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cover image - Medicine in a Day 2: Case Presentations,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323847698
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 05-14-2024
Page Count: 560
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $43.99

Medicine in a Day 2: Case Presentations, 1st Edition

by Marcus Drake, MA, DM, FRCS (Urol), Alexander Royston, Gregory Oxenham, MB ChB, BA, Hollie Blaber, MB ChB, BSc and Berenice Aguirrezabala Armbruster, MB ChB, BSc


cover image - Medicine in a Day 2: Case Presentations,1st Edition
ISBN: 9780323847698
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 05-14-2024
Page Count: 560
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $43.99


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Aligned to current learning methods and medical exam requirements - including the new UK Medical Licensing Assessment - this invaluable collection of clinical cases will help you apply information effectively, quickly identify and fill any knowledge gaps and prepare efficiently for your exams. Prepared by a unique combination of authors - including early career stage doctors still close to what is required for exam success, expert educators and senior specialists - Medicine in a Day: Case Presentations for Medical Exams and UKMLA provides the trusted information you need most when time is short. Over 200 cases have been carefully selected to ensure comprehensive coverage – including for all the core ‘Presentations’ in the new UKMLA curriculum map – as well as to help you hone the essential problem-solving skills you need to excel on your course, in your exams and in clinical practice. Quick access summaries with each case – including the key differentials and investigations at a glance – aid rapid recall and avoids information overload. Medicine in a Day: Case Presentations for Medical Exams and UKMLA is highly effective as a stand-alone resource – but combine with the acclaimed companion volume Medicine in Day: Revision Notes for Medical Exams, Finals, UKMLA and Foundation Years and be assured you have all the prescribed UKMLA ‘presentations’ and ‘conditions’ fully covered. Medicine in a Day – the complete and effective exam preparation solution!

    • Covers 201 common presentations, including key differentials and investigations at a glance
    • Reflects the requirements of Medical Finals and covers all the core ‘Presentations’ in the new UKMLA curriculum outline
    • Succinct and easy to navigate – won’t overload you in the lead up to the exams
    • Key points summaries and consistent format throughout keep key facts front-of-mind
    • Clinical case presentations reflect current teaching and learning approaches and support development of problem-solving skills required by medical students and doctors in training
    • Questions with answers to check your understanding and aid revision
    • Written by a team that understands what is essential for success
    • The printed book comes with access to the complete eBook version, for easy anytime, anywhere access
    • The perfect study companion to Medicine in Day: Revision Notes for Medical Exams, Finals, UKMLA and Foundation Years
  • 1 Nipple Discharge
    2 Breast Tenderness
    3 Breast Lump
    4 Limb Claudication
    5 Cold, Painful, Pale, Pulseless Leg/Foot
    6 Skin Ulcer
    7 Hypertension
    8 Peripheral Oedema and Ankle Swelling
    9 Heart Murmur
    10 Palpitations
    11 Chest Pain and Pain on Inspiration,
    12 Dizziness
    13 Obesity – Outline
    14 Scarring
    15 Acute Rash
    16 Chronic Rash
    17 Skin Lesion
    18 Skin or Subcutaneous Lump
    19 Nail Abnormalities – Outline
    20 Ear and Nasal Discharge
    21 Painful Ear
    22 Hearing Loss
    23 Tinnitus
    24 Vertigo
    25 Nasal Obstruction
    26 Anosmia
    27 Epistaxis
    28 Sore Throat
    29 Hoarseness and Voice Change
    30 Diplopia and Ptosis
    31 Squint
    32 Loss of Red Reflex
    33 Flashes and Floaters in Visual Fields
    34 Eye Trauma and Foreign Object in Eye
    35 Red Eye
    36 Eye Pain and Discomfort
    37 Acute Change in or Loss of Vision
    38 Gradual Loss of Vision
    39 Facial/Periorbital Swelling
    40 Breathlessness
    41 Deteriorating Patient – Outline
    42 Shock and Low Blood Pressure
    43 Cardiorespiratory Arrest
    44 Trauma and Massive Haemorrhage
    45 Painful Swollen Leg
    46 Blackouts, Faints and Loss of Consciousness
    47 Confusion
    48 Falls
    49 Head Injury
    50 Bleeding From Upper GI Tract/Melaena
    51 Poisoning
    52 Overdose
    53 Anaphylaxis
    54 Bites and Stings
    55 Burns
    56 Laceration
    57 Snoring
    58 Weight Loss
    59 Weight Gain
    60 Neck Lump
    61 Hypercalcaemia
    62 Driving Advice
    63 Pubertal Development
    64 Loss of Libido
    65 Gynaecomastia
    66 Post-Surgical Care and Complications
    67 Acute Abdominal Pain
    68 Abdominal Distension
    69 Change in Stool Colour
    70 Abdominal Mass
    71 Bleeding from the Lower Gastrointestinal Tract
    72 Lump In Groin
    73 Perianal Symptoms
    74 Rectal Prolapse and Anal Cancer
    75 Faecal Incontinence
    76 Misplaced Nasogastric Tube and NGT Placement – Outline
    77 Swallowing Problems
    78 Decreased Appetite
    79 Food Intolerance
    80 Nausea and Vomiting
    81 Chronic Abdominal Pain
    82 Pruritis
    83 Ascites
    84 Change in Bowel Habit
    85 Constipation
    86 Diarrhoea
    87 Pallor
    88 Petechial Rash and Purpura
    89 Bruising
    90 Fever
    91 Lymphadenopathy
    92 Organomegaly
    93 Neck Pain/Stiffness
    94 Jaundice
    95 Haemoptysis
    96 Viral Exanthems
    97 Vaccination – Outline
    98 Travelling Advice
    99 Headache
    100 Fits/Seizures
    101 Speech and Language Problems
    102 Facial Weakness
    103 Memory Loss
    104 Visual Hallucinations
    105 Tremor
    106 Abnormal Involuntary Movements
    107 Facial Pain
    108 Altered Sensation, Numbness and Tingling
    109 Fasciculations
    110 Neuromuscular Weakness
    111 Unsteadiness
    112 Sleep Problems
    113 Raised Intracranial Pressure
    114 Amenorrhoea
    115 Menopausal Problems
    116 Contraception Advice – Outline
    117 Hyperemesis/Vomiting in Early Pregnancy
    118 Unwanted Pregnancy and Termination – Outline
    119 Subfertility
    120 Normal Pregnancy and Risk Assessment – Outline
    121 Substance Misuse
    122 Intrauterine Death and Miscarriage – Outline
    123 Large for Gestational Age
    124 Small for Gestational Age
    125 Reduced Foetal Movements – Outline
    126 Bleeding Antepartum
    127 Labour – Outline
    128 Complications of Labour
    129 Bleeding Post-Partum
    130 Difficulty With Breastfeeding
    131 Pain on Sexual Intercourse (Dyspareunia)
    132 Vaginal Prolapse
    133 Pelvic Pain
    134 Pelvic Mass
    135 Vulval Lump
    136 Vulval Lesion/Itch
    137 Abnormal Cervical Smear
    138 Vaginal and Urethral Discharge
    139 Genital Ulcers/Warts
    140 Prematurity – Outline
    141 Neonatal Death
    142 Well-Being Checks – Outline
    143 Infant Feeding Problems
    144 Crying Baby
    145 The Sick Child
    146 Allergies
    147 Abnormal Development/Developmental Delay
    148 Dysmorphic Child
    149 Family History of Genetic Disorder
    150 Cyanosis
    151 Limping Child
    152 Congenital Abnormality
    153 Congenital Abnormality, Biliary Atresia – Outline
    154 Learning Disability
    155 Behavioural Difficulties in Childhood
    156 Child Abuse
    157 Frailty, Immobility and Struggling to Cope at Home
    158 Bone Pain
    159 Acute and Chronic Pain Management – Outline
    160 Chronic Pain
    161 Death, Dying and End-of-Life Care
    162 Elder Abuse
    163 Mental Health Problems in Pregnancy or Postpartum
    164 Low Mood/Affective Problems
    165 Elation, Elated Mood and Pressure of Speech
    166 Auditory Hallucinations
    167 Anxiety, Phobias, OCD
    168 Somatisation/Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms
    169 Addiction
    170 Fixed Abnormal Beliefs – Outline
    171 Suicidal Thoughts and Self-Harm
    172 Threats to Harm Others
    173 Abnormal Eating or Exercising Behaviour
    174 Mental Capacity Concerns – Outline
    175 Polydipsia and Dehydration
    176 Acute Kidney Injury and Oliguria
    177 Chronic Kidney Disease
    178 Electrolyte Abnormalities – Overview Table
    179 Hyponatraemia
    180 Hyperkalaemia
    181 Investigation Results – Overview Table
    182 Stridor
    183 Wheeze
    184 Pleural Effusion
    185 Cough
    186 Acute Joint Pain
    187 Chronic Joint Pain
    188 Fatigue
    189 Muscle Pain/Myalgia
    190 Fit Notes
    191 Soft Tissue Injury/Minor Trauma
    192 Back Pain
    193 Musculoskeletal Deformity
    194 Trauma in Children
    195 Anuria and Acute or Chronic Urinary Retention
    196 Loin Pain
    197 Scrotal/Testicular Pain and/or Lump/Swelling
    198 Abnormal Urinalysis
    199 Haematuria
    200 Urinary Symptoms and Incontinence
    201 Erectile Dysfunction
  • Marcus Drake, MA, DM, FRCS (Urol), Academic Lead, Final Year, Bristol Medical School, Bristol, UK, Alexander Royston, Gregory Oxenham, MB ChB, BA, Junior ED Registrar, Palmerston North Hospital, MidCentral DHB, NZ, Hollie Blaber, MB ChB, BSc, Foundation Year Doctor, Milton Keynes University Hospital, Buckinghamshire, UK and Berenice Aguirrezabala Armbruster, MB ChB, BSc


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