Concepts for Nursing Practice (with eBook Access on VitalSource), 4th Edition

Now $119.03
**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 with "Essential Purchase" designation in Fundamentals**
Learn a conceptual approach to nursing care and how to apply concepts to a wide variety of clinical settings! Concepts for Nursing Practice, 4th Edition uses a straightforward, intuitive approach to describe 60 important concepts, spanning the areas of patient physiology, patient behavior, and the professional nursing environment. Exemplars identified for each concept provide useful examples and models, helping you more easily understand concepts and apply them to any clinical setting. To reinforce understanding, this text also makes connections among related concepts via ebook links to exemplars of those concepts in other Elsevier textbooks in your ebook library. New to this edition are six new concepts and a focus on related core competencies. Written by conceptual learning expert Jean Giddens, this authoritative text will help you build clinical judgment skills and prepare confidently for almost any clinical nursing situation.
- Authoritative content written by expert contributors and meticulously edited by concept-based curriculum (CBC) expert Jean Giddens sets the standard for the growing CBC movement.
- Clearly defined and analyzed nursing concepts span the areas of patient physiology, patient behavior, and the professional nursing environment.
- Featured Exemplars sections describe selected exemplars related to each nursing concept, covering the entire lifespan and all clinical settings, and help you assimilate concepts into practice.
- Integrated exemplar links connect you to concept exemplars in other purchased Elsevier nursing titles.
- Logical framework of concepts by units and themes helps you form immediate connections among related concepts — a key to conceptual learning.
- Case Studies in each chapter make it easier to apply knowledge of nursing concepts to real-world situations.
- Interrelated Concepts illustrations provide visual cues to understanding and help you make connections across concepts.
- NEW! Emphasis on competencies ("what to do") corresponding to each of the book’s concepts ("what to know"), with new Core Competencies boxes throughout to highlight core competencies corresponding to core concepts.
- NEW! Six new concepts — Clotting; Well-Being and Resilience; Person-Centered Care; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Public Health Emergencies; and Spheres of Practice.
- NEW! Case studies for the Next-Generation NCLEX® Exam on the Evolve companion website help prepare you for the new exam.
- NEW! Focus on COVID-19 boxes throughout help you understand the impact of the global pandemic on a variety of concepts and exemplars.
- Updated coverage ensures you understand the latest developments related to cultural competence, interprofessional collaboration, systems thinking, the nurse’s role in promoting health equity, equipping nurses to respond to emergencies and other public health crises, and promoting the wellness of nurses.
- Updated content throughout includes COVID-19, human trafficking, and transgender considerations as exemplars, reflecting the latest research evidence and national and international healthcare guidelines.
- Fine-tuned exemplar selection ensures full coverage of exemplars across the lifespan, with new designations of which exemplars are specific to particular age groups.
- NEW! Improved legibility, with larger text type in the print edition.
SECTION I: Health Care Recipient Concepts
Theme: Attributes, Resources, and Preferences
1. Development
2. Functional Ability
3. Family Dynamics
4. Culture
5. Self-Management
SECTION II: Health and Illness Concepts
Theme: Homeostasis and Regulation
6. Fluid and Electrolytes
7. Acid-Base Balance
8. Thermoregulation
9. Sleep
10. Cellular Regulation
11. Intracranial Regulation
12. Hormonal Regulation
13. Glucose Regulation
14. Nutrition
15. Elimination
16. Perfusion
17. Clotting — NEW!
18. Gas Exchange
Theme: Sexuality and Reproduction
19. Reproduction
20. Sexuality
Theme: Protection and Movement
21. Immunity
22. Inflammation
23. Infection
24. Mobility
25. Tissue Integrity
26. Sensory Perception
27. Pain
28. Fatigue
Theme: Mood, Cognition, Behavior
29. Stress and Coping
30. Mood and Affect
31. Anxiety
32. Cognition
33. Psychosis
34. Substance Misuse and Addiction
35. Interpersonal Violence
SECTION III: Professional Nursing and Health Care Concepts
Theme: Personal Development
36. Professional Identity
37. Well-Being and Resilience — NEW!
38. Leadership
39. Evidence
40. Clinical Judgment
Theme: Holistic Care
41. Person-Centered Care — NEW!
42. Ethics
43. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion — NEW!
Theme: Care Competencies
44. Communication
45. Collaboration
46. Safety
47. Health Care Quality
48. Technology and Informatics
49. Health Disparities and Health Equity
50. Care Coordination
51. Health Promotion
52. Patient Education
53. Palliative Care
54. Population Health
55. Public Health Emergencies — NEW!
Theme: Health Care Infrastructure
56. Spheres of Practice — NEW!
57. Health Systems
58. Health Care Economics
59. Health Policy
60. Health Care Law