Epstein–Barr Virus Vaccines
    25 Haemophilus Influenzae Type b Vaccines
    26 Hepatitis A Vaccines
    27 Hepatitis B Vaccines
    28 Hepatitis C Vaccines
    29 Hepatitis E Vaccines
    30 Herpes Simplex Virus Vaccines
    31 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Vaccines
    32 Human Papillomavirus Vaccines
    33 Inactivated and Recombinant Influenza Vaccines
    34 Influenza Vaccine—Live
    35 Japanese Encephalitis Vaccines
    36 Lyme Disease Vaccines—the Journey Continues
    37 Malaria Vaccines
    38 Measles Vaccines
    39 Meningococcal Capsular Group A, C, W, and Y Conjugate Vaccines
    40 Meningococcal Vaccines Directed at Capsular Group B
    41 Mumps Vaccines
    42 Noninfectious Disease Vaccines
    43 Norovirus
    44 Parasitic Disease Vaccines
    45 Pertussis Vaccines
    46 Plague Vaccines
    47 Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine and Pneumococcal Common Protein Vaccines
    48 Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccines
    49 Poliovirus Vaccine—Inactivated
    50 Poliovirus Vaccine—Live
    51 Lyssaviruses and Rabies Vaccines
    52 Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccines and Monoclonal Antibodies
    53 Rotavirus Vaccines
    54 Rubella Vaccines
    55 Smallpox and Vaccinia
    56 Staphylococcus aureus Vaccines
    57 Streptococcus Group A Vaccines
    58 Streptococcus Group B Vaccines
    59 Tetanus Toxoid
    60 Tickborne Encephalitis Vaccines
    61 Tuberculosis Vaccines
    62 Typhoid Fever Vaccines
    63 Varicella Vaccines
    64 Yellow Fever Vaccine
    65 Zika Virus Vaccines
    66 Zoster Vaccines
    New Technologies

    67 Technologies for Making New Vaccines
    68 Genetic-Based Vaccine Vectors
    69 Technologies to Improve Immunization
    Vaccination of Special Groups
    70 Vaccination of Immunocompromised Hosts
    71 Vaccines for International Travel
    72 Vaccines for Healthcare Personnel
    73 Vaccination of Pregnant Women
    Public Health and Regulatory Issues

    74 Immunization in the United States
    75 Immunization in Europe
    76 Immunization and Vaccine-Preventable Diseases in the Asia-Pacific Region
    77 Immunization in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
    78 Community Protection
    79 Economic Analyses of Vaccine Policies
    80 Regulation and Testing of Vaccines in the US
    81 Regulation of Vaccines in Europe
    82 Regulation of Vaccines in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
    83 Vaccine Safety
    84 Vaccine Hesitancy and Behavioral Factors Associated With Vaccine Uptake
    85 Legal Issues
    86 Ethics
    87 Vaccines to Prevent Mpox
    Websites and Applications for Mobile Devices With Information About Immunization
  • Walter A. Orenstein, MD, DSc (HON), Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics, and Global Health, Emory University; Associate Director, Emory Vaccine Center, Atlanta GA; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA; Former Director, National Immunization Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta GA, Paul A. Offit, MD, Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases, Director, Vaccine Education Center, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; Professor of Pediatrics, Maurice R. Hilleman Professor of Vaccinology, Perelman School of Medicine, The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Kathryn M. Edwards, MD, Professor of Pediatrics Emerita and Stanley A. Plotkin, MD, Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania, Emeritus Professor, Wistar Institute, Former Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA; Former Medical and Scientific Director, Pasteur Merieux Connaught (now Sanofi Pasteur), Marnes-la-Coquette, France


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