Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, 5th Edition

Offers a highly practical focus, emphasizing clinical approaches to evaluation, counseling, treatment, and ongoing care.
Provides new or expanded information on theoretical foundations of human development and behavior; trauma, adverse childhood events, and resilience across the life span; mechanisms of genetic, epigenetic, and neurological conditions; and principles of psychological assessment, including a broad array of evaluation approaches.
Discusses management and treatment for developmental and behavioral conditions, spanning common factors, cognitive behavior therapies, rehabilitative services, integrative medicine, and psychopharmacology.
Contains up-to-date chapters on celebrating socio-cultural diversity and addressing racism and bias, acute stress and post-traumatic stress disorder in youth, sexuality and variation, and alternatives to restrictive guardianship.
Begins each chapter with a colorful vignette that demonstrates the importance of the human dimensions of developmental-behavioral pediatrics.
Offers viewpoints from an interdisciplinary team of editors and contributors, representing developmental-behavioral pediatrics, general pediatrics, psychiatry, psychology, occupational and physical therapy, speech-language pathology, and law.
Provides the latest drug information in the updated and revised chapters on psychopharmacology.
Includes key points boxes, tables, pictures, and diagrams to clarify and enhance the text.
Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
SECTION 1 Foundations of Developmental- Behavioral Pediatrics
1 An Introduction to the Field of Developmental- Behavioral Pediatrics
2 The Biopsychosocial Model: Understanding Multiple, Interactive Influences on Child Development and Behavior
3 Theories of Human Development
4 Theories of Learning and Behavior Change
SECTION 2 Life Stages
5 The Maternal-Fetal Dyad: Challenges and Adaptations
6 Infancy
7 Toddlerhood and the Preschool Years
8 Middle Childhood
9 Adolescence
10 Transition to Adulthood
11 End-of-Life, Death, and Bereavement
SECTION 3 Social and Environmental Contexts of Children
12 Understanding Child Development and Behavior in the Context of Family Systems
13 Parenting and Parenting Behavior
14 Foster Care and Adoption: Implications for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
15 Trauma, Resilience, and Child Development
16 Childcare
17 Peers
18 Schools as a Milieu
19 Neighborhoods and Personal Networks
20 Celebrating Sociocultural Diversity in the Exam Room and Addressing Racism and Bias
21 The Influence of Digital Media on Children and Families
22 Natural and Human Disasters
SECTION 4 Biological Factors, Medical Conditions, and Exposures Affecting Development and Behavior
23 Biological Mechanisms of Human Development and Behavior
24 Genetic Disorders and Their Associated Mechanisms
25 Chromosome Disorders and Inheritance Patterns
26 Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy
27 Down Syndrome
28 Fragile X Syndrome and FMR1 Variants
29 Nervous System,
30 Neuromuscular Disorders
31 Seizures and Epilepsy
32 Diffuse Acquired Brain Injury
33 Congenital Infections
34 Consequences of Preterm Birth
35 Nutritional Disorders
36 Inborn Errors of Metabolism
37 Prenatal Exposure of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs
38 The Impact of Environmental Chemicals on the Developing Brain
SECTION 5 Developmental Disorders
39 Cerebral Palsy and Other Motor Disorders
40 Intellectual Disability
41 Autism Spectrum Disorder
42 Developmental Considerations in Deafness
43 Blindness and Visual Impairment
44 Language and Speech Disorders
45 Sensory Processing Disorders
SECTION 6 Variation in Behavior, Learning, Emotion, and Mental Health
46 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
47 Learning Disabilities
48 Talent and Giftedness
49 Mood Disorders in Children and Adolescents
50 Suicide Prevention Care in the Pediatric Setting: A Trauma-Informed Approach
51 Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
52 Psychotic-Spectrum Disorders in Children and Adolescents
53 Substance Use Disorders and Other Risk-Taking Behaviors in Youth
54 Dual Diagnosis of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
55 Aggression and Disruptive Behavior Disorders
56 Acute Stress Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Youth
57 Adjustment and Adjustment Disorders in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
SECTION 7 Developmental and Behavioral Considerations Related to Medical Care
58 Impact of Hospitalization and Acute Medical Care on Children and Families
59 Children with Chronic Illness and Medical Complexity
60 Survivors of Childhood Brain Tumors: Developmental and Behavioral Considerations
61 Neurodevelopment in Children With Congenital Heart Disease
62 Medications With Developmental and Behavioral Side Effects
63 Palliative Care for Children With Medical Complexity
64 Chronic Pain
SECTION 8 Variations in Functional Domains
65 Feeding and Swallowing Disorders
66 Growth Faltering
67 Childhood Obesity
68 Urinary Incontinence and Nocturnal Enuresis
69 Toileting and Encopresis
70 Sleep and Sleep Disorders In Children
71 Movement Disorders
72 Habit Disorders in Children and Adolescents
73 Sexuality and Its Variations
74 Sexuality in Children and Youth With Disabilities
75 Gender and Its Variation in Youth
SECTION 9 Assessment and Measurement in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
76 Fundamentals of Developmental, Behavioral, and Psychological Assessment
77 The Interview in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
78 The Physical Exam: Laying on of Hands…or Not
79 Evaluation of Children Who Are Nonverbal/Minimally Verbal
80 Assessment of Temperament
81 Developmental Surveillance and Screening
82 Evaluation of Emotion and Behavior
83 Evaluation of School Readiness: Beyond ABCs
84 Observational Assessment in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
85 Developmental, Cognitive, and Intelligence Testing
86 Educational Testing and Evaluation of Academic Performance
87 Neuropsychology in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Practice
88 Evaluation of Adaptive Functioning
89 Assessments of the Central Nervous System
90 Integration of Data Sources and Uncertainty
SECTION 10 Interventions, Management, and Treatment of Developmental and Behavioral Conditions
91 Counseling and Readiness to Change
92 Common Factors and Lifestyle Interventions
93 Behavioral Parent Training and Consultation
94 Applied Behavior Analysis for Autism Spectrum Disorder
95 Crisis Management in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
96 Individual Therapy for Children and Adolescents: Play Therapy and Interpersonal Therapy as Developmentally Centered Relational Change Modalities
97 Family Systems Therapy and Its Importance in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
98 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Developmental- Behavioral Pediatrics
99 Psychopharmacology
100 Hypnosis, Biofeedback, and Meditation
101 Growth Mindset as a Brief Intervention: Research to Practice
102 Treatment of Developmental, Behavioral, and Mental Health Conditions via Technology
103 Early Intervention
104 Special Education Services
105 Transition to Adulthood for Young Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
106 Rehabilitation Services: Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy
107 Speech-Language Pathology for Developmental- Behavioral Disorders
108 Art and Music Therapy
109 Integrative Medicine for Disorders of Development and Behavior
110 Community-Based Interventions, 1050
111 Endocrine and Gynecologic Management of Children With Severe Disabilities
SECTION 11 Societal and Legal Contexts of Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics