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cover image - Netter's Pediatrics,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780323796088
Copyright: 2023
Publication Date: 06-09-2022
Page Count: 896
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $92.99

Netter's Pediatrics, 2nd Edition

by Rebecca Tenney Soeiro, MD, MSEd and Erin Pete Devon, MD


cover image - Netter's Pediatrics,2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780323796088
Copyright: 2023
Publication Date: 06-09-2022
Page Count: 896
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $92.99


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Both an ideal learning tool for students and a superb resource for patient education, Netter's Pediatrics, 2nd Edition, is a rich visual aid featuring more than 500 images by Drs. Frank H. Netter, Carlos Machado, and others working in the classic Netter style. The uniquely aesthetic and accurate artwork is accompanied by up-to-date text contributed primarily by physicians at the prestigious Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, all designed to work together to help you diagnose and care for children with common clinical conditions. New chapters, new features, and new online access makes this pediatrics resource a must-have for pediatric rotations, when studying for exams, or when preparing for patient consultations.
    • Offers at-a-glance information for a quick overview of common pediatric issues—from nutrition, allergy, infectious disease, and adolescent medicine to cancer and heart disease. 

    • Depicts key details for each condition with 500 detailed, crystal-clear images provided by Dr. Frank H. Netter, Dr. Carlos Machado, and others working in the Netter tradition. 

    • Features new clinical vignettes at the start of each chapter. 

    • Includes numerous new chapters including transgender health, feeding and nutrition, device and technology management, endocrine dysnatremias, syndromic intellectual disability, and mitochondrial disorders. 

    • Provides access to more than 20 printable patient education brochures online. 

    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

  • SECTION I Care of the Acutely Ill Child
    1 Assessment of the Acutely Ill Child
    2 Resuscitation, 9
    3 Shock and Sepsis,
    4 Acute Abdominopelvic Emergencies,
    5 Drowning in Children
    6 Burns
    7 Injury and Trauma,
    8 Poisoning and Ingestion
    9 Brief Resolved Unexplained Event and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
    10 Child Abuse and Neglect
    SECTION II Care of the Complex Child
    11 Symptom Evaluation and Management in Children With Medical Complexity
    12 Respiratory Considerations in Children With Medical Complexity
    13 Feeding and Nutrition in Children With Medical Complexity
    14 Devices and Technology for Children With Medical Complexity
    SECTION III Adolescent Medicine
    15 Behavioral Health Conditions
    16 Dysmenorrhea and Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
    17 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in Adolescents
    18 Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth
    19 Adolescent Sexual Health
    SECTION IV Allergy and Immunology
    20 Anaphylaxis
    21 Urticaria and Angioedema
    22 Allergic Rhinitistta
    23 Immune Deficiency
    SECTION V Bone and Joint Disorders
    24 Disorders of the Neck and Spine
    25 Disorders of the Hip and Lower Extremity
    26 Common Fractures
    27 Pediatric Sports Medicine
    28 Osteomyelitis and Other Bone and Joint Infections
    SECTION VI Cardiology
    29 Development of the Cardiovascular System
    30 Acyanotic Congenital Heart Disease
    31 Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease
    32 Arrhythmias
    33 Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy
    34 Cardiac Evaluation of Chest Pain, Syncope, and Palpitations
    35 Acquired Heart Disease
    SECTION VII Dermatology
    36 Dermatologic Morphology
    37 Acne
    38 Nevi
    39 Atopic Dermatitis
    40 Vascular Disorders
    41 Hyperpigmented Skin Disorders
    42 Hypopigmented Skin Lesions
    43 Nutritional Dermatoses
    44 Drug Eruptions
    45 Dermatologic Bacterial Infections
    SECTION VIII Endocrinology
    46 Puberty
    47 Thyroid Disease
    48 Disorders of Calcium and Bone Metabolism
    49 Disorders of the Adrenal Gland
    50 Diabetes Mellitus
    51 Hypoglycemia
    52 Disorders of Growth
    53 Endocrine Dysnatremias
    SECTION IX Gastroenterology
    54 Diarrhea
    55 Constipation
    56 Gastritis and Gastrointestinal Bleeding
    57 Inflammatory Bowel Disease
    58 Hernias
    59 Disorders of the Esophagus
    60 Intestinal Obstruction and Malrotation
    61 Disorders of the Pancreas
    62 Hepatobiliary Disease
    63 Infections in the Gastrointestinal Tract
    SECTION X Genetics and Metabolism
    64 Overview of Genetic Testing and Newborn Screening
    65 Chromosomal Disorders
    66 Syndromes With Congenital Anomalies
    67 Syndromic Intellectual Disability
    68 Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders
    69 Metabolic Disorders I
    70 Metabolic Disorders II
    71 Mitochondrial Disorders
    SECTION XI Head and Neck Disorders
    72 Disorders of the Eye
    73 Disorders of the Ear and Audition
    74 Disorders of the Nose and Sinuses
    75 Disorders of Dentition and Oral Cavity
    76 Disorders of the Neck
    SECTION XII Hematology
    77 Disorders of Red Blood Cells
    78 Disorders of White Blood Cells, 468
    Rebecca M. Sutherland
    79 Platelet Disorders, 474
    Ajibike Lapite
    80 Sickle Cell Disease, 479
    Ajibike Lapite and Michael Triebwasser
    81 Disorders of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 483
    Julianne McGlynn and Chelsea Kotch
    SECTION XIII Infectious Diseases
    82 The Febrile Infant
    83 Fever of Unknown Origin
    84 Fever in a Returning Traveler
    85 Tick-Borne Illness
    86 Human Immunodeficiency Virus
    87 Tuberculosis
    88 Viral Infections
    89 Fungal Infections
    90 Parasitic Diseases
    SECTION XIV Neonatal Medicine
    91 Newborn Examination
    92 Assessment of the Acutely Ill Neonate
    93 Disorders of the Respiratory System
    94 Disorders of the Gastrointestinal Tract
    95 Hematologic Disorders of the Neonate
    96 Hyperbilirubinemia
    97 Neonatal Dermatology
    98 Disorders of the Nervous System
    99 Neonatal Infections
    SECTION XV Nephrology and Urology
    100 Hematuria and Proteinuria
    101 Hypertension
    102 Glomerulonephritis
    103 Nephrotic Syndrome
    104 Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome
    105 Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease
    106 Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract
    107 Infections of the Urinary Tract
    SECTION XVI Neurology

    108 Seizures
    109 Headache
    110 Stroke
    111 Neurocutaneous Disorders
    112 Movement Disorders
    113 Encephalopathies
    114 Demyelinating Diseases
    115 Spinal Cord Disorders
    116 Neuromuscular Disorders
    117 Neurologic Emergencies
    118 Infectious Diseases of the Central Nervous System
    SECTION XVII Nutrition
    119 Nutritional Requirements and Growth
    120 Acute and Chronic Malnutritionn
    121 Obesity
    122 Nutritional Deficiencies
    SECTION XVIII Oncology
    123 Leukemia
    124 Lymphomas
    125 Brain Tumors
    126 Neuroblastoma
    127 Renal Neoplasms
    128 Bone Neoplasms
    129 Rhabdomyosarcoma
    130 Histiocyte Disorders
    SECTION XIX Pulmonology
    131 Asthma
    132 Cystic Fibrosis and Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
    133 Sleep Medicine
    134 Congenital Anomalies of the Lung
    135 Infections of the Lower Airway
    SECTION XX Rheumatology
    136 Chronic Arthritis
    137 Juvenile Dermatomyositis
    138 Vasculitis and Vasculopathy
    139 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
    140 Granulomatous Disease
  • Rebecca Tenney Soeiro, MD, MSEd, Section Chief of Education, Division of General Pediatrics, Program Director, Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellowship, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Advisory Dean, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Erin Pete Devon, MD, Attending physician, Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Division of General Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Pediatrics Clerkship Co-Director, Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Pennsylvania


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