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cover image - Bland and Copeland's The Breast,6th Edition
ISBN: 9780323833653
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 05-23-2023
Page Count: 944
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $398.99

Bland and Copeland's The Breast, 6th Edition

by Kirby I. Bland, MD, Edward M. Copeland, MD, V. Suzanne Klimberg, MD, PhD and William J Gradishar, MD


cover image - Bland and Copeland's The Breast,6th Edition
ISBN: 9780323833653
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 05-23-2023
Page Count: 944
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $398.99


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Multidisciplinary in scope and fully up to date with the latest advances in medical oncology and more, Bland and Copeland's The Breast, 6th Edition, covers every clinically relevant aspect of the field: cancer, congenital abnormalities, hormones, reconstruction, anatomy and physiology, benign breast disease, and more. In a practical, easy-to-use format ideal for today’s busy practitioners, this truly comprehensive resource is ideal for surgical oncologists, breast surgeons, general surgeons, medical oncologists, and others who need to stay informed of the latest innovations in this complex and fast-moving area.
    • Offers the most comprehensive, up-to-date information on the diagnosis and management of, and rehabilitation following, treatment for benign and malignant diseases of the breast.

    • Updates include an extensively updated oncoplastic section and extended medical and radiation oncology sections.

    • Delivers step-by-step clinical guidance highlighted by hundreds of superb illustrations that depict relevant anatomy and pathology, as well as medical and surgical procedures.

    • Reflects the collaborative nature of diagnosis and treatment among radiologists, pathologists, breast and plastic surgeons, radiation and medical oncologists, geneticists and other health care professionals who contribute to the management of patients with breast disease.

    • Includes access to procedural videos that provide expert visual guidance on how to execute key steps and techniques.

    • An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.

  • SECTION I History of the Therapy of Breast Cancer
    1 The History of the Therapy for Breast Cancer
    2 History of Surgical Clinical Trials and Cooperative Group Trials
    3 Important Trials of the Last Decade
    SECTION II Anatomy and Physiology of the Normal and Lactating Breast
    4 Anatomy of the Breast, Axilla, Chest Wall, and Related Metastatic Sites
    5 Breast Physiology: Normal and Abnormal Development and Function
    6 Discharges and Secretions of the Nipple
    SECTION III Natural History, Epidemiology, Genetics, and Syndromes of the Breast
    7 Epidemiology of Breast Cancer
    8 Carcinogenesis of Breast Cancer
    9 Risk Reduction for Developing Breast Cancer
    10 Breast Cancer Genetics: Syndromes, Genes, Pathology, Counseling, Testing, and Treatment
    SECTION IV Screening and Diagnosis of the Breast Patient
    11 Clinical Encounter With the Patient
    12 Breast Cancer Screening
    13 Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Techniques for Biopsy
    SECTION V Benign and Premalignant Lesions
    14 Etiology and Management of Benign Breast Disease
    15 Mastitis and Breast Abscess
    16 Gynecomastia
    17 High-Risk and Premalignant Lesions of the Breast
    SECTION VI Pathology of Malignant Lesions
    18 Disorders of the Skin
    19 Ductal Carcinoma In Situ
    20 Infiltrating Carcinomas of the Breast
    21 Biomarkers
    22 Fibroepithelial Tumors and Hamartomas
    23 Lymphomas of the Breast
    24 Mesenchymal Neoplasms of the Breast
    25 Unusual and Rare Tumors of the Breast
    SECTION VII Prognostic Factors for Breast Cancer
    26 Clinical Prognosis and Staging of Breast Cancer
    27 Molecular Biomarkers for Breast Cancer Prognosis
    28 Examining Domestic and International Disparities in Breast Cancer Screening, Treatment, and Outcomes
    SECTION VIII Surgical Techniques of the Breast
    29 Management of Lobular Neoplasia and Ductal Carcinoma In Situ
    30 General Principles of Mastectomy: From Halsted Radical Mastectomy and Modified Radical Mastectomy to Total (Simple) Mastectomy
    31 Breast Conservation Therapy for Invasive Breast Cancer
    32 Intraoperative Evaluation of Surgical Margins in Breast-Conserving Therapy
    33 Lymphatic Mapping and Sentinel Lymphadenectomy for Breast Cancer
    34 Lymphatic Mapping and Targeted Axillary Dissection Procedure After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
    35 Therapeutic Value of Axillary Node Dissection
    36 Lymphedema Prevention and Treatment: Axillary Reverse Mapping, LYMPHA, Lymph Node Transfer, and Other Surgical Techniques
    37 Wound Care and Complications of Mastectomy
    38 Pain Management of the Breast Cancer Surgery Patient
    SECTION IX Oncoplastic Breast Surgery and Reconstruction
    39 Optimizing Cosmetic Outcomes for Breast Surgery
    40 Upper Hemisphere Oncoplastic Surgery
    41 Oncoplastic Techniques for the Lower Hemisphere of the Breast
    42 Oncoplastic Breast Reconstruction: Extreme Oncoplasty and Split Reduction Techniques
    43 Nipple Skin-Sparing Mastectomy
    44 Breast Reconstruction
    SECTION X Adjuvant Therapy for Stages 0, I, and II Breast Cancer
    45 Radiotherapy and Regional Nodes
    46 Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy
    47 Breast-Conserving Therapy for Invasive Breast Cancers
    48 Partial Breast Irradiation: Accelerated and Intraoperative
    49 Radiation Complications and Their Management
    50 Radiation Therapy for Locally Advanced Breast Cancer: Historical Review to Current Approaches
    51 Systemic Therapy of Hormone-Sensitive HER2-Negative Breast Cancer: Adjuvant and Neoadjuvant
    52 Adjuvant and Neoadjuvant Systemic Therapies for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
    53 Adjuvant and Neoadjuvant HER2 Therapy
    SECTION XI Management of Advanced Local, Regional, and Systemic Disease
    54 Surgical Procedures for Advanced Local and Regional Malignancies of the Breast
    55 Management of the Intact Breast Primary in the Setting of Metastatic Disease
    56 Locoregional Recurrence of Breast Cancer
    57 Locally Advanced and Inflammatory Breast Cancer
    58 Clinical Implications of Occult Systemic Micrometastatic Breast Cancer
    59 Management of Breast Cancer Solitary Metastases
    60 Management of Bone Metastases in Breast Cancer
    61 Chemotherapy and HER2-Directed Therapy for Metastatic Breast Cancer
    62 Endocrine Therapy for Late-Stage and Metastatic Breast Cancer
    63 Immunological Approaches to Breast Cancer Therapy
    64 Diagnosis and Management of Pleural Metastases and Malignant Effusion in Breast Cancer
    65 Management of Central Nervous System Metastases in Breast Cancer
    SECTION XII Special Presentations of Breast Cancer
    66 Bilateral Breast Cancer
    67 Male Breast Cancer
    68 Local Recurrence, the Augmented Breast, and the Contralateral Breast
    69 Carcinoma of the Breast in Pregnancy and Lactation
    70 Unknown Primary Presenting With Axillary Lymphadenopathy
    SECTION XIII Survivorship, Follow-Up Care, and Rehabilitation of the Breast Cancer Patient
    71 Creating a Breast Cancer Survivorship Plan and Clinic
    72 General Considerations for Follow-Up
    73 Bone-Modifying Agents in Early Breast Cancer
    74 Fertility Preservation for Women With Breast Cancer
    75 Quality Measures and Performance Improvement for Breast Cancer Surgery
    76 Lymphedema in the Postsurgical Patient: Pathophysiology and Nonoperative Management
    77 Management of Menopause in Breast Cancer Survivors
    78 Rehabilitation
    79 Psychosocial Consequences and Lifestyle Interventions
  • Kirby I. Bland, MD, Professor and Chairman, Department of Surgery; Deputy Director, UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, Edward M. Copeland, MD, Emeritus Distinguished Professor, Chairman, Department of Surgery; Director of the Shands Cancer Center, Department of Surgery, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainsville, Florida, V. Suzanne Klimberg, MD, PhD, The Courtney M. Townsend, Jr., M.D. Distinguished Chair in General Surgery, Vice Chair for Administration, Professor of Surgery, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas and William J Gradishar, MD, Betsy Bramsen Professor of Breast Oncology, Professor, Department of Medicine-Hematology/Oncology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois


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