Study Guide for Foundations of Maternal-Newborn and Women's Health Nursing, 8th Edition

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Learn to master maternal-newborn and women’s health nursing. Designed to accompany Foundations of Maternal-Newborn and Women's Health Nursing, 8th Edition, this study guide gives you an in-depth understanding of the material from each chapter in the text. Learning activities and case studies encourage critical thought, and simulated patient situations give you practice applying what you’ve learned to the NCLEX® exam and clinical practice.
- Check Yourself multiple-choice questions provide the opportunity to prepare for the NCLEX®.
- Clinical case studies encourage critical thinking for you to interpret information and select appropriate nursing actions.
- Learning Activities help you master the content in your textbook and include matching terms, medical therapy descriptions, nursing measures and their rationales, and labelling illustrations exercises.
- Developing Insight suggested learning activities direct you to develop knowledge and interpret information gathered in cultural and community settings.
- NEW! Updated content reflects the new edition of the textbook.
- NEW! Clinical judgment content and questions for the Next Generation NCLEX® prepare students for the exam.
PART 1 Foundations for Nursing Care of the Childbearing Families
1 Clinical Judgment and the Nursing Process
2 Social, Cultural, and Ethical Issues
3 Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology
4 Hereditary and Environmental Influences on Childbearing
PART 2 The Family Before Birth
5 Conception and Prenatal Development
6 Maternal Adaptations to Pregnancy
7 Antepartum Assessment, Care, and Education
8 Nutrition for Childbearing
9 Assessing the Fetus
10 Complications of Pregnancy
11 The Childbearing Family with Special Needs
PART 3 The Family During Birth
12 Processes of Birth
13 Pain Management During Childbirth
14 Intrapartum Fetal Surveillance
15 Nursing Care During Labor and Birth
16 Intrapartum Complications
PART 4 The Family Following Birth
17 Postpartum Adaptations and Nursing Care
18 Postpartum Maternal Complications
19 Critical Care Obstetrics
20 Normal Newborn: Processes of Adaptation
21 Assessment of the Normal Newborn
22 Care of the Normal Newborn
23 Infant Feeding
24 High-Risk Newborn: Complications Associated with Gestational Age and Development
25 High-Risk Newborn: Acquired and Congenital Conditions
PART 5 Women’s Health Care
26 Family Planning
27 Infertility
28 Women’s Health
Answers to Selected Questions