Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians, 4th Edition
by Kathy Moscou, PhD, RPh, MPH and Karen Snipe, CPhT, AS, BA, MEd
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Build a solid foundation in pharmacology with this all-in-one resource! Combining a comprehensive textbook with workbook exercises, Pharmacology for Pharmacy Technicians, 4th Edition helps you understand the principles of pharmacology and apply them to the daily activities and challenges seen in the practice setting. Full-color photos and illustrations make it easier to master concepts, and an in-depth review designed specifically for pharmacy technicians meets the requirements of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) for anatomy and physiology and pharmacology. Written by a pharmacist and a pharmacy technician, Kathy Moscou and Karen Snipe — each with extensive experience in the field — this book helps you master the expanding role of the pharmacy technician and launch a successful and rewarding career in Pharmacy Technology.
- Comprehensive coverage aligns with advanced-level ASHP competencies for accreditation and prepares you for certification.
- Practical Pharm Tech features include Tech Alerts highlighting drug look-alike and sound-alike issues, Tech Notes with need-to-know information on safe drug dispensing, and Technician’s Corner critical thinking exercises.
- Coverage of A&P and medical terminology is included within each body system unit.
- Quick-reference, mini drug monographs are included within each body system and drug classification chapter, and include pill photos along with generic and trade names, strength of medication, route of administration, dosage form, dosing schedule, and warning labels.
- Learning features in each chapter include learning objectives, key terms, key points, and review questions.
- Exam preparation includes two 120-question online practice exams in addition to board-style review questions.
- Summary drug tables provide generic/brand name, drug strengths and dosage forms, usual dose and dosing schedule, and warning labels for at-a-glance access to important information.
- NEW! Updated drug information ensures you are familiar with the latest drug approvals and the latest dosage and prescription guidelines.
- NEW! Coverage of changes in pharmacology includes the newest pharmaceutical laws, handling and dispensing of controlled substances, COVID-19 developments, and advances in vaccines.
- NEW! Integrated workbook exercises by chapter provide vocabulary practice, review questions, and case studies in the text as well as critical thinking and research activities online.
UNIT I: Introduction to Pharmacology
1. Fundamentals of Pharmacology
2. Principles of Pharmacology
3. Pharmacodynamics
4. Drug Interactions and Medication Errors
UNIT II: Drugs Affecting the Autonomic Nervous System and Central Nervous System
5. Treatment of Anxiety
6. Treatment of Depression
7. Treatment of Schizophrenia and Psychoses
8. Treatment of Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s and Parkinson’s Disease
9. Treatment of Seizure Disorders
10. Treatment of Pain and Migraine Headache
11. Treatment of Sleep Disorders and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
UNIT III: Drugs Affecting the Musculoskeletal System
12. Neuromuscular Blockade and Muscle Spasms
13. Treatment of Gout, Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
14. Treatment of Osteoporosis and Paget’s Disease of the Bone
UNIT IV: Drugs Affecting the Ophthalmic and Otic Systems
15. Treatment of Diseases of the Eye
16. Treatment of Disorders of the Ear
UNIT V: Drugs Affecting the Cardiovascular System
17. Treatment of Angina
18. Treatment of Hypertension
19. Treatment of Heart Disease and Stroke
20. Treatment of Arrhythmia
UNIT VI: Drugs Affecting the Gastrointestinal System
21. Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Laryngopharyngeal Reflux, and Peptic Ulcer Disease
22. Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis, and Crohn’s Disease
UNIT VII: Drugs Affecting the Respiratory System
23. Treatment of Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
24. Treatment of Allergies
UNIT VIII: Drugs Affecting the Endocrine System
25. Treatment of Thyroid Disorders
26. Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus
UNIT IX: Drugs Affecting the Reproductive System
27. Drugs That Affect the Reproductive System
28. Treatment of Prostate Disease and Erectile Dysfunction
UNIT X: Drugs Affecting the Immune System
29. Treatment of Bacterial Infections
30. Treatment of Viral Infections
31. Treatment of Cancers
32. Vaccines and Immunomodulators
UNIT XI: Drugs Affecting the Integumentary System
33. Treatment of Fungal Infections
34. Treatment of Pressure Injuries and Burns
35. Treatment of Acne
36. Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis and Psoriasis
37. Treatment of Lice and Scabies
Appendix: Workbook Exercises
Kathy Moscou, PhD, RPh, MPH, Research Affiliate
Centre for Aboriginal and Rural Education Studies
Brandon University
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
Former Director, Pharmacy Technician Program (1989-2006), North Seattle Community College, Vancouver, WA and Karen Snipe, CPhT, AS, BA, MEd, Pharmacy Technician Program Coordinator, Department Head, Diagnostic and Imaging Services, Trident Technical College, Charleston, SC