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cover image - Comparative Management of Spine Pathology,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323825573
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 07-29-2022
Page Count: 448
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $209.99

Comparative Management of Spine Pathology, 1st Edition

by Kaisorn Chaichana, MD and Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa, MD, FAANS, FACS


cover image - Comparative Management of Spine Pathology,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323825573
Copyright: 2022
Publication Date: 07-29-2022
Page Count: 448
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $209.99


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Unique in the field, Comparative Management of Spine Pathology presents commonly encountered spinal cases with side-by-side, case-by-case comparisons that clearly show how various experts would handle the same case. This second volume in the Neurosurgery: Case Management Comparison Series offers multiple opinions from international experts in both neurosurgery and orthopaedics, each of whom explains their preferred approach and management style for the same case. This format allows for quick and helpful comparisons of different ways to approach a lesion, advantages and disadvantages of each approach, and what each expert is looking for in how they would manage a particular case.
    • Offers 4 expert opinions on each case in a templated format designed to help you quickly make side-by-side comparisons—an ideal learning tool for both trainee and practicing neurosurgeons and orthopaedic surgeons for board review and case preparation. 

    • Helps you easily grasp different approaches to spine management with different expert approaches to the same case and summaries from the editors on the advantages and disadvantages to each approach. 

    • Features a wide variety of management decisions, from preoperative studies to surgical approach, surgical adjuncts, and postoperative care, from experts in the field who specialize in different aspects of spine surgery. 

    • Presents 70 cases in the areas of degenerative spine, traumatic spine, spinal deformity, spinal oncology, and miscellaneous topics such as epidural abscess, osteomyelitis, and post-instrumentation infection. 

    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text and figures from the book on a variety of devices. 

  • 1 Grade 1 spondylolisthesis without instability on flexion/extension and claudication
    2 Grade 1 spondy with back pain only
    2 Lumbar Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
    3 Recurrent herniated disc at the same level in a young patient
    4 Adjacent Segment Disease after Anterior Cervical Decompression and Fusion
    5 1
    5 Frank Acosta Jr
    5 Second herniated disc (same level) in a young patient
    5 Adjacent segment disease after ACDF
    5 Lumbar Adjacent Segment Disease
    6 2
    6 Christopher P. Ames
    6 Recurrent Stenosis after Laminectomy
    7 3
    7 Ali A. Baaj
    7 Multilevel cervical stenosis from ossified posterior longitudinal ligaments
    8 4
    8 Carlos Bagley
    8 Thoracic Disc Herniation
    9 5
    9 Mark H. Bilksy
    9 Cervical Spondylotic Radiculopathy and Myelopathy from Facet and Uncovertebral Hypertrophy
    10 6
    10 Erica F. Bisson
    10 One level cervical radiculopathy from a herniated disc
    11 7
    11 Scott Blumenthal
    11 Lumbar pseudoarthrosis
    12 8
    12 Lawrence F. Borges
    12 Anterior C1-C2 pannus
    13 9
    13 Mohamad Bydon
    13 High lumbar stenosis (thoracolumbar junction)
    14 10
    14 Leonard Cerullo
    14 Cervical stenosis with preservation of lordosis
    15 11
    15 Selby G. Chen
    15 Single level disc disease with back pain
    16 12
    16 Dean Chou
    16 Radiculopathy from foraminal stenosis (
    17 13
    17 Michelle Clarke
    17 Thoracic ligamentous hypertrophy causing stenosis
    18 14
    18 Andrew T. Dailey
    18 C1-C2 Facet Arthropathy
    19 15
    19 Curtis Dickman
    19 Migrated interbody
    20 16
    20 Jeremy L. Fogelson
    20 Cervical myelopathy
    21 17
    21 Ziya L. Gokaslan
    21 Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
    22 18
    22 James S. Harrop
    22 Osteoporotic compression fracture
    23 19
    23 Roger Hartl
    23 Hangman’s Fracture
    24 20
    24 Daniel Hoh
    24 Compression fracture with back pain
    25 21
    25 Langston T. Holly
    25 Burst fracture without PLC injury
    26 22
    26 Patrick C. Hseih
    26 Fracture after kyphoplasty
    27 Section 2. Traumatic Spine
    27 Maziyar A, Kalani
    27 Pure Bone Thoracolumbar Chance Fracture
    28 23
    28 Iain H. Kalfas
    28 Central cord syndrome without instability
    29 24
    29 Tyler R. Koski
    29 Penetrating Spine Trauma
    30 25
    30 Allan D. Levi
    30 C1 Fracture
    31 26
    31 John C. Liu
    31 Acute Spinal Cord Injury
    32 27
    32 Daniel Lu
    32 Chronic L5 pars fractures with back pain and spondylolisthesis
    33 28
    33 Praveen Mummaneni
    33 Cervical jumped facets
    34 29
    34 Eric W. Nottmeier
    34 Proximal Junctional Kyphosis after Deformity Surgery
    35 30
    35 John D. Peloza - Ortho
    35 Coronal Deformity
    36 31
    36 Laurence D. Rhines
    36 Coronal and sagittal deformity with back pain (adult idiopathic)
    37 32
    37 Daniel M. Sciubba
    37 Adolescent idiopathic deformity
    38 33
    38 Christopher I. Shaffrey
    38 Flat back after fusion
    39 Section 3. Spinal Deformity
    39 Joan O’Shea
    39 Cervical kyphosis
    40 34
    40 Volker K. H. Sonntag
    40 Degenerative scoliosis with radiculopathy
    41 35
    41 Claudio E. Tatsui
    41 Iatrogenic deformity after Harrington rod
    42 36
    42 Juan Uribe
    42 Iatrogenic kyphoscoliosis
    43 37
    43 Michael Y. Wang
    43 Broken rod after scoliosis correction with back pain
    44 38
    44 Jean-Paul Wolinsky
    44 Spine metastasis
    45 39
    45 Fangyi, Zhang
    45 Diffuse Mets to Spine with Lumbar Stenosis
    46 40
    46 Meic Schmidt
    46 Spinal Chondrosarcoma
    47 41
    47 John Chi
    47 Intradural Extramedullary Tumor
    48 42
    48 Michael Lawton
    48 Spinal Metastasis w/ kyphotic deformity
    49 43
    49 George Jallo
    49 Multiple Spine Metastasis with One Level Symptomatic
    50 Section 4. Spinal Oncology
    50 Gordon Deen
    50 Sacral Schwannoma
    51 44
    51 Yingda Li
    51 Thoracic Spine Metastasis with Acute Myelopathy
    52 45
    52 Dean Chou
    52 Thoracic intramedullary lesions
    53 46
    53 Nick Theodore
    53 Thoracolumbar Intradural Lesion
    54 47
    54 Meng Huang
    54 Cervico-Medullary Junction Lesion
    55 48
    55 Joseph Cheng
    55 Metastatic Lesion to the Cervico-Thoracic Junction
    56 49
    56 Matthew McGirt
    56 GBM
    57 50
    57 Khoi Than
    57 Foramen Magnum Meningioma
    58 51
    58 Ben Elder
    58 Thoracic Intradural Extramedullary Lesion
    59 52
    59 Anand Veeravagu
    59 Cervical chordoma
    60 53
    60 Justin Smith
    60 Sacral chordoma
    61 54
    61 Ilya Laufer
    61 Spontaneous CSF Leak
    62 55
    62 Jang Yoon
    62 Lumbar Osteomyelitis and Diskitis
    63 56
    63 Harrison Farber
    63 Adult Basilar Invagination
    64 57
    64 Fabio Frisoli
    64 Spinal Type I AVF
    65 58
    65 Jeffrey Ehresman
    65 Cavernous Malformation
    66 59
    66 Tianyi Niu
    66 Spinal hemangioblastoma
    67 60
    67 Ann Liu
    67 Chiari malformation
    68 Section 5. Other
    68 Rory Mayer
    68 Chiari Malformation with Recurrent Symptoms
    69 61
    69 Larry Lo
    69 Tethered cord
    70 62
    70 Brenton Pennicooke
    70 Chronic Adhesive Arachnoiditis with Spinal Cord Dysfunction
    71 63
    72 64
    73 65
    74 66
    75 67
    76 68
    77 69
    78 70
  • Kaisorn Chaichana, MD, Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, Oncology, and Otolaryngology, Department of Neurosurgery, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida and Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa, MD, FAANS, FACS, Professor, Chair of Neurologic Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida


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