cover image - Fundamentals of Nursing, 11th Edition
ISBN: 9780323810340
Copyright: 2023
Publication Date: 01-24-2022
Page Count: 1536
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $154.99

Fundamentals of Nursing, 11th Edition

by Patricia A. Potter, RN, MSN, PhD, FAAN, Anne G. Perry, RN, MSN, EdD, FAAN, Patricia A. Stockert, RN, BSN, MS, PhD and Amy Hall, RN, BSN, MS, PhD, CNE


cover image - Fundamentals of Nursing, 11th Edition
ISBN: 9780323810340
Copyright: 2023
Publication Date: 01-24-2022
Page Count: 1536
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $154.99
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Give your students a solid foundation in nursing — from basic concepts to essential skills to development of clinical judgment! Potter & Perry’s Fundamentals of Nursing, 11th Edition seamlessly integrates exceptional teaching and learning resources in a guided approach that extends all the way through your Fundamentals curriculum. The text’s comprehensive coverage emphasizes critical thinking, clinical judgment, evidence-based practice, nursing theory, and patient-centered care in all settings. Illustrated, step-by-step guidelines make it easier for students to learn important skills, and care plans are presented within a nursing process framework that is coordinated with clinical judgment. On Evolve, study tools include practice questions for the Next Generation NCLEX® and reinforce understanding for students with different learning styles, and instructor tools help you implement other Elsevier nursing resources and teach more effectively.

Newer Edition Available

12th Edition

Fundamentals of Nursing

ISBN: 9780443124068
    • NEW content includes topics such as clinical judgment, COVID-19, compassion fatigue, gun violence, patient safety, the opioid epidemic, and device addiction.
    • NEW! Next Generation NCLEX®-style questions with cases are provided on the Evolve website to help instructors prepare their students for these challenging new question types.
    • NEW! Nursing Process and Clinical Judgment steps are coordinated so that students can quickly understand how both models drive their nursing care.
    • Reflective Learning helps students use clinical reasoning to think about their clinical and simulation experiences.
    • UNIQUE! Building Competency boxes summarize QSEN competencies, each with a clinical situation followed by several open-ended questions designed to help students understand and apply these core competencies; answers and rationales are provided on Evolve.
    • Over 50 nursing skills include illustrated, step-by-step instructions in a two-column format — with rationales for each step.
    • In-text case studies tie together care plans and concept maps.
    • Over 30 procedural guidelines provide streamlined, step-by-step instructions for performing basic skills.
    • Practical study tools on Evolve include 50 video clips of nursing skills, 80 skills checklists, a concept map creator, a concept map creator, printable key points, answers to the practice questions in the book, an audio glossary, and more.
    • TEACH for Nurses lesson plan manual helps instructors more easily implement resources from other Elsevier nursing fundamentals products.
    • Planning sections help students plan and prioritize comprehensive patient care, with coverage of Goals and Outcomes, Setting Priorities, and Teamwork and Collaboration.
    • UNIQUE! Caring for Patients with Chronic Illness chapter helps students address the unique health care needs of patients who deal with chronic illness.
    • UNIQUE! Interprofessional collaboration and cooperation are emphasized.
    • Review questions in every chapter test student retention of key concepts, with answers and rationales in the book and on Evolve; at least four of these questions are alternate format.
    • Evidence-Based Practice chapter shows how nursing research helps in determining best practices.
    • UNIQUE! Critical Thinking Models in each clinical chapter show how to apply the nursing process, clinical judgment, and critical thinking to make sound clinical decisions.
    • UPDATED 1,100-question test bank includes traditional multiple-choice and alternate item questions at all difficulty levels.
    • Focus on safety and quality in the Patient Safety and Quality chapter shows how these concepts apply to nursing practice and includes a skill on fall prevention in healthcare settings.
    • Nursing Assessment Questions boxes help students learn to effectively phrase questions for patients.
    • Cultural Aspects of Care boxes summarize cultural considerations and provide practical guidelines on meeting patients’ cultural needs and preferences.
    • Patient Teaching boxes promote effective patient education by first identifying outcomes, then developing strategies on how to teach and evaluate compliance.
    • Focus on Older Adult boxes highlight key aspects of nursing assessment and care of elderly adults.
    • NEW objectives are clearly and precisely tied to content, making it easier for students and instructors to find relevant information
    • NEW content includes topics such as clinical judgment, COVID-19, compassion fatigue, gun violence, patient safety, the opioid epidemic, and device addiction.
    • NEW! Next Generation NCLEX®-style questions with cases are provided on the Evolve website to prepare you for these challenging new question types.
    • NEW! Nursing Process and Clinical Judgment steps are coordinated so that you can quickly understand how both models drive their nursing care.
    • NEW objectives are clearly and precisely tied to content, making it easier to find relevant information.
  • Patricia A. Potter, RN, MSN, PhD, FAAN, Formerly, Director of Research, Patient Care Services, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri, Anne G. Perry, RN, MSN, EdD, FAAN, Professor Emerita, School of Nursing, Southern Illinois University—Edwardsville, Edwardsville, Illinois, Patricia A. Stockert, RN, BSN, MS, PhD, Formerly, President, College of Nursing, Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing, Peoria, Illinois and Amy Hall, RN, BSN, MS, PhD, CNE, Professor and Dean, School of Nursing, Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
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Most review copies are eBooks – how fast!
A review copy request is most likely to be fulfilled as an eBook on VitalSource rather than a print product, unless no eBook is available. eBooks become available in as little as a few hours. Print products will take between 7 and 10 days to arrive. To request a print copy, please contact us through the Evolve Support Center for further assistance or contact your Education Solutions Consultant.
Important note
This is a Faculty Product!
Any student who attempts to request a review copy will be reported to the school's faculty and administration.