cover image - Physical Examination and Health Assessment - Canadian - Binder Ready, 4th Edition
ISBN: 9780323875080
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 04-18-2023
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $95.99

Physical Examination and Health Assessment - Canadian - Binder Ready, 4th Edition

by Carolyn Jarvis, PhD, APN, CNP, Annette J. Browne, RN, PhD, FCAHS, June MacDonald-Jenkins, RN, BScN, MSc and Marian Luctkar-Flude, RN, PhD, CCSNE, FCNEI

Binder Ready

cover image - Physical Examination and Health Assessment - Canadian - Binder Ready, 4th Edition
ISBN: 9780323875080
Copyright: 2024
Publication Date: 04-18-2023
Imprint: Elsevier
List Price: $95.99
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Learn how to take a clear, logical, and holistic approach to physical examination and health assessment across the lifespan! Using easy-to-follow language, detailed illustrations, summary checklists, and new learning resources, Physical Examination & Health Assessment, 4th Canadian Edition, is the gold-standard in physical examination textbooks. This new edition reflects today’s nursing practice with a greater focus on diverse communities, evidence-informed content throughout, and new and enhanced case studies focusing on critical thinking and clinical judgement. It's easy to see why this text is #1 with Canadian nursing students!

    • Approximately 150 normal and abnormal examination photos for the nose, mouth, throat, thorax, and pediatric assessment give you a fresh perspective on these key system examinations, with cultural diversity and developmental variations.
    • Social determinants of health considerations cover the shifting landscape of Canada’s populations with strategies for integrating social, economic, and ethnocultural diversity into students’ health assessments.
    • Assessment strategies relevant to Indigenous populations, harm reduction, nutrition, and transgender persons inform practitioners on respectful, complete care.
    • Sectional colour bars segment body systems according to content — Structure and Function, Subjective Data, Objective Data, Documentation and Critical Thinking, Abnormal Findings.
    • Documentation and critical thinking sections provide real world clinical examples of specific patients and how to document assessment findings.
    • Abnormal findings tables help you recognize, sort, and describe abnormalities.
    • Separate chapter on pregnancy provides a thorough foundation for assessing the pregnant patient.
    • Developmental Considerations sections highlight content specific to infants, children, adolescents, pregnant individuals, and older adults.
    • Content covering the electronic health record, charting, and narrative recording provides examples of how to document assessment findings.
    • Two-column format distinguishes normal findings from abnormal findings and uses full-colour, step-by-step photos to clarify examination techniques and expected findings.
    • Promoting Health boxes focus on this key aspect of Canadian health care.
    • Summary checklists offer reviews of key examination steps.
    • UPDATED and UNIQUE! Case studies in every chapter — accompanied by questions, answers, and lab data — integrate chapter content to promote critical thinking, clinical judgement, and decision-making.
    • NEW! Expanded and updated information on emerging topics includes cannabis (Bill C-45); coronavirus (COVID-19); diverse populations (transgender, older adults, Indigenous peoples); elder abuse; interpersonal violence; cultural safety; human trafficking; and more.
    • UPDATED! Current, comprehensive coverage features Canadian statistics, research, references and resources, guidelines (including 2019 Canada’s Food Guide and 2020 Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines), assessment and screening tools, technologies, and more.
    • NEW! Next Generation NCLEX® (NGN) content for RN and REx-PN® content for PN include book-specific case studies on Evolve to help you prepare for the NGN-RN or REx-PN® exam.
    • NEW! Specially designed learning tools in the text and on the Evolve companion website encourage the development of critical reasoning and clinical judgement, helping you succeed on your licensure exams at both the PN and RN levels.
    • NEW! TEACH for Nurses Canadian lesson plans incorporate instructor teaching and testing resources and student learning resources for RN and PN scopes of practice, including in-class case studies reflecting RN and PN competencies for each chapter.
  • 1. Critical Thinking and Evidence-Informed Assessment
    2. Health Promotion in the Context of Health Assessment
    3. A Relational Approach to Cultural and Social Considerations in Health Assessment
    4. The Interview
    5. The Complete Health History
    6. Mental Health Assessment
    7. Substance Use and Health Assessment
    8. Interpersonal Violence Assessment and Health Assessment
    9. Assessment Techniques and the Clinical Setting
    10. General Survey, Measurement, and Vital Signs
    11. Pain Assessment
    12. Nutritional Assessment and Nursing Practice
    13. Skin, Hair, and Nails
    14. Head, Face, and Neck, Including Regional Lymphatic System
    15. Eyes
    16. Ears
    17. Nose, Mouth, and Throat
    18. Breasts and Regional Lymphatic System
    19. Thorax and Lungs
    20. Heart and Neck Vessels
    21. Peripheral Vascular System and Lymphatic System
    22. The Abdomen
    23. Anus, Rectum, and Prostate
    24. Musculo-Skeletal System
    25. Neurological System
    26. Male Genitourinary System
    27. Female Genitourinary System
    28. The Complete Health Assessment
    29. Bedside Assessment and Reporting
    30. Pregnancy
    31. Assessment of the Older Adult
    Key Laboratory Values
  • Carolyn Jarvis, PhD, APN, CNP, Professor Emerita, School of Nursing, Illinois Wesleyan University; Certified Nurse Practitioner (retired), Bloomington, Illinois, Annette J. Browne, RN, PhD, FCAHS, Professor and Distinguished University Scholar ,Associate Director, Graduate Programs School of Nursing University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC, June MacDonald-Jenkins, RN, BScN, MSc, Sr. Dean Faculty of Social and Community Services
    Principal, Lakeshore Campus
    Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
    Toronto, Ontario and Marian Luctkar-Flude, RN, PhD, CCSNE, FCNEI, Associate Professor, Reznick Scholar, Health Professions Education, Faculty of Health Sciences, Queen's University School of Nursing Kingston, Ontario, Canada
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