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cover image - Plastic Surgery: 6-Volume Set,5th Edition
ISBN: 9780323810371
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 11-08-2023
Page Count: 4680
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $1,573.99

Plastic Surgery: 6-Volume Set, 5th Edition

by Peter C. Neligan, MB, FRCS(I), FRCSC, FACS


cover image - Plastic Surgery: 6-Volume Set,5th Edition
ISBN: 9780323810371
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 11-08-2023
Page Count: 4680
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $1,573.99


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Comprehensive and fully up to date, Dr. Peter Neligan’s six-volume masterwork, Plastic Surgery, 5th Edition, remains the gold standard text in this complex area of surgery. Completely revised to meet the demands of both the trainee and experienced surgeon, it features new, full-color clinical photos, procedural videos, and lectures across all six volumes. Bonus material online includes additional text, images, and over 200 procedural videos that help you improve your mastery of the latest techniques.
    • Easily find the answers you need with an organization that features separate volumes covering Principles • Aesthetic • Craniofacial, Head and Neck Surgery and Pediatric Plastic Surgery • Lower Extremity, Trunk and Burns • Breast • and Hand and Upper Extremity. Each easily readable, individual volume is a standalone comprehensive text full of salient and applicable anatomy and techniques. 

    • Key procedures include gender affirmation management and surgery, microsurgery and surgery for lymphedema, aesthetic facial surgery, aesthetic body surgery, and the education, training and practice of plastic surgery. 

    • New digital video preface by Dr. Neligan addresses the changes across all six volumes. 

    • New treatment and decision-making algorithms added to chapters where applicable. 

    • New video lectures and editor-narrated slide presentations offer a step-by-step audiovisual walkthrough of techniques and procedures.  

    • Four new international experts join the editorial team, and lead editor Peter C. Neligan creates a cohesive tone throughout the chapters and content across all six volumes. 

    • Evidence-based advice from a diverse collection of experts allows you to apply the very latest advances in every area of plastic surgery and ensure optimal outcomes. 

    • Purchase only the volumes you need or own the entire set, with the ability to search across all six volumes online! 

    • An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. 

  • VOLUME 1 1 Plastic Surgery and Innovation in Medicine 2 History of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 3 Applying Psychology to Routine Plastic Surgery Practice 4 The Role of Ethics in Plastic Surgery  and Medico-legal Issues In Plastic Surgery 5 Business Principles for Plastic Surgeons 6 Value Based HealthCare 7 Digital Photography in Plastic Surgery 8 Pre- and Intra-operative Imaging for Plastic Surgery 9 Patient Safety in Plastic Surgery 10 Anesthesia and Pain Management in Plastic Surgery 11 Evidence-Based Medicine in Plastic Surgery 12 Patient-Reported Outcomes in Plastic Surgery 13 Health Services Research   in Plastic Surgery 14 Principles of Cancer Management 15 Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine 15 Wound Healing 16 Scar Prevention, Treatment and Revision 17 Skin Grafting 18 Tissue Engineering 19 Repair, Grafting and Engineering of Cartilage 20 Repair and Grafting of Bone 21 Repair and Grafting of Peripheral Nerve 22 Repair and Grafting Fat and Adipose Tissue 23 Vascular Territories 24 Flap Physiology, Classification, and Applications 25 Principles and Techniques of Microvascular Surgery 26 Principles and Applications of Tissue Expansion 27 Principles of Radiation 28 Lymphedema: Pathophysiology and Basic Science 29 Benign and Malignant Non Melanocytic Tumors of the Skin and Soft Tissue 30 Melanoma 31 Implants and Biomaterials 32 Transplantation in Plastic Surgery 33 Technology Innovation in Plastic Surgery 34 Robotics in Plastic Surgery 35 Digital Health in Plastic Surgery 36 Simulation & Telemedicine in Plastic Surgery 36 Overview of Minimally Invasive Procedures 37 Education and Teaching in Plastic Surgery 38 Global Plastic Surgery 39 Gender Affirming Surgery

    VOLUME 2 1 Managing the Aesthetic Surgery Patient 2 Principles of Practice Management for Cosmetic Surgery 3 Managing Non-surgical Aesthetic Services and Medical Spa 4 Essential Elements of Patient Safety in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 5 Multimodal 6 Blocks 7 Local Anesthesia 8 Non-Surgical Skin Care and Rejuvenation 9.1 Editors' Perspective: Injectables and Resurfacing Techniques 9.2 Soft Tissue Fillers 9.3 Botulinum Toxin/Neurotoxins 9.4 Lasers in Aesthetic Surgery 9.5 Chemical Peels 9.6 Minimally Invasive Multimodal Facial Rejuvenation 10.1 Editors' Perspective: Surgical Facial Rejuvenation 10.2 Anatomy of the Aging Face 10.3 Principles and Surgical Approaches of Facelift 10.4 Facelift: Facial Rejuvenation With Loop Sutures; The MACS lift and its Derivatives 10.5 Facelift: Lateral Smasectomy  and Platysma-SMAS Plication 10.6 Facelift:The Extended SMAS Technique in Facial Rejuvenation 10.7 High SMAS Facelift: Combined Single Flap Lifting of the Jawline, Cheek and Mid-face 10.8 Lift and Fill 10.9 Neck Rejuvenation 10.10 Facelift: The Male Patient 10.11 Secondary Deformities and the Secondary Facelift 10.12 Perioral Facial Rejuvention - including chin 10.13 Facial Feminization 11 Editors' Perspective: Forehead and Eyes 12 Forehead Rejuvenation 13 Endoscopic Brow Lifting 14 Blepharoplasty 15 Secondary Blepharoplasty: Techniques 16 Asian Facial Cosmetic Surgery 17 Structural Fat Grafting and other fat 18 Editors' Perspective: Rhinoplasty 19 Nasal Analysis and Anatomy 20 Open Technique Rhinoplasty 21 Closed Technique Rhinoplasty 22 Airway Issues and the Deviated Nose 23 Secondary Rhinoplasty 24 Otoplasty 25 Hair Restoration 26.1 Editors' Perspective: Liposuction 26.2 Liposuction:  A Comprehensive Review of Techniques and Safety and non surgical fat removal 26.3 Correcting liposuction deformities with S.A.F.E liposuction technique 27 Editors' Perspective: Abdominal Contouring 28 Abdominoplasty 29 Lipoabdominoplasty 30 Editors' Perspective: Truncal Contouring 31 Bra-Line Back Lift 32 Belt Lipectomy 33 Circumferential Lower Bodylift 34 Purse-string Gluteoplasty 35 Lower Bodylift with Gluteal Flaps 36.1 Editors' Perspective: Buttock Augmentation 36.2 Implant Based Buttock augmentation 36.3 Buttock Fat Grafting and Liposuction 37 Upper Limb Contouring 38 Medial Thigh 39 Principles of Post Bariatric Surgery 40 Energy Devices in Aesthetic Surgery 41 Aesthetic Genital Surgery

    VOLUME 3 1 Management of Facial Trauma 2 Scalp and Forehead Reconstruction 3 Aesthetic Reconstruction of the Nose 4 Auricular Construction 5 Secondary Treatment of Acquired Cranio-orbital Deformities 6.1 Introduction: Computerized Surgical Planning 6.2 Three-Dimensional Virtual Planning in Orthognathic Surgery 6.3 Computerized  Surgical Planning in Head and Neck Reconstruction 7 Introduction: Post-Oncologic Reconstruction 8 Overview of Head and Neck:  Bony and Soft Tissue Tumors 9 Mid-Face Reconstruction 10 Local Flaps for Facial Coverage 11 Lip Reconstruction 12 Oral Cavity, Tongue and Mandibular Reconstructions 13 Hypopharyngeal, Esophageal and Neck Reconstruction 14 Secondary Facial Reconstruction 15 Facial Paralysis 16 Surgical Management of  Facial Pain, Including Migraines 17 Facial Feminization 18 Embryology of the Craniofacial Complex 19.1 Unilateral Cleft Lip Introduction 19.2 Rotation Advancement 19.3 Extended Mohler Repair 19.4 Anatomic Subunit Approximation Approach to Unilateral Cleft Lip Repair 20 Repair of Bilateral Cleft Lip 21.1 Cleft Palate Introduction 21.2 Straight Line Repair with Intravelar Veloplasty (IVVP) 21.3 Double Opposing Z-plasty 21.4 Buccal Myomucosal Flap Palate Repair 21.5 Buccal Fat Pad Flap 21.6 Oral Fistula Closure 21.7 Alveolar Clefts 21.8 Orthodontics in Cleft Lip and Palate Management 21.9 Velopharyngeal Dysfunction 21.10 Secondary Deformities of the Cleft Lip, Nose, and Palate 21.11 Cleft and Craniofacial  Orthognathic Surgery 22 Pediatric facial fractures 23 Orbital Hypertelorism 24 Craniofacial Clefts 25.1 Craniosynostosis Introduction 25.2 Single Suture Craniosynostosis 25.3 Multisutural Sydromic Craniosynostosis 25.4 Neurosurgical and Developmental Issues in Craniosynostosis 26 Craniofacial Microsomia 27 Idiopathic Progressive Hemifacial Atrophy 28 Robin Sequence 29 Treacher Collins Syndrome 30 Congenital Melanocytic Nevi 31 Vascular Anomalies 32 Pediatric Chest and Trunk Defects 33 Pediatric Tumors 34 Conjoined Twins

    VOLUME 4 1 Comprehensive Lower Extremity Anatomy 2 Management of Lower Extremity Trauma 3.1 Lymphedema: Introduction and Editors' Perspective 3.2 Imaging Modalities for Diagnosis and Treatment of Lymphedema 3.3 Lymphovenous Bypass 3.4 Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer 3.5 Debulking Strategies and Procedures: Liposuction of Leg Lymphedema 3.6

  • Peter C. Neligan, MB, FRCS(I), FRCSC, FACS, Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA


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