Evolve Resources for Fundamentals of Nursing, 11th Edition
by Patricia A. Potter, RN, MSN, PhD, FAAN, Anne G. Perry, RN, MSN, EdD, FAAN, Patricia A. Stockert, RN, BSN, MS, PhD and Amy Hall, RN, BSN, MS, PhD, CNE
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Student Resources on Evolve
- 50 video clips of skills
- 80 skills performance checklists
- 500 review questions with answers
- Care Plan Creator
- Conceptual care map creator
- Printable key points
- Global nursing glossary
Newer Edition Available
12th Edition
ISBN: 9780443245800
Patricia A. Potter, RN, MSN, PhD, FAAN, Formerly, Director of Research, Patient Care Services, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri, Anne G. Perry, RN, MSN, EdD, FAAN, Professor Emerita, School of Nursing, Southern Illinois University—Edwardsville, Edwardsville, Illinois, Patricia A. Stockert, RN, BSN, MS, PhD, Formerly, President, College of Nursing, Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing, Peoria, Illinois and Amy Hall, RN, BSN, MS, PhD, CNE, Professor and Dean, School of Nursing, Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana