Calculation of Drug Dosages Elsevier eBook on VitalSource (Retail Access Card), 12th Edition
Elsevier eBook on VitalSource - Access Card
Now $68.39
Learn to calculate drug dosages accurately with this practical workbook-textbook! Calculation of Drug Dosages: A Work Text, 12th Edition makes it easy to understand and master the three major methods of dosage calculation — ratio and proportion, formula, and dimensional analysis. A basic review of mathematics refreshes your math skills, and practice problems, worksheets, and practice tests help you gain confidence in making drug calculations. New to this edition are Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) practice problems preparing you for the critical thinking questions on the NGN exam. Written by nursing experts Sheila Ogden and Linda Fluharty, this worktext is ideal for nursing students and for nurses returning to practice!
- Learning objectives keep you focused and explain what you should accomplish upon the completion of each chapter.
- Logical structure organizes the material from simple to complex, making it easier to build upon and retain knowledge.
- Extensive math review covers the basic math skills essential for accurate calculation of drug dosages and helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
- Chapter worksheets allow you to practice solving realistic problems.
- Post-tests at the end of each chapter allow you to assess your understanding of content.
- Alert boxes highlight information crucial to math calculation and patient safety.
- Comprehensive post-test at the end of the book offers additional practice and measures your overall understanding.
- 40 flash cards on the Evolve website make it easy to study and review abbreviations, formulas, and conversions from the book.
- NEW! Next Generation NCLEX® practice problems and case studies progress from simple to complex concepts and are included in chapters throughout the text.
- NEW! Coverage of heparin drip calculation describes how to calculate and administer an IV weight-based heparin bolus from the IV heparin.
- NEW! Added IV coverage is included in the IV Flow Rates and IV Flow Rates for Dosages Measured in Units chapters.
- NEW! Updated drug information and medication labels are added to this edition.
Review of Mathematics
CHAPTER 1 Fractions
CHAPTER 2 Decimals
CHAPTER 3 Percents
CHAPTER 4 Ratios
CHAPTER 5 Proportions
Units and Measurements for the Calculation of Drug Dosages
CHAPTER 6 Metric and Household Measurements
CHAPTER 7 Calculations Used in Patient Assessments
Preparation for Calculation of Drug Dosages
CHAPTER 8 Safety in Medication Administration
CHAPTER 9 Interpretation of the Licensed Prescriber’s Orders
CHAPTER 10 Reading Medication Labels
Calculation of Drug Dosages
CHAPTER 11 Oral Dosages
CHAPTER 12 Parenteral Dosages
CHAPTER 13 Dosages Measured in Units
CHAPTER 14 Reconstitution of Medications
CHAPTER 15 Intravenous Flow Rates
CHAPTER 16 Intravenous Flow Rates for Dosages Measured in Units
CHAPTER 17 Critical Care Intravenous Flow Rates
CHAPTER 18 Pediatric Dosages
CHAPTER 19 Obstetric Dosages
Comprehensive Posttest
Appendix A Apothecary System of Measure